Final Exam Flashcards
When did Tom go into full time professional practice?
Birth of Tom Bowen
Where was he born?
What are the names of the 6 people he taught
When was the first Bowen therapy association formed? And we’re?
South Australia
List 4 reasons for being an association member
- Insurance
- Training
- Advertising
- Kept up to date with latest information, research etc
3 reasons for using a case card
- Collects medical history
- Used to find out current issues with the client
- Treatment plan
What does term palpating mean?
Exploration using the sensation of touch
5 stages of classic Bowen move
- Locate the point
- Draw the slack
- Apply the challenge
- Do the Bowen move
- Release the point
What is fascia?
Fascia is the connective tissue which creates the immediate environment of every cell in the body, wrapping and uniting structures with its moist, fibrous, covering sheets and strands
What is thixotropy
Means that something becomes more fluid when it is stored up and more solid when it is left without being disturbed
What is ground substance
The liquid medium which the other body fluid pass through to enter and leave the cell.Consistency of egg whites
Pre requisits for pelvic procedure
Lumbar activators All lower back moves TFL and ITB Sacral moves hamstring moves
Pre requisits for shoulder move
Thoracic activators
Neck moves
When applying sacral moves what muscles are we working?
Glut max
Glut med
Indications of sacral move
- Lower back problems not resolved with Normal lower back moves
- SI joint pain
- Sciatic
- During pregnancy
- Other unresolved hip pain