Final exam Flashcards
Corporate public relations focuses on
reputation/relationship management. That makes the director or vice president of corporate communication responsible for organizational goodwill. What’s goodwill?
The good relationship between a business enterprise and its customers reckoned as an intangible asset. The value of an organization beyond tangible assets on its book or the difference between a company’s
market value and the value of its tangible assets.
What two factors in situational crisis
communication theory intensify
attribution of responsibility?
History of crises
Prior negative reputation
Geert Hofstede, a psychologist for IBM, identified five basic cultural dimensions among international employees.
The dimensions were power-distance measures, individualism vs. collectivism, masculinity/femininity,
uncertainty avoidance and long term/short-term orientation. On the individualism/collectivism scale, North
Americans and Western Europeans generally gravitated toward individualism. Name one region/continent where
Hofstede found more collectivist cultures?
Asia or Latin America
What three types of crisis attributions
does situational crisis communication
theory identify?
Before a public relations practitioner can write a news release, he or she must have some idea of what constitutes news. Because news is whatever a news gatekeeper says is
news, we use certain news elements and values to identify items that might make a gatekeeper’s cut. Which news values do the following sentences emphasize most?
-More than 5,000 Virginia Tech students gathered on the Drillfield to celebrate the football team’s victory.
Before a public relations practitioner can write a news release, he or she must have some idea of what constitutes news. Because news is whatever a news gatekeeper says is
news, we use certain news elements and values to identify items that might make a gatekeeper’s cut. Which news values do the following sentences emphasize most?
-Technical problems have delayed Endeavor’s final liftoff until at least Sunday. NASA officials say poor weather this weekend may delay the launch further.
Before a public relations practitioner can write a news release, he or she must have some idea of what constitutes news. Because news is whatever a news gatekeeper says is
news, we use certain news elements and values to identify items that might make a gatekeeper’s cut. Which news values do the following sentences emphasize most?
-President Donald Trump is heading to
his New York home for Christmas.
Before a public relations practitioner can write a news release, he or she must have some idea of what constitutes news. Because news is whatever a news gatekeeper says is
news, we use certain news elements and values to identify items that might make a gatekeeper’s cut. Which news values do the following sentences emphasize most?
-John Smith was the first man to enroll at the College of Saint Elizabeth, a formerly all-women’s school in Convent Station, N.J.
Before a public relations practitioner can write a news release, he or she must have some idea of what constitutes news. Because news is whatever a news gatekeeper says is
news, we use certain news elements and values to identify items that might make a gatekeeper’s cut. Which news values do the following sentences emphasize most?
-National Weather Service officials in
Blacksburg confirmed that a tornado
destroyed one home and a barn one mile west of the Virginia Tech campus last month.
What tactic do many entertainment
publicists use to churn out constant
information about a client?
Drip by drip
According to your textbook, nonprofit membership organizations represent many levels and types of groups. What type membership groups (trade
associations, labor unions, professional associations, advocacy group, chambers of commerce) do the
following organizations represent?
-National Association of Home Builders
Trade group
According to your textbook, nonprofit membership organizations represent many levels and types of groups. What type membership groups (trade
associations, labor unions, professional associations, advocacy group, chambers of commerce) do the
following organizations represent?
-American Medical Association
Professional Association
According to your textbook, nonprofit membership organizations represent many levels and types of groups. What type membership groups (trade
associations, labor unions, professional associations, advocacy group, chambers of commerce) do the
following organizations represent?
-National Rifle Association
Advocacy group
According to your textbook, nonprofit membership organizations represent many levels and types of groups. What type membership groups (trade
associations, labor unions, professional associations, advocacy group, chambers of commerce) do the
following organizations represent?
-United Auto Workers
Labor union
How does information delivered by
Business Wire or PR Newswire differ
from information delivered by the
Associated Press?
