Final Exam 1301 Flashcards
Who coined the term “sociology”?
August Comte, founding father of sociology
What do Durkheim, Marx, and Webster have in common?
Their collective interest in explaining the ever present misery lurking within modern society
What are the steps in a research process?
- observation
- hypothesis testing
3 analysis of data
4 generalization
What is the Hawthorne effect?
An effect first discovered while observing work groups. The work groups increased their productivity as soon as they knew they were being watched. (work harder when watched
People who deviate from the binary system of gender are refered to as?
What is miscegenation?
The mixing of different racial groups through marriage, cohabitation, sexual relations.
What is conflict theory
A theoretical perspective that emphasizes the role of power and coercion in producing social order.
What are norms?
Specific cultural expectations for how to behave in a given situation.
Be familiar with Artie Hoschild’s study of the effect of speed up on families
Created the second shift theory. When a mother comes home after a long day at work she comes home to her “second shift” of mother chores= role conflict
Symbolic interactionalism
most likely to focus on communication between man and wife
What is a role?
Expected behavior associated with a given status in society
What is a primary group?
Groups consisting of intimate, face to face interaction and relatively long lasting relationships
Who introduced primary groups?
Charles Horton Cooley
What is participation observation?
sociological research technique in which the researcher becomes both the participant and the observer of what he or she studies.
What is the looking glass self?
explains how a person conception of self arises through considering our relationship to others
What is the purpose of being deterrent?
For criminals to not want to repeat a crime.
What is different association?
Interprets deviance including criminal behavior, as behavior one learns through interactions with others.