Final exam Flashcards
NGOs Areas of Operation
- governing body
- Secretariat & headquarters
- State reps make decisions
-Has some reps that are not government reps
NGOs affect on politics
-Changing global agendas
-Pressure groups on public opinion
-Influencing government responses
-Strategic change or changes at the margin
Product Cycle
1) Research and Development (R&D)
2) Production
3) Marketing
4) Management & reinvestment
Types of economies: Alternative economy
-soviet style communism
-central planning: officials set prices, decide on product quotas, use long-term plan
Types of economies: Mixed economy
-western industrialized states have some government control, some private ownership
Types of economies: Free market
-letting economic forces set prices; eliminate trade barriers
-move from public ownership to private
Types of economies: Crucial industries
state-owned (airline, oil)
Types of Globalization
Globalization of Consumption=
-the nation in which a product was made becomes independent of the nationality of the consumer
Globalization of Production/ownership=
-owner & controller of asset is independent from where those products are held
Barriers to Economic Cooperation
1) Autonomy
2) Dependency
3) Terms of Trade
4) Domestic Pressure
Incentives for Economic Cooperation
1) Comparative advantage
2) Mutual Gains
3) Transparency
4) Exit Costs
5) Spill Over
6) “Commercial Peace”
Regional trade agreements & examples
Free trade initiatives:
- European Union (EU)
- USMCA (replaced NAFTA in 2018)
- APEC (1989): 21 members
- Mercosur (1991) [Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay, etc.]
Factors Contributing towards wealth of nations
1) Global & history
- Landlocked, natural resources, colonies, tropical
2) Government Policies
- infrastructure, rule of law, poor policy
3) International Factors
- Terms of trade, advantage in institutions
Economic Development Models
1) ISI= Import Substituting Industrialization
- Policies encourage domestic industry to replace imports
2) EOI= Expert Oriented Industrialization
- Policies to encourage exports
3) Washington Consensus
- Policies to encourage Capital inflows
UDHR (Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
Two Binding Agreements:
- International Covenant on Civil & Political Rights (ICCPR)
- western style economic and political liberties
ex: right to life and liberty, freedom of thought and religion
- International Covenant on Economic, Social, and Cultural rights (ICESCR)
- ideology of the socialist block during Cold War
ex: right to living wage, right to education
Water Issues
Changes in water use:
1) Demography 2) Food Consumption 3) Speeding up hydrologic cycle
-“virtual water” (Tony Allen)
: trade patterns can help save water
-Changing Incentives
: changing water prices to reflect access to water
-Information flows
:how much water to produce goods known
- water governance
: retuning water to the water cycle
US Nuclear Policy
-Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945)
-Control the spread and use
-often to scare population by politicians
-Other issues:
-Missile defense
-Reliable replacement warhead program
-Complex transformation
-Nuclear bunker buster
1) Show capabilities
2) Create Resolve