Final Exam Flashcards
Emerging Adulthood?
Is a separate period; role transitions are consistent across cultures, erikson’s young adult stage of intimacy vs isolation is distinct from adolescence and middle adulthood
Fluid Intelligence
the abilities that make you a flexible and adaptive thinker, that allow you to make inferences, and that enable you to understand the relations among concepts
Crystallized Intelligence
knowledge acquired through life experience and education in a particular culture
Postformal Thought
a recognition that truth may vary from situation to situation, that solutions must be realistic to be reasonable, that ambiguity and contradiction are the rule rather than the exception, and that emotion and subjective factors usually play roles in thinking
Criticisms of Piaget
Development occurs beyond childhood
Crystallized Intelligence
Knowledge that people acquire through life experience and education in a particular culture
Changes in Intellectual Functioning over Adulthood
Learning becomes more difficult; fluid intelligence declines, crystallized intelligence increases
Criticism of Piaget
Cognitive development continues beyond adolescence
Life Story
Personal narrative that organizes past events into a coherent sequence
Possible Selves
what we could become, what we would like to become, and what we are afraid of becoming.
Expectations about the future
Stages of Adult Friendship
Acquaintanceship, buildup, continuation, deterioration, and ending
Cross-Sex Friendships
Beneficial, especially for men (lower dating anxiety, increase capacity for intimacy). May/often results in jealousy from romantic partners
Female Friendships
Tend to be based on more intimate and emotional sharing and use friendship as a means to confide in oters
Male Friendships
Tend to be based on shared activities/interests and are often less intimate. Small, close group
Divorce’s Effect on Development
Both partners feel deeply disappointed, misunderstood, and rejected, and suffer negative health consequences.
Sternberg’s Theory of Love
Three components to love: Intimacy (Liking), Passion (Infatuation), and Commitment (Empty love). Early in a relationship, passion is high, rest tend to be low. Passion starts to fade; relationship either acquires intimacy or ends. Long-term, intimacy/passion decrease, commitment increases
Factors That Influence Career Choice
Holland’s personality type theory (investigative, social, realistic, artistic, conventional, and enterprising); career construction theory (CCT), people build careers through their own actions that result from the interface of their personal characteristics and the social context; social cognitive career theory (SCCT), career choice is heavily influenced by one’s interests
Gender Differences In Workplace
Women who are successful in nontraditional jobs tend to be viewed negatively compared with similarly successful men, men are respected more than women for doing the same job, women in traditional careers are seen as more attractive
a woman’s transition from her reproductive to nonreproductive years
the time of transition from regular menstruation to menopause (decrease in estrogen/progesterone, changes in reproductive organs/sexual functioning)
the point at which menstruation stops
Differences in Thinking Between Young and Middle Adulthood
young adults, as they become middle adults, adopt postformal thinking, which is more flexible and multifaceted and accounts for emotion. As adults grow older, memory/reaction time/fluid intelligence decreases, while crystallized intelligence increases
Changes in Personality over Adulthood
With age, personality adjustment (developmental changes in terms of their adaptive value and functionality such as whether one can function effectively within society and how personality contributes to everyday life running smoothly) increases, while personality growth (ideal end states such as increased self-transcendence, wisdom, and integrity) remains stable or declines. personality is less likely to change after 30, but still can
Changes in Family Relationships in Middle Adulthood
Can develop a more friend-like relationship with parents; parents may become dependent on child