Final Exam Flashcards
What is the cosmological argument?
The existence of the universe requires a maker, it all has a cause since all else has a physical cause
What is the teleological argument?
A feature of the universe, natural laws, a mind behind it, intelligent design theory
What is the anthropic princepal?
Comes from intelligent design theory, universe seems to be based on math mathematical theory of universe and evolution of Homo sapiens.
What is the ontological argument?
The idea of god requires he exist, either in the imagination or reality, therefor if he only exists in the imagination therefor he must exist
What is the problem of evil? Logical/Evidential
Logical/Evidential. Logical is that if god is omnipotent he would do something about evil but free will explains this. Evidential is that why doesn’t god interfere
What is projection theory?
That we made god to fit in our image
What is exclusivism?
Those who view their religion as the only truth
What is inclusivism?
Humans everywhere may have potential revelations but final revelation is my religions
What is pluralism?
All religions are responses to transcendent golden rule of religion
What is free will theory?
In order to be morally responsible I have to have metaphysical freedom
What is soft determinism?
All events are determined we are morally responsible of our actions in the cases are have circumstantial freedom to do it
What is hard determinism?
In modern science it’s taken over domains of thinking, there is no moral responsibility, we can talk about morality and punish people its always just to redirect behavior
What is circumstantial freedom?
Refers to the degree you are personally free, what our circumstances allow, changes per person, context in which you are born
What is contracausal freedom?
You could of done otherwise, making a choice of following duty or desires
What is methodic doubt?
All teachings to this time can be doubted
What does cogito ergo sum mean?
Descartes; I think therefor I am
What does esse est percipe mean?
Berkeley; To be is to be perceived
What is falsifibility?
By falsifying hypothesis and never actually proving something, things have to be falsifiable
What is immortality of the soul?
In Christian faith through Catholic Church continued existence of the soul
What is ressurection of the body?
No immortal soul, we die then we enter sleep then one day we are resurrected to heaven, Protestants
What is reincarnation?
If you live well you will be reborn into a higher being in the next life
What is biblical inerrancy?
The bible contains no significant logical errors, nothing is inconsistent, no historical or moral errors (Protestant)
What is the historical-critical method?
The bible has errors, Old Testament has moral mistakes
What is the cosmogenic myth?
Hundreds of creation stories, can the bible be the only right one?
What is a paradigm?
A working model for a scientific investigation for a specific time
What is creationism?
Theory that the biblical account is correct, the world is no older than 20,000 years, there is no specialization, all created at beginning
What is theistic evolution?
Combination of evolution and creationism, god causes big bang, directed evolutionary process, intelligent design theory
What is evolution?
The universe is billions of years old, deep time, speciation, survival of the fittest, natural selection, catastrophes speed it up
What is irreducible complexity?
‘Mouse trap’ what would you do if something was missing a part, evolution couldn’t of been so gradual, god must’ve helped, directed evolution
Argued on that god exists, god allowed evil to exist so good can come from it, does it require first mover, cannot go infinitely
Watch maker, intelligent design
Spoke of personal idea, that we link up to perceptions that there is no soul or self
19th century Danish philosopher, wrote on how one becomes Christian, spoke on how you have to have a leap of faith to believe in god
Believed in pluralism and that all religions lead to god.
Wanted to start over like Descartes, he turned his attention to natural observation of the universe and the inductive methods. Discussed the idols of the mind.
God is dead, we encourage pity, have killed projected human belief in god
Myth of the cave
Wrote about the Chaplin trying to convince the dying person of heaven and an afterlife
Spoke about the steam roller, being tortured by the mad scientist, and bike riding, swapping brains and so forth
A physicist and philosopher at MIT, 2 fold why so few women in sciences and what is the idea of objectivity
Methodic doubt, trying to find what is absolutely true, doubts senses
Spoke of personal identity that our soul exists because we think
Top scientific philosopher, who gets credit for the discovery of oxygen?
20th century philosopher discovery does not matter but justification does, principal of falsifiability, order of discovery
Spoke about phenomenalism and consistency of experience
What seperates us from apes? Intelliegence and something else. Survival of the fittest.
Every religion has important items and attempt at a transcendent dimension
“And thus we may be able…that inhibit it.” “For a sense of consciousness always accompanies thinking..”
“That is in other words….to these different perception.”
Spoke on Atheism
These three spoke on evolution and creationism
Dembski, Orr, Dennett