-‘Business Wire’ and ‘PR Newswire’ deliver news releases to subscribers. Those releases are written and edited by the originating organizations. Those organizations pay to have the
news release services deliver them as written. The services don’t originate or edit copy.
-‘The Associated Press’ is a cooperative news-gathering organization. It pays journalists to gather information and
write stories. It pays editors to act as gatekeepers. AP generates news stories for distribution to member news organizations and controls what those stories say.
The United States has been involved in public diplomacy since World War II. From 1948 to 1999, the United States
Information Agency directed that activity. The agency started overseas broadcast operations such as the Voice of America. VOA, Radio Sawa and other U.S.-funded radio and TV operations are still broadcasting U.S. messages to people in other countries. Few Americans have ever heard these
broadcasts. What 1948 law prohibits the federal government from directing public diplomacy efforts toward U.S. citizens?
The United States Information and Education Exchange Act of 1948 (Smith-Mundt Act)
NPR reported that BP had eliminated much of its public and government relations staff before the Deepwater Horizon mishap in April 2010. The goal
was to cut operating costs. As a result, when the accident in the Gulf happened, the company wasn’t
prepared to communicate three key messages. What were they?
-BP was accountable.
-BP was concerned about the situation.
-BP had a plan to address the situation.
Lobbying is a subspecialty of government affairs. What’s the purpose of lobbying?
Legislative advocacy for an
organization—working for the passage,
defeat or amendment of proposed
legislation or regulatory policies.
According to situational crisis
communication theory, what should be
the base response to an incident?
-Help prevent further harm
-Help people cope psychologically by
providing corrective information and
expressing sympathy
When you interact with publics in other nations or with different cultural backgrounds from yours, several factors could complicate effective
communication. Name three differences that public relations practitioners should remember.
Differences in:
-Communication context (high or low)
-Language and culture
-Nonverbal communication
-Laws, customs and manners
-Values and mores
A public relations practitioner assigned to build up an individual’s public image should consider which psychological factors of celebrity he or she might employ. Name two psychological factors underlying the American
obsession with celebrities.
-Curiosity (“fascination”)
-Hero worship
-Vicarious sense of belonging (loyalty)
-Desire for entertainment (look behind the curtain)
When Ivy Ledbetter Lee developed the “press handout” in 1906, it was designed to appeal to news gatekeepers (reporters and editors). In
the Internet/social media age, what’s the target audience for current news releases?
Everyone (especially with online
Public relations for public elementary and secondary school is a recognized public relations subspecialty. What professional association, which participates in APR credentialing, represents practitioners in this
National School Public Relations Association (NSPRA)
Why do public affairs specialists for
corporations and nonprofit organizations monitor activities in local, state and federal legislative bodies and regulatory agencies?
They are keeping track of issues and decision that might affect their organization so it can plan to respond to policy changes.
What’s “release authority,” and why is it
important in corporate communication?
The release authority in an organization is the ‘public information gatekeeper’. Usually a corporate communication executive, he or she has responsibility for ‘determining what information an
organization makes public and how’. Release authority is a primary responsibility in the media
relations role of corporate communication. ‘All people in the organization must be clear about who
has release authority’.
How does “pull” differ from “push”
-“Pull” describes active consumers
looking for online information they
-“Push” describes organizations
distributing information to inactive
consumers. They may or may not want
the material.
When an emergency happens, what’s the primary public relations objective?
Take the initiative!
Name a federal law that limits the way
federal agencies can practice public
relations and describe the legal
-‘The Gillett Amendment of 1913’ (now Title V, Sect. 3107 USC) prohibits
federal agencies from spending money for publicity unless specifically authorized by Congress. In 1919, Congress passed the gag law, which prohibited using appropriations for services, messages, or propaganda.
-‘The Smith-Mundt Act’ (U.S. Information and Education Exchange Act of 1948) prohibits domestic access to information intended for foreign audiences. It established the programming mandate that still serves as the foundation for U.S. overseas information and cultural programs at the Department of State and VOA.
