Final exam Flashcards
Hard power
Ability to get other states to do what you want through coercion, inducement, and payment such as military actions
Soft power
ability to make other want what you want through directing, attracting, and imitating force.
Power Transition Theory
The international order: hierarchical. Hegemonic states at the top organized the international politics according to its interests . Rising powers are not satisfied with the existing order and aims to overtake
Climate change
The average weather conditions for a particular location and over a long period of time (different from weather!)
Efforts to reduce emissions and enhance sinks
reducing vulnerability to the immediate and predicted impacts of climate change, and increasing the capacity of countries and communities to be more resilient and to cope better
Kyoto protocal VS Paris Agreements
Binding - NON Binding
Decrease GHG - Remain global temperature to 1.5 pre-industrial level
Only developed - all nations
Targets are set, no time - set target & time
Extreme poverty (UN)
Living below $2.15 a day, lack of sufficient resources to secure basic life necessities(e.g. safe drinking water, food, or sanitation).
A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease over a whole country or the world at a particular time.
WHO (World Health Organisation)
United Nations agency that connects nations, partners and people to promote health, keep the world safe and serve the vulnerable
Problems & Limitations of WHO
Budget (voluntary budget, over reliance) and Non-binding instrument
Surveillance capitalism
Concept in political economics which denotes the widespread collection and commodification of personal data by corporations.
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation)
Security alliance of 30 countries from North America and Europe. NATO’s fundamental goal is to safeguard the Allies’ freedom and security by political and military means
an ideology that seeks to foster national interest in every citizen.
Nationalism (By Benedict Anderson)
defined as “imagined community”; it entails a sense of communion between people who often do not know each other or have not even met. Despite their differences, they imagine belonging to the same collectivity, and they attribute to the latter a common history, traits, beliefs, and attitudes. Possible due to print capitalism
Causes of Russia invasion and consequences
Reasons; demilitarise and de-Nazify Ukraine/ neutral status
Balance of Power
States act to preserve a balance of power in the system / the posture and policy of a nation or group of nations protecting itself against another nation or group of nations by matching its power against the power of the other side
Security dilemma
situation in which actions taken by a state to increase its own security cause reactions from other states, which in turn lead to a decrease rather than an increase in the original state’s security