final exam Flashcards
“Good Neighbours”
Leanne Simpson
- Indigenous sovereignty
- Diplomacy w cohesion, diplomacy of domination
- diplomacy: A way of solving problems through shared experiences, ex feasts ceremonies
:“ reconciliation, restitution, mediation, negotiation, and maintaining sacred and political alliances between people
- interconnectedness of land, people, spirits
- Nimkiig Binesiwag: thunder birds
- Nishnaabeg: indigenous people
- place, storytelling, diplomacy, relationality, traditional knowledge, voice
“History Lesson”
Jeannette Armstrong,
- Interconnectedness
- Synecdoche: figure of speak, a term used to represent a large part or whole
- impacts of colonialism
- resiliency, strength
-reclaiming indigenous narratives
- cyclical storytelling
- voice, history, decolonization,
“An Athabasca Story”
Warren Cariou
- connection to land
- repercussion of actions
- The ordinary human struggles to live a good life
- Succumbing to their weaknesses
- our teacher, our first researcher
- when he succeeds but by chance not by kill
- name – meant to remind people of the kinship relationship with nature
- shared struggle – what it means to succumb to our weaknesses and the interdependence of all beings
Daniel Heath Justice,
- Reimagining the world of oz
- Diversion, distraction, colonial project – ooo and awes
- Scarecrow
- Foolish – road – war
Darcie Little Badger,
- Indigenous futurism – grace Dillon
- Wonderworks – Daniel heath justice
- Asexual erotic’s – przybyllo
Vivian: mom
dog: kirby
Jay:neighbor white
trevor; dead cousin
- connection to land and environment
- preservation of cultural knowledge
- spiritual and sacred sites
- identity and belonging
- environmental stewardship
- culturally continuity
- transmission of oral traditions
- connection to the land
- cultural revitalization
- cultural authenticity
- diverse perspective
- Storytelling agency
- challenging stereotypes
- awareness
- interpretation
- author (who is telling the story)
- impact
- methodology
-continuous process
- treaty negotiations
- conflict resolution and reconciliation
- advocacy and representation
- interconnectedness
- harmony with nature
- community and kinship
- ancestral connection
Traditional Knowledge
- environmental knowledge
- tradition
- healing practices
- oral tradition
- cultural preservation
- education
- personal and collective narratives
- Challenges world literature
- Connection and expression of spirituality, nature and community
- Draws from traditional knowledge/oral tradition
- Blends old and new
-exploitation and misrepresentation
- violation of intellectual property and sacredness
- erosion of cultural identity
- power imbalance
- loss of control and autonomy
- cultural autonomy
- self-governance
- preservation of indigenous knowledge and traditions
- reclaiming indigenous narratives
- revitalization
- asserting rights
-voice and representation
- preservation of heritage
- advocacy
- knowledge sharing
- solidarity
- cultural revitalization
- recognition of indigenous rights
- empowerment
- reconciliation and healing
- education and awareness
- social and political transformation
- acknowledgement of historical wrongs
- truth-telling
apology and recognition - healing and restoration
- equitable relationships
- awareness and education
- justice
- commitment to action
- human influence on enviro
- human responsibility
indigenous futurism
- lit and artistic movement focusing on the expression of indigenous voice in the context of speculative fiction, often in a futuristic setting
- Coined by grace Dillion
- Draws from traditional knowledge, storytelling traditions, and indigenous conceptions of time, language, place, and being.
moon of the crusted snow
Waubgeshig Rice
Themes or centre ideas
- Food sovereignty
- Escapism
- Strength in community
- Indigenous resilience
- Premonitions
- Estrangement
- Indigenous history
-Inherited indigenous wisdom
- dystopia
- apocalypses
- nanabush trickster-
- retelling of wendigo
- Evan: main c
- Nicole: evan partner
- justin Scott: white guy -settler colonialism allegory
- Aileen: elder
- nangohns: daughter
Nicoles dream
- Premonition of new chapter
- But Nicole cant see it yet
- Her children assure her they will, and can
- Nicole – her kids are both her kids and her elders
- A nonlinear sense of time
- Spiralling time
- Refers to the varied experince of time, including acestors and decedents
- Decendents to ancestors in our own lives”
- One person can have so much more, twice, as many ancestors as previous generation
- A term that gestures .. to other ways of being in the world, and reminds us that the way things are is not how they have always been, nor is it how they must be
Asexual erotics:
- Prizbillow
- Companionship
- Self-discovery
- Achievement
- Individuality – individual expression
- Joy that as markedly different than mundane joy, - normies think erotic is only for sex stuff… AE thinks ex. riding a bike away from a party – exps. That are extremely joyful and filling