Final Exam Flashcards
Who were the guest workers in Germany?
Turks, Italians, and the Portuguese
who were part of the Bracero Program in the US
Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, and Jamaicans
what would be the “perfect immigrant”
after finishing their contract they leave
Why was there the Guest Worker program in Germany?
due to Post-War labor shortages
what does Gastarbeiter mean ?
recruitment of foreign workers
what are the impacts and the legacy of the guest workers program?
-economic contribution
- social integration challenges
- permanent settlement
- influence on immigration policy
Where does the term Bracero come from?
It comes from the the word Brazos, meaning arms
What was the Bracero Program of 1943
- The state acted as a Padrone system
- Went from state control to private decisions
- Deportation became the new form of punishment
How were workers organized in Europe?
- European Unions protected guest workers
How were workers organized in the US?
- Cesar Chavez and the National Farm Workers Association
- Organized workers were in California, Texas, Arizona and Florida
- US Unions against guest workers
What was the Live-In Caregiver Program (1992-2019)
- attracted mainly Filipino Women
- Euphemism for domestic servants for wealthy families
- program was replaced for home child care provider and home support workers
- problematic program as gov cannot exercise control in private households
Why do workers accept these kind of jobs?
- effects of globalization and structural reforms
- labour and immigration is a permanent issue
- in the case of Canada: the reward of a permanent resident visa
Problems for workers accepting these kind of jobs?
- language barriers, expensive cost, living in distant places
- declined applications delays family reunification
- early termination of contract puts workers in limbo
Why were guest workers the perfect migrants?
- growing hostility to millions who moved
- labor organizations opposed importation of contract workers who would likely “break strikes, depress conditions, and work for lower wages”
- undermine national identity and racial purity
- temporary labor schemes were state brokered compromises to maintain high levels of migration, while being anti immigration
- bound as indentured servants, but could be disciplined with deportation
- states would receive ready workers without having to integrate them into society
- cheap labor, little responsibility
what was the origins of guest worker programs?
- began in the 1880s and continued until the Great Depression
- temporary labor schemes represented collaborative efforts on the part of state-builders and employers to provide a stable workforce to developing countries
- labor shortage in Prussia due to rapid commercialization, mechanization and consolidation of farms into large holdings
- polarization of the region led to changes
-deported 40,000 poles
Why did countries rely on guest workers?
- labor shortages, and cheap labor in which they did not have to integrate these people into their society
which were the sending and receiving countries of the guest worker trade?
-Prussia (germany) and Polish
- Mozambique and South Africa (Natal British)
- France importing North Africans, indochinese, Madagascar and Chinese during the war, including Iberian and Italian workers
-US and Mexico, Canada, Puerto Rico, West Indies
What do economic growth and government policies produce in peoples mobility?
- Economic growth or booming industries would have created a need for labor
- Governments could also utilize this labor to create economic growth
- Policies in place by many countries did so in a way to keep guest workers away from “real citizens”
How were guest workers organized?
- bilateral agreements to regulate flow of immigrants (Bracero program and agreements between U.S. and Mexico)
- Visa programs (H-2A and H-2B) enter the country temporarily
- Regulations put out by the government
What was the role of unions towards the guest workers programs?
- Unions played a role in Germany negotiating terms of Gastarbeiter
- exclusionary practices on the part of existing labor unions in countries to protect workers
what was the Bracero Program?
allowed Mexican labourers to work temporarily in the United States, employed to work in agriculture and railroad construction
- exploitation and poor treatment of some workers, deportation, lower wages, discrimination
Who controlled the Bracero?
federally run labor supply system
- U.S. officials were responsible for the care of Mexican and West Indian vistitors
- between 1942-1947 the feds role was scaled back, did everything but employ and pay workers
- living conditions in certain regions deteriorated
- left power to repatriate workers in hands of employers
what organizations or industries had guest workers in the bracero program?
- agricultural employers
- railroad companies for maintenance
- involved sugar cane harvesting
Did guest workers have the right to collective bargain?
they did not in the bracero program, it did not extend labor rights to form unions, left those braceros vulernable to exploitation
what was the origin of Filipinos workers to the US?
- American colonial power in the Philippines until late 1960s
- followed US colonial economic, political and military interests
- ## early 1900s filipino farmers traveled to Hawaii and Guam as fruit pickers for American west coast
Why does Filipinos migration make an important case study?
- skills and experience acquired by construction workers held them in good stead to promote filipino entry into expanding international opportunities
- led to filipino corporate involvement in American military and business interests
- international commodity
What is the meaning of drain brain?
recruitment of professional filipinos, medical workers seeking to work semi-permanent or permanently in the United States
What is the explanation of de-skilling?
working in fields in which you are overeducated for. Philippine women are employed are overeducated in forms of employment they take on overseas and results in a de skilling and loss of human capital from philippine domestic labour markets
what were the main fields involved in the brain drain?
psyhsians, surgeons, dentists, pharmacists, dieticians, nutritionists, veterinarians, nurses especially
what were the policies the Philippines government applies to balance the movement of workers?
bilateral agreement with the US requiring that exchange visitor program be amended so that specialists in skill deficit areas would not get an extension of their visa after have been a foreign resident in the United States for 2 years
what is the role of philippine’s women in the migration process?
- greater employment opportunities in the cities resulted in rural-to-urban migration
- females able to move into sectors that were not previously accessible
- indicates women have adopted more overtly important economic and income generating roles in philippine households
What changes have happened in postcolonial migration?
- studies give account the feminization of migration
- change in production scope from industry to service
- women labour become central in process of immigration
Neoliberalism and the globalized labour market changes
- shift in the production process
- production from central countries to periphery
- Global north: services
- global south: industrialization with precarious labour conditions
- migration of highly skilled workers
what is the POEA?
Philippine Overseas Employment administration, promote and monitor the overseas employment of filipino workers
what are some factors of the new geography of migration?
- translocal, transregional, and transcultural
- integral component of broader socio-economic transformation processes
- diversification strategy
- asian countries became labour brokers
- development is tied to income of remittances from migrant workers
why import African slaves to work?
- epidemics devastated indigenous slaves
- indigenous slaves were complicated
- high mortality
- low productivity
- resistant
- found to be 1/3 as productive as africans