Final Exam Flashcards
Clinical psychology
Branch of psych; assessment and treatment if mental illness, abnormal behavior and psychiatric problems
Person’s characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling and acting
4 personality framework questions
- What is the nature of humans?
- What motivates our behavior?
- What factors are important for development of personality?
- Can we change, how?
Psychodynamic approach (Freud)
Conflicting forces; unconscious influences
Physical symptoms without physical cause
Seduction theory
Mental problems due to actual sexual abuse
Three aspects of mind
- Conscious
- Preconscious
- Unconscious
Conscious mind
Current awareness
Preconscious mind
Things we can become aware of
Unconscious mind
Blocked from awareness
Blocking of Id impulses, motivated forgetting
Saying you aren’t in a current state
Logical reason to not feel a certain way
“Kicking the dog” taking it out on something else
The other person is feeling something, not you
Reaction formation
Present themselves as the opposite of they feel
Displacement to socially acceptable activity
Freud’s developmental theory
Goal: experience optimal gratification at each stage without fixation
Freud’s stages in order
- Oral stage
- Anal stage
- Phallic stage
- Latency period
- Genital stage
Oral stage
Birth to 18 months; weaning=overly dependent or hostile/outspoken
E-zone: mouth
Anal stage
18 months to 3 years; toilet training=generous/messy or stingy/neat E-zone: anus
Phallic stage
3 to 5 years, Resolving sexual identity issues Oedipal crisis: prove manhood or Electra complex: inferior/seductive
E-zone: penis/lack of one
Latency period
5 to puberty, repressed libido and displacement to other activities
Genital stage
Remainder of life, sexual urges towards others, drive towards love and generation
Criticisms if Freud’s theory
- Not scientific
- Vague and unstable
- Culturally bound
Positive regard
Sense of being loved
Conditional positive regard
You are only loved and excepted if you….
Use defense mechanisms
Short run not long run
Unconditional positive regard
You have value and are loved despite how you behave
Separate actions from worth
Personal constructs
Beliefs about ourselves and interact with out environment
Humanistic theory
- Personal responsibility
- Present
- People can change
Cognitive social approach
- Learning is important
- People have control over responses to environment
- Have capacity to change
Positive psychology
Shares focus with humanistic view but is evidence bases
Eclectic view
Mix of all theories
Self-serving bias
Readiness to perceive oneself favorably
How to define abnormal behavior
- Clinically significant-warrant professional help
- Internal source-stems from within
- Involuntary manifestation
Factors effecting psychological disorders
- Predisposing factors-in place before disorder begins
- Precipitating causes-current stressors
- Maintaining causes-rewards(attention)
Specific item, situation or though
Vague unspecified generalized fears or future fears
Generalized anxiety disorder
GAD eggs greater worry and tension. Anticipate disaster
Intense irrational fear of specific objects
Obsessive compulsive disorder
OCD recurrent thought impulses or images
Reoccurring episodes of depression and mania with normal moods in between
Less severe mania
Less severe depression
Less severe bipolar disorder
Break from reality
Symptoms of schizophrenia
Delusions of control, grandeur, reference, and persecution
Seeing and hearing things that are not there
Disordered thoughts
Unusual associations
Subtypes of schizophrenia
Paranoid and disorganized
Paranoid type
Delusions of persecution
Well-organized delusions
Not the violent type
Disorganized type
Speech disorganization (word salad) Poorly developed delusions Not the violent type
Catatonic schizophrenia
Motor symptoms; hold same position normal people can’t
Undifferentiated schizophrenia
For people who don’t fit into the other categories
Personality disorders
Stable, long-term, extreme personality characteristics, and impair functioning and/or social relationships, non-treatable
Cluster A: Odd–eccentric personality disorders
Paranoid, schizoid and schizotypal
Cluster B: dramatic-emotional
Antisocial, borderline, histrionic, narcissistic
Antisocial personality disorder
(Psychopath) appear charming have no remorse or feelings of responsibility for their actions don’t learn from punishment and are the dangerous type
Borderline personality disorder
The woman version of antisocial personality disorder
Clingy to others overly possessive short-term stormy relationships
Cluster C: anxious-fearful personality disorders
Avoidant, dependent, obsessive-compulsive
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
Rigid behavior perfectionists dogmatic and emotionally blocked
Counter conditioning
Exposure therapy; flooding