final exam Flashcards
chapter 4
What does the term plasticity mean
the extent to which children can be shaped by experiences
When is the period of the Embryo?
Weeks 3-8
chapter 4
When is the germinal period?
about 2 weeks
chapter 4
When is the period of the fetus?
9-38 (birth)
chapter 4
What will the Ectoderm become?
The Nervous system, skin, hair
Remember using Hair, skin N(ervous system)ails
chapter 4
what will the mesoderm become?
muscles, bones, circulitory system
mbc babies you know me
chapter 4
what will the endoderm become?
digestive system, vital organs
lungs, urinary tract as well
chapter 4
when is sex dectible
fThe third month (first trimester)
chapter 4
when is the second trimester
months 4-6
Chapter 4
what is the vernix and the lanugo
the vernix is the white cheesy covering on a baby to prevent chapped skin, the lanugo is the fine layer of body hair on the fetus
chapter 4
when is the third trimester?
7-9 months
chapter 4
What is age of viability
Viability is when survival outside of the uterus is possible (22-28 weeks)
chapter 4
what does the term proximosital mean?
The organs closer to the centre of the body grow/develop sooner
chapter 4
What senses are developed at birth
Smell, touch and taste
hearing delvelops fast after birth
vision develops last at around 6 yrs we have 20/20 vision
Chapter 4
When is the sensorimotor stage
0-2 years
Object permince occurs around 8mths
Chapter 4
When is the preoperatonial stage
2-7 yrs
Limitations due to egocentrism
Chapter 4
when is the Concrete observation stage
can talk about complex thoughts and relationships
Chapter 4
when is Formal Operational Stage
Chapter 4
what is preconventional morals?
Morality centres on what you can get away with
Chapter 4
What is conventional morals?
morality centres on avoiding others dissaprovial and obeying socieities rules
Chapter 4
what are Postconvential morals
morally is determinded by abstract ethical principals
Chapter 4
Cellular clock theory
aging is built into our cells
Chapter 4
Free radical Theory
- charged oxygen molecules become more prevalent and desablizes the body
Chapter 6
What are the three stages of consciousness
phisologically induced, psychologically induced and spontaneously induced
Chapter 6
What is selective attention
focusing conscious awareness on a particular stimulus
Chapter 6
What is change blindness?
Failing to notice changes in the envirement, a form of inattentional blindness
Chapter 6
What were freuds views
Our unconscious stores painful memories. When these slip from what we unconciously thing it’s called a Freudian slip
Chapter 6
Conscious processing
Sequential processing
processing one aspect of a stimulus at a time