Final Exam Flashcards
Internal body temp regulated despite enviormental temp. changes
Short therm 7-14 days
warm up low and slow
body is overheating
cool down fast
takes longer almost a year
Bodies thermostat in brain
Anterior hypothatlamus
Sex differences in sweat glands
men and women
and more sweat per gland
women have more glands than men but they produce less sweat per gland
men have less glands but more sweat per gland
Treatment for hypothermia and hypothemia
warm them up low and slow
Partial Pressure of O2 will
decrease when getting to higher altitude
%O2 in the air when going to higher altitude will
stays the same
Barometric Pressure will
decrease when getting to a higher altitude
VO2 at altitude will…
Decrease within indiviudals VO2 and VO2max as we go higher in altitude
Drops 8-11% per 1,000 m ascent
Thinner air (at higher altitudes) =
less air resistance
making throwing a ball faster
Hematocrit changes
percentage of red blood cells compared to blood sample
women tend to have lower while men will have higher
When you go to higher altitude places your hemacrit will
will go up when there is a decrease in plasma volume when exposed to altitude
Q angle
women have an increased Q angle than men because they have a wider pelvis
Higher risk for athletes when there is jumping and landing with an increased Q angle
Weight bearing exercises/Resistance Training
maintains bone mineral density regardless of sex
tend to see women lose bone marrow density
but resistance training will slow that down
Women are at higher risk for
Trasngender U.S. hormone therapy
gender hormone therapy can change your performance
Seen over 2+ years
Mentstral Cycle causes
A change within womens hormones
Why are women under represented in research?
men have more stable hormones than women
Women have fluctuating hormones
Follicular Based Training
Is there merit within the research
More volume and intensity has been shown to be appropraite during the follicular phase of menstraul cycle
Researchers found better lean body mass gains in the increase of workouts during that follicular phase
Performance in women during menstral cycle
havent seen any changes in performance
Pregnancy also an expert talk on it
very under represented
avoid increasing intensity darastically and if you are increasing it increase it slowly
listen to body
stay active if can
Improvement risk of falling
benefits outweigh risk when exercise is properly conducted
Why are children’s economy of effort worse than adults?
children are spases, cant move body as well, a childs stride is shorter
adults have a longer stride length
Physiological Differences between size of individuals
Stroke volume
Heart rate
Lung function
Stroke Volume will be lower in children
Lung Function - total capacity will be smaller in children (think about size of organs)
Heart rate in kids is faster because heart is smaller
Safe yes
Benefits yes
children improve strength on nueral adaptations improvement side, but do not put on a bunch of weight
Teens and Adults - motor unit recruit will increase in first few session or year (beginner gains)
Healthy Aging
Bone Mineral Content …….
Bone Resorption greater than bone synthesis due to lack of weight bearing exercises
Decrease in size of # muscles fibers and decrease in content of muscle fibers
less physcically active as older which will make them lose body mass and body size
Size and number of muscle fibers ……… with age
As we age we will be losing
As we age we lose skeletal muscle size and fiber
Resistance training reduces
muscle atrophy and increases muscle cross sectional area
bone marrow density will
Bone resorption rates will be exceeding the bone sythesis rate
bone marrow density will decrease with age
resistance training is good to slow this down
Maximal stroke volume will ……
decrease with age and decrease in contractility ( stretchiness of heart muscle)( house more blood when you have a lot of stretchiness)
Maximal Heart rate as we age
max heart rate will go down as we age
220- age = Max Heart Rate
VO2 Max
Vo2 max is at its peak while your age 20-30
still remain active
In active adults 5- 6 % decline per decade
3.6% decline over 25 years in elite athletes
15% decline per decade in previously active adults
two certification
ACSM - CEP - Clinical Exercise Physiologist (CEP)
NSCA - CSCS sthlete
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS)
tactical strength and conditioning Facilitator
For tactical performance Firefighters or law enforcement
What is the best treatment for heat exhaustion/heat stroke?
Cool the individual down quickly
What is the best treatment of treating hypothermia?
Warm the individual up gradually
Does surface area affect heat loss? Think kids vs. adults
Frostbite is a result of
Excess vasconstriction -> lack of O2/nutrients -> tissue death
What happens to the muscle function as our core body temperature decreases?
Muscle Function Decreases
From the A.S.I.S. to the patella, if there is an increased ……. which can lead to an increased risk of ACL injury.
Q angle
Why would exercising a cancer patient be a good idea?
Helps offset/alleviate cancer treatment related toxicities
Why are women underrepresented in sports scinece research?
Women have more variables to consider including hormones with mentstrual cycle
Is there a potential merit for follicular based training (increasing volume/intensity during follicular phase?)
Proper and appropraite exercise is encouraged in pregnant individuals
Are children putting tons of muscle mass or is it neural adaptations?
Neural adaptations
Teenaged muscle mass will change. The motor unit recruitments will ……. In the first couple of months
(A-VO2 diff) Capillaries are where the -
exchange of oxygen occurs within the arterial side (high o2) and venous side (lower o2) to our tissues
Metabolic and Lung Function as we age will…..
decrease within aging
unless we encorporate exercise on a regular basis
Bone Mineral Density can be….
improved by exercise or physical activity
Bone synthesis is
bone formation
bone resorption is
dissolving of the bone mineral and breaking down the matrix occurs