Final Exam Flashcards
What are the five pillars of epistemology
Experience, Holy Spirit, Scripture, Tradition, Reason.
By pendulum swing we mean…
Swing between Scripture and Tradition
Very early Christian worship and gathering was structured around the practice of the?
The Didache was?
-Dated to the 1st century
-teaching from the disciples for church
*16 chapters
*Virtuous way of life
*The Lord’s Prayer in its full current version
*Instructions for fasting
*Some church organization
*Instructions for baptism
*Refence to Abortion
Councils and Synods are the same thing?
-Councils are legally conviened assemblies of ecclesiastical dignitaries and theological experts for the purpose of discussing and regulating matters of church doctrine and discipline.
-Synods are held locally, within various regions of the world, to deal with local disciplinary issues. Discuss byt nor resolve
The first empire-wide persecution was:
Decius (249–251)
The “lapsi” are:
Those who compromised and renounced their faith to avoid persecution
Constantine made Christianity legal by the Edict of Milan in the year:
313 CE
In the late fourth century, there was concern about music in worship because:
Pagan influence
Sensuality of the arts
Certain instruments forbidden
All 27 books of the New Testament were finally agreed on by:
All 27 NT books – finally confirmed by councils of Hippo (393 CE) and Carthage (397 CE)
An important issue discussed at the Council of Nicaea in the early 4th century was:
*Consubstantial unity
*Date of Easter
*Supress the Melitian sect
*Did address the Trinity, the
biblical Canon
An important issue discussed at the Council of Nicaea in the late 9th century was:
Veneration and Adoration
Monasticism was about:
Perfection and Maryrtdom
Apostolic succession was:
The idea that all the popes succeed from Peter, who was given the keys to heaven and hell
Christendom is:
The “Christian world”
*where Christianity dominates
imperium (political authority)
Sacerdotium (church authority)
Studium (intellectual authority )
Liturgy is best defined as:
-to edify the congregation
-a form or formulary according to which public religious worship, especially Christian worship, is conducted
-what the people do
The Eastern Orthodox cross has this characteristic:
The sign above Jesus and the cross on the bottom, where he is standing (focuses on the victory of Jesus,
not suffering)
The most correct order of the church year is:
The Church Year
*Advent – 4 Sundays
*Christmas – 12 days
*Epiphany – Mission
*Shrove Tuesday
*Lent – Ash Wednesday
*Passion days
-Palm Sunday
-Maundy Thursday
-Good Friday
The four-fold model of worship is:
-Service of the Word
-Service of the Table
-Sending out/Dismissa
The Great Schism of the 11th century was between:
-The East and the West
-Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox
The term “filioque” relates to:
“and the Son” at the end of the Nicene creed, added by the Catholic pope without the calling of a council
A Papal Bull is:
Public Decree that the Pope uses, and when he does, he is supposedly infallible. (edict)
The Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic churches both believe this about the infallibility of the
They are equal authority, bit rome wanted to be more equal
The Crusades around the 11th to 14th centuries CE were:
to kick the Muslim “infidels” out of the Holy Land
-Officially sanctioned war efforts
The first major Crusade was in the year:
1096 CE
Frederick Barbarossa’s crusade:
-Well Organized
-Drowned before he got to the Holy Land
Key cities in the crusades:
Jerusalem, Constantinople, Acre, Antioch, Edessa, Zara
What are the seven sacraments?
- Eucharist
- Baptism
- Confirmation
- Reconciliation (confession, penance)
- Anointing of the sick (unction)
- Orders (Ordination)
- Marriage
The Waldensians (late 12th century) did not reject:
Personal choice faith, rebaptism, Lord’s supper (once a year), foot-washing
Medieval church buildings tended to emphasize:
transcendence of God
The simple meaning of sacrament
means of grace
In the Orthodox Church, the sanctuary is:
part of eternity
The issues that contributed to the Protestant Reformation:
Simony (paying to be a priest)
Greed and scandal
Martin Luther posted his “95 theses” on the church door in:
Wittenberg, October 31, 1517
Zwingli was opposed to:
-The mass
-Any real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist
-Music and Icons in the church
-Celibacy and fasting
John Calvin wrote:
Institutes of Christian Religion
Henry VIII separated the Church of England from Rome because:
He wanted to divorce his wife becuase she did not give him a son
The King James Bible was translated in which decade?
Anabaptist literally means:
“One who baptizes again”
Which group believes in no visible ordinance or sacrament
Many believe the age of Reason began with this person:
The Regulative Principle proposes that:
Only practices prescribed in scripture could be used.
The Great Awakening is associated with the following leader:
Wesley, Whitfield
Which of the following was part of the camp meeting service?
Prayer, praise, fervent preaching, the harvest.
The age of reason resulted in which of the following in the church?
The Azuza Street revival was about:
Diversity, pentecostal movement
Which of the following was characteristic of Christian fundamentalism?
-Reaction to liberalism and modernist thinking
-can be militant
-Completely literal interpretation of the Bible
-Biblical inerrancy as necessary
-Rejected evolution and most science
-Connected with religious extremism
Dispensationalism is connected with:
Evangelicalism(?)/ Latter Rain Movement
The free church movement believed strongly in:
Autonomy (of the local church)
The praise and worship movement
-emerged in the 60s-70s about the Jesus Movement
-desire for intimacy with God and community
-Characteristics (music was dead, desire for intimacy with God, undoes some reason and enlightenment, recapture Davidic movement/acts)
-distinguished praise from worship
The following was a result of Vatican II
-Described the church as “people of God”
-Gave more authority to bishops
-Affirmed scripture of salvation (academic reading)
-affirmed greater participation of laity- vernacular
-Centrality of preaching and architecture
-Congregational song encouraged
-Psalms and intercessory prayer
-Crucifix (not always)
Dispensationalism is connected with which version of the Bible?
Scofield Reference Bible (1909)
The pioneer of the 20th century seeker service model was:
Bill Hybels (1980s, Chicago)
Liturgical renewal happened among some evangelicals at the end of the 20th century
-relates both to historic renewal in liturgical
churches and to the rediscovery of liturgy
- Emphasizes symbol and ritual
- Participation oriented
Which are the “hallmarks of postmodernity”?
-Subjective truth
-Individual choice
-hunger for community
-hunger for the spiritual
According to a recent study by the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, the percentage of Canadians who claim to be evangelical is:
Hellenism is…
Greekness and Greek culture
Baptism replaced…
Montanism is…
A group of people who claimed to have charismatic power abandoned by the rest of the church. (surfacedin phygria)
Donatism is…
Emphasis on the purity of the church. Believed that clergy must be faultless.
Persian Christians and Nestorianism
Persians were being persecuted for Christianity because it was a Roman thing, so they went as far as they could the other way– Nestorianism
The Carolingians are…
A royal line (pressed for reform, new model for Christain kingship, canon law). Came out of Frace
The fall of the Byzantine Empire
Fell to Ottoman Empire (Turks),
Center shifted to Russia (became 3rd Rome)
The Pietists were…
-known as the religion of the heart
-beginning of evangelicalism
-those who stressed Gods love
Japanese Christians in the 1870s
Last anti-chrsitain edicts were lifted
Samurai class were most open to new faith
The United Church of Canada
Was formed in 1925 with Methodists, Presbyterians, and Congregationalists.
According to the Didache, Baptism was to be done
In living water (cold running water)