final exam Flashcards
Due Process
- Procedural Due Process: procedres of govt actions have to be fair, when taking a life, liberty, and property right
- Substantive Due Process: regardless of procedures afforded, govt cannot infrine on rights of individuals UNLSS there is a legitimate reason that furthers a compelling interest
Equal Protection Clause
Is there discrimination against a certain type of people or is there a law that imposes a special burden or confers benefits on some people and not others
Garden variety discrimination = rational basis
1. needs state action
2. strong presumption thaat the interefernce by the govt is consitutional
3. burden of proof is on the challenger to proce its irrational
4. interfernce has to rationally further any conceivable legitmate govt interest
Discrimination on basis of race, ethnicity or national orgin= strict scrunity
1. Standard:
- No deference
- Burden is on the govt to show they have a compelling interest
- compelling interest by the govt tha needs to be furthered
- narrowly tailored to that interest: cannot be overbroad, underinclusive, or not more intrusive then necessary
- remedy ends when the effects of discrimination have proven to have ended –> for affirmative action
- must be intentional discrimination to use strict scrunity —> purpose of knowledfe a substantial certainty
* if a regulation is facially neutral, you must prove that the state was using the regulation to intentionally discriminate AND unless you prove intent, de facto discrimination does not violate equal protection
* know tro a substantial certainty that the regulation/rule will discriminate against minorities; not purposeful
Affirmative Action
1. Makes the regulation/govt action compelling if done to:
- promote diversity in higher education OR remedy the effects of past discrimination by the defendant
- the remedy ends when the effects of discrimination have proven to be ended
Gender Discrimination
Standard: special intermedate scrunity
1. important government purpose
2. discrimination is substantially related to an important govt purpose
3. an exceedingly persuasive justification for that action of gender discrimination
Fundamental right: Strict Scrunity
- no deference
- burden is on the govt to sow they have a compelling interest
- compelling interest by govt that needs to be furthered
- narrowly tailored to that interst
- cannot be overbroad or underinclusive
- not more intrusive than necessary
Rational Basis Test
Plaintiff must show:
1. Strong persumption that the interference by the govt is consitutional
2. Birden of proof is on the challenger to prove interfernce is irrational
3. Interference has to rationally further any conceivable legitimate govt interest
Punitive Damages
The court will award punitive damages for deliberately outrageous bad conduct; goes beyond mere negligence
Standard: Punative damages are needed to rationally further any concievable legitimate government interest. The two legitimate government purposes of punative damaes are:
- punish wrongdoer
- to deter them from repeating the unlawful action
Punative damages could be so grossly excessive, it violates due process. Factors courts look at to determine if it is grossly excessive
1. The degree of reprehensibility of the defendant’s conduct
2. The disparity between the harm suffered by the plaintiff and the punitive damage award
- If far less would be interest to further interest, then it violates the due process clause. Dicta: you cannot get 9:1 ratio for damages
Taking Clause
No property can be taken for public purpose without justly compensation.
1. The govt is actually physically on the property and they must provide just compensation
- Is this a categorical taking?
- if the regulation stops all economic value of the your property, the government must provude just comepensation; leaving the property economically idle. (Rare) - Is the taking in-between the 2 categories
Balancing test:
- overall economic impact
- the economic imapct on the original investment backed expectations
- disportionally burdening the few to benefit the many (how widespead or narrow is the burden)
- is the compensation just?
A general obligation to pay money is not a “taking”
Fundamental Rights
Stated in the consitution
1. expressly in stated in bill of rights
2. apply the law of of that amendemnt
Fundamental Righst
The supreme court decided it was:
- Use of contraceptives of married/non-married consenting adults in privacy of their home
- The right to engage in consenting adult sexual activity in private
- Liberty to marry someone, cannot ban or punish. Bit states can regulate it like require a license
- Right to procreate
- Right to raise your child as you choose
- Those who have an established relationship with their biological illegitmate child. Expect in case where the illegitmate child has a married parent
- Right to live togetehr with relatives (blood relative)
- Refusal of medical procedures
- Domestic travel
Fundamental Rights
SC has not decided:
If the court has not decided and you want to argue fundamental right:
1. if the right has been historically rooted/treated as fundamental in America
2. if not rooted in history, then we must show it is essential to liberty. That there is no liberty without it
Government Benefits
- If the govt has said you are entitled to a continuing benefit, then it is a property interest not a privilege.
- the govt negligently acting is not protected, it has to be all intentional
Contracts Clause: Articel 1 §10
Only applies to a state, but nothing against fed. govt. unless you use due process clause–rational basis test
For states: intermediate scrunity applies
1. show an existing contract at the time fo the impairment
2. the govt an impair if they have an important interest/substantial purpose to further their need
3. as lon as the impearment is reasonable and appropriate way of furthing their purpose
Factors to determine “reasonable” and “appropriate
1. hoe severe is the impairment
2. how necessary is the impairment to further the purpose
3. Great deferencfe given to the state UNLESS they are relieving themselves of their own obligations
DC is not a state
First Amendment Speech
Standard Analysis
Is there a restriction on speech? Is there any arguement that the restriction on speech is a fundamental liberty interest?
- if not fundamental, go straight to rational basis test
Is the restriction content based? If content based use strict scrunity:
- no deference and burden is on the govt to show they have a compelling interest
- Govt has a compelling interest that needs to be furthered
- narrowly tailored to that interest
Can be facially content based or can be facially neutral but sill content based
- if the only purpose in banning something for its content, cannot get around content based discrimination
Unless speech is outside or lesser, then use the standard required or determine if not protected
Outside 1st Amend. Protection
Some Illegal Advocacy
Brandenburg Standard:
1. directed to incite imminent illegal action AND
2. imminent illegal action is likey to result
Outside 1st Amend. Protection
Some Govt Employee Speech
Outside of 1st amendment if:
1. the employee is not speaking on a matter of public concern and
2. job speech–of the kind you are hired to make/write
Outside 1st Amend. Protection
Govt Own Speech
Govt using govt property to send a message. The govt is not subject to the first amendment, they can say whatever they want.
Categories of govt speech:
1. permenant monumnets are govt speech
2. Contents on a license plate
3. Hanging flag poles if govt denied use to the public
4. Govt funding