Final Exam Flashcards
the name of an encyclical issued by Pope Pius XI in 1937, against the Nazis
Mit brennender sorge
the name of an encyclical issued by Pope Paul VI in 1968, addressed contraception and other sexuality issues, and reiterating the Catholic Church’s traditional position on these matters.
Humanae vitae
German theologian who lived 1768-1834 and is considered the “father of modernist theology.”
Friedrich Schleiermacher
pope during WWII; served under Pius XI as Cardinal Pacelli; wrote considerable portions of Pius XI’s Mit brennender sorge.
Pius XII
a 19th c. movement within the Church of England to return to the Catholic roots of the faith; gave rise to the “Anglo-Catholic” party within Church of England.
The “Oxford Movement”
a prominent figure in the Oxford or Tractarian Movement; converted to Catholicism in 1845 and became a cardinal; one of the most prominent 19th c. English intellectuals.
John Henry Newman
19th c. German intellectual who proclaimed that “God is dead, and we have killed him”; deliberately infected himself with syphilis.
Friedrich Nietzsche
the name for the large element of German Lutheran (“Evangelical”) Church which cooperated with the Nazis in the 1930s and 1940s.
“German Church”
Took a vow of poverty, but lived wealthy lifestyle
Charity and Evangelism, not intellectual
Ignatius Loyala
Founder of the Jesuits
Obedience to church leads to salvation
Francis Xavier
Took vow to pope Wanted to convert the Turks Parish educators Established orphanages Wanted to do missionary work for Heathens (non-Christians)
Teresa of Avila
Carmelite Nun
Tried to reform from within
Didn’t wear shoes
Francis De Sales
Tried to win back the Calvinists of Geneva
Was made Bishop of Geneva
Played with children to convert the families
Went 3 years without converts
Cardinal Caraffa
Pope Paul IV
Kept Germany from being united w/ France
Cardinal Contarini
Arranged Colloquy of Ratisbom (1541)
Council of Trent
Decided official Catholic doctorines
“Roman Catholic” term comes from this
Prayer in public school
Diet of Augsburg
1548; married clergy, communion in two kinds
Peace of Augsburg
1555; whatever religion the ruler chooses, that is the religion on the people
Gives Lutherans rights, not Calvinists
Evangelical Union
1608; to uphold privileges of the Peace of Augsburg
Catholic League
1609; in response to evangelical union
First Defenestration of Prague
13 May 1618; throw imperial commissioner out of the window
Military rebellion
Begins 30 years war
30 Years War
Treaty of West Phalia ends it
Treaty of West Phalia
1648 ends the thirty years war
End of functional Christian kingdoms
Acted like Christianity didn’t matter
The Reformation
95 Theses-Treaty of West Phalia
Anti-Catholic posters posted around the city, and on Kings door
October 18, 1534; Made king anti-protestant
Colloquy of Polssy
1561; didn’t work, couldn’t compromise with Calvinism
Sparks French Wars of Religion
March 1562; Huguenots take over Catholic Churches; 30 Years
St. Michaels Massacre
Catholics massacred by Catholics
St. Bartholomew’s Massacre
August 23, 1572; Catholics killing Huguenots
Edict of Nantes
1598; toleration for protestants in France
Louis XIV fully evokes the Edict of Nantes
James IV of Scotland becomes
James I of England; suspicious of protestant even though he is protestant
Double predestination
“Remonstrance” against calvinism
Said grace depends on works, not just faith
Synod of Dort
1618-1619; defined Calvinism, went against Arminianism
English Civil War
Decleration of Breda
Charles II could come back and be king if he allowed religious freedom
First methodist conference
1st great awakening
Series of revival meetings
Transferred Methodist from British to US
2nd Great Awakening
Camp Meeting run by methodists, baptists, and others
Deism & Unitarianism
God created the world & let it go, denies divinity of Jesus Christ
Denied the trinity & divinity of Jesus Christ
French movement; emphasized how Christians don’t belong in the World
Jeannine Guyon
Francois Fenceon
German movement;
Good works, simple faith, personal experience
de-emphasizes belief of doctrines
Emphasizes work