FINAL EXAM Flashcards
good lord
What is a tritone?
Augmented 4th, diminished 5th, 6 half steps between two notes
What major mode only has a flat 7th?
Which major mode has a flat 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, and 7th?
What’s the difference between Jazz & Melodic minor?
Jazz minor has a flat 3rd ascending and descending, Melodic minor has a flat 3rd ascending, but descends in natural minor/flat 3rd, 6th, and 7th
List all 7th chords in the G major scale
Gmaj7, Am7, Bm7, Cmaj7, D7, Em7, F#m7b5
In the key of D, the chord E7 is what?
Five of five / V7/V7
In the key of F, the chord Bb7 is what?
sub-five of three / sV7/iii-7
What scale degrees make up a 7th sus4 chord?
1, 4, 5, 7
What is the D minor pentatonic scale? Just notes, not chords
D, F natural, B, A, C natural
What notes make up a Bm6 chord?
B, D, F#, G#
Which major mode has a raised 4th?
Which major mode is the equivalent to a natural minor scale?
What is the 7th scale degree called in a major scale?
Leading Tone
What is the 7th scale degree called in a minor scale?
Which major mode consists of a flat 2nd, 3rd, 6th, and 7th?
In harmonic analysis, when do you use solid arrows?
From secondary dominant to dominant OR when a chord goes from five to one
In harmonic analysis, when do you use solid brackets?
When a chord goes from the two to the five
When do you use dotted brackets in harmonic analysis?
Any time a minor 7th chord is followed by a tritone sub a half step down
When do you use dotted arrows in harmonic analysis?
For dominant chord resolution by a half step