Final Exam Flashcards
eustress leads to
a positive change
distress leads to
a negative change
Stress Adaptation Syndrome describes how….
describes how stressors alter function and/or performance
▪ consists of alarm, resistance and/or exhaustion phases
Fitness improves the resistance phase also known as the ___________ phase
Response to exercise depends on ___________, ____________
genetics, nutrition
How long until habituation to training load occurs?
occurs in 2-3 weeks
Training must be ___________ for further adaptations
Overexercise may cause ______________ ________
overtraining syndromes
Training load is a product of what 4 aspects? Hint: FITT
Frequency, intensity, time and type (FITT)
distress causing no adaptation
eustress causing adaptation
distress inducing maladaptation
What is the Dose-Response Curve
Exercise is medicine concept.
quantifies relationship between training load and training effect
▪ has Threshold, Linear and Asymptote (saturation) phases
* corresponds to Underload, Overload and Over-Exercise
A ______ is seen in sensitivity to training as you approach your genetic ceiling
Training load must be continually _________
Training load is continually progressed to avoid ___________
What is reversibility of training?
▪ removal of overload reverses training effect (detraining)
▪ the fitter you are the faster you lose fitness
▪ but high fitness does mean it takes longer to detrain
What is maintenance of training?
▪ easier to maintain fitness than to attain or retrain fitness
▪ ~ half the training volume if intensity is same
▪ there is no such thing as fitness memory
▪ fitness ↓ with inactivity; recovery rate = attainment rate
Inactivity versus aging effects on fitness
▪ bed rest studies reveal debilitating effect of inactivity on health
▪ on both cardiovascular fitness & muscle function ↓ (despite fiber type ▲)
▪ extended inactivity worse than ageing ? (3 weeks = 30 yrs?)
Reversibility and retraining on fitness
▪ fitness recovery always has same ½ time for recovery (~ 2 weeks)
▪ it will return with same rate as when you started training
▪ but the sooner you restart the sooner you get it back
Does strength or cardiovascular gain reverses slower/recover more rapidly?
Strength gains
Explain individual differences when it comes to training
▪ not everyone responds same way to training due to genetics
▪ non responders ↔ low responders ↔ high responders
What is genes response to default fitness and training?
genes determine 50% of default fitness & training response
What is training specificity?
▪ you get what you train for, little more and little less
▪ applies to both environmental and exercise adaptations
How does specificity of training relate to neuromuscular performance?
▪ very specific to training stimuli
▪ including exercise type, speed and joint angle
▪ to get 100% training transfer requires that you replicate every aspect of
performance as closely as you can
Is concurrent training good for both strength and power gains?
counter productive for muscle strength and power gains
What is cross-training?
Cross-training is athletic training in sports other than the athlete’s usual sport. The goal is improving overall performance. It takes advantage of the particular effectiveness of one training method to negate the shortcomings of another.
Cardiorespiratory endurance is a function of several indices…..
▪ VO2 Max, lactate threshold, economy of movement
▪ VO2 Max adapts quickly, other indices adapt more slowly
How does trainability differ among CRE?
▪ central and peripheral adaptations → VO2 Max
▪ peripheral adaptations → lactate threshold
▪ economy of movement is a neuromuscular “skill”?
* LT most important (recall synergistic effect of training)?
What is optimal training prescription for CRE?
▪ a moving target but intensity is most important variable!
▪ training effect proportional to training intensity
Optimal training for general population ______ from athletes!
Competitive athletes require _______ training intensity
Continuous CRE training provides:
Discontinuous (Fartlek, interval) provides:
_______ is the most important training variable!
Is sprint interval training an effective method of aerobic training?
▪ provides performance benefit via peripheral adaptations
What is the main goal of progressive resistance training?
▪ main goal is to ↑ strength or size but many health benefits accrued
Training ______ determines optimal prescription
Specificity! Where you train on the _______ ___________ ________ determines outcome.
strength endurance continuum
Training at high % 1 RM =
increase in strength best