-‘Public Law 92-351’ prohibits government spending on publicity or propaganda purposes designed to support or defeat legislation pending before Congress.
According to Canadian communication
consultant Jeff Ansell—interviewed in Truth Merchants: Public Relations and the Media—why do corporate communication executives need to provide interview training for
organizational executives and spokespeople?
‘To avoid misunderstanding of corporate messages’. He said
news judgment was subjective. Because journalists determined what people saw, heard and read, newsmakers
needed to provide context in their responses to questions. ‘The goal was to be forthcoming, honest and tell the story in a way that left little room for misunderstanding’.
Nonprofit organizations carry out many activities and provide many services. Which service categories do these nonprofit organizations represent?
-Roanoke Symphony Orchestra
Cultural Groups
Nonprofit organizations carry out many activities and provide many services. Which service categories do these nonprofit organizations represent?
-Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Social services organization
Using grassroots efforts to mobilize public support for a cause is a common public relations tactic. In what way might the use of that tactic raise ethical questions? What provision of the Public Relations Society of America Member Code of Ethics addresses this situation?
-When public relations agencies set up front groups (Astroturf groups) and won’t disclose the sponsors.
-That move violates the Disclosure of Information provision.
Public relations people involved in
fundraising need to understand potential contributors’ motives for giving. How do intrinsic and extrinsic motives differ?
-Intrinsic motives are based on altruism
(internal rewards).
-Extrinsic motives are based on external
What three things did Sam Crothers say a company representative needed to know when he/she responded to
reporters immediately after an accident?
-Know your company policy.
-Know what reporters need to know to do their jobs.
-Know what to say (initial information to release), say it (deliver key initial messages), and then say goodbye (don’t speculate or elaborate).
Government relations practitioners often employ the personal influence model of public relations. How does personal influence differ from influence peddling?
-Personal influence relies on regular interactions or friendships between officials and lobbyists. These interactions reflect some level of trust and mutual benefit.
-Influence peddling involves charging others for connections (“cashing in”) and using questionable tactics (lavish gifts) to garner support.
Scholars put public relations jobs into
two large categories: technician and
manager. What’s the primary functional difference between a communication technician and a public relations manager?
-Technicians prepare materials—as writers, editors, audiovisual producers, media relations and social media specialists—for public relations efforts. Technicians are not usually involved in
organizational decision making. They explain decisions made by others.
-Managers are involved in organizational decision making, are
responsible for public relations effectiveness and often work with the “dominant coalition.”
Public relations practitioners deal with different levels of conflicts. What category of problem—issues,
emergency or crisis—do the following headlines represent?
-Person dies after taking tainted
Public relations practitioners deal with different levels of conflicts. What category of problem—issues, emergency or crisis—do the following headlines represent?
-Tornado cuts path of destruction
through city, closes university.
Public relations practitioners deal with different levels of conflicts. What category of problem—issues,
emergency or crisis—do the following headlines represent?
-Neighbors oppose zoning change for
Public relations practitioners deal with different levels of conflicts. What category of problem—issues,
emergency or crisis—do the following headlines represent?
-NCAA issues death penalty to SMU in
pay-for-play case.
Public relations practitioners may deal with prodromal, acute or chronic incidents in emergency communication. What category of problem—issues, emergency or crisis—do the following headlines represent?
-Worker files $119-million defamation
lawsuit against company.
What category of public relations
practitioner might insure a movie star’s
face to generate publicity?
Press agent or publicist.
Advocacy groups often fight for social
causes. What are two common public
relations tactics they use?
-Mass demonstrations
Which social network allows organizations to publicize products, report events and link documents, websites, photos, and videos to
Reputation is one of an organization’s most important assets. What three elements does your textbook identify as “foundations of reputation”?
-Economic performance
-Social responsiveness
-Ability to deliver valuable outcomes to