Final Exam Flashcards
Reasons to dismiss a child
- The disability no longer affects academics
- Student’s lack of motivation and participation prevents progress towards meeting goals
- Progress has plateaued
- Students has met all goals
- Health issues
Least Restrictive Environment
- Children with disabilities are educated with typical peers to the maximum extent appropriate
- Provide nonacademic and extracurricular services and activities to provide children with equal opportunity for participation
Office of Special Education Program
Free Appropriate Public Education
Least Restrictive Environment
Individualized Education Program
Evidence Based Practice
No Child Left Behind Act
Individuals with Disabilities Act
Speech Language Specialist
Response to Intervention
1975 Education for all Handicapped Children Act
- Birthplace of IEP, FAPE, LRE, timelines for evaluations, child find, due process, and procedural safe guards
**Later renamed IDEA in 1990
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
- Individualized assessment, instruction, and education programs
- Decisions are made by a multidisciplinary team
- Addresses students’ individual learning needs
No Child Left Behind Act
- Mandated for increased accountability for all states and school districts
- For ALL children
- Allowed more flexibility of federal funds usage
- Provided greater choices for parents and students
- Adequate yearly progress (test scores, attendance, graduation)
*doesn’t line up with IDEA
- IDEA: more individualized, IEP’s and individualized decisions
- NCLB: group entitlement (all children will read at grade level), all children must progress at the same rate and achieve the same outcomes ( valued statewide test scores)
IDE Improvement Act
Tries to line up IDEA and NCLB
- Identification meeting 20 days from date the referral is received (counts day 1)
- Evaluations completed within 90 days
- Parent copy of report 10 days before eligibility meeting
- Annual review 1x year of last IEP
- Re-eval every 3 years and must be completed within 60 days
Child Study Team
- Social worker
- School psychologist
- Learning Consultant (LDT-C)
*SLP not on every case
ESLS criteria (eligible for speech and language services)
- Articulation
-Delayed based upon the Iowa-Nebraska norms
-Norms state at what age 90% of the population have mastered a specific phoneme (one or more sound errors)
*Speech pattern is unrelated to dialect, cultural differences or the influence of a foreign language, which adversely affects educational performance - Fluency
-Dysfluent 5% of the time or more
-Doesn’t have to be on standardized test → can be done as an observation - Voice
-Before you can treat voice disorder – need a script from the ENT to make sure nothing structural is involved
IEP Eligibility
- Disability according to one of the eligibility categories
- Adversely affect the student’s educational performance
- Must be in need of special education and related services
-SLP, OT, PT, Aide, Behaviorist, Social Skills, Counseling
IEP: Autism
Requires SLP exam and neurodevelopment pediatrician
IEP: Specific Learning Disability
- Reading, writing, listening, math, etc
- Cannot be caused by other things (visual, emotional, cognitive, hearing, etc)