Final Exam Flashcards
A spherical mirror resonator of length d = 0.3 m has a lossy mirror of reflectance R = 0.98 (the other mirror is 100% reflective). It is filled with air (n=1, cold resonator).
(a) [5 marks]
Estimate the values of the frequency of the modes with mode number q = 101, 103
and 105 and calculate the value of the free spectral range νF of this resonator.
The free spectral range of an optical resonator is the constant frequency difference of adjascent modes VF=c/2d
Calculate the mode widths
mode width = vF/F
show how these point to two possible methods for pulsing lasers, namely gain- switching and Q-switching.
- calculate the value of Nt
Active Q-switching: Use of a voltage controlled gate inside the resonator.
1. A linear polariser is placed after the amplifier crystal (linearly polarised along x)
2. The electro-optic crystal introduces a pi/2 phase shift (1/4 wave retarder): converts to circular polarisation
3. Next pass: another pi/2 phase shift converts to linear polarisation with a total phase difference of pi: linearly polarised along y:
4. Crossed-polarisers situation: light is blocked
5. Q-switching achieved by removal of voltage applied to electro-optic crystal
An electro-optic crystal: change of index of refraction resulting from the application of a DC or low-frequency E field. If the crystal is anisotropic, it will therefore change the state of polarisation of polarised light when the voltage is applied.