final exam Flashcards
large scale vs small scale map
large scale = small places
small scale = large places
what is a feature?
representation of a real-world object on a map
What model is best for storing discrete data?
what is a table?
A database or file containing information about a set of geographic features
line vectors have…
nodes on ends, vertices in the middle
how does triangulation work for GPS?
GPS receiver measures its distance from 3 satellites (with known locations) to determine location of the receiver
How does a GPS determine its distance from satellites?
time difference from when each satellite sends a code and the GPS receives it
distance = speed of light x time difference
RGB 255, 255, 255 makes
I am classifying Eckerd’s trees as “very healthy, healthy, some dead limbs, and dead”. What type of data is this?
ordinal (they are on a scale)
In terms of rasters, what is “stretching” and why would I want to stretch an image raster?
What: extend the colors/shades of a raster so more is visible
Why: good for a rasters where most of the values are similar
If you are making a map of population density, when would jenks classification be better than equal interval?
when trying to show differences in population density
nominal data
categorical data
ordinal data
in order (ex. poor, fair, good)
interval data
has a scale with no meaningful 0
ratio data
has a scale with a meaningful zero (no negatives)
what is a chloropleth map?
thematic map in which a set of pre-defined areas is colored or patterned in proportion to a statistical variable (e.g. pop density per capita income)
when would you symbolize using single symbol/color?
When would you symbolize using unique values?
categorical and ordinal data
when would you symbolize using graduated colors/symbols?
continuous data
RGB makes white when all combined while CMYK makes black
Modifiable areal unit problem (MAUP)
what: arbitrary aggregation units like states or counties may influence values = maps reflect influence of size not the data being mapped
how to fix: normalize by area, populations, etc. or use grids
raster types: discrete
represents objects such as roads or land use (relatively few values)
raster types: continuous
represents measurement that occurs everywhere (thousands or millions of potential values)
B&W maps
1) no more than 5 gray levels
2) use different patterns instead of colors
3) color balance rules still apply (mostly light patterns, emphasize small areas with dark ones)
What is a graticule grid and why would you use one?
what: shows coordinates like lat/long
Why: show where map is on globe
map objectives
1) how map will be viewed and why
2) what you want to convey
3) privacy issues
geographical coordinate system vs projection
GCS is unprojected data
what is a datum?
a way to fit a projection to the earth taking into account that earth us a spheroid and geoid
what projection type is used for polar regions?
mercator projection
most accurate at equator
- used for navigation
preserves: shape & distance
loses: area
cylindrical projections
distortion absent where cylinder touches globe (and increases as you move away)
preserves: shape & direction
loses: area & distance
conic projections
distortion absent at standard parallels (and increases as you move away)
preserves: area & distance
loses: direction & shape
azimuthal projection
distortion absent where plane touches poles (and increases as you move away)
preserves: area or distance
loses: direction & shape
what is a compromise projection?
- Sacrifices area, shape, distance and direction a little bit so that all are somewhat represented
- Usually used for maps of large areas (aka small scale) like all of the world
what are UTMs?
universal transverse mercator
- world divided into 60 zones that are 6 degrees wide
- distortion is minimal in each zone
- best for maps covering small areas in one zone
what is the state plane system?
states divided into one or more zones identified by unique FIPS numbers