Final Exam Flashcards
All Scripture presents one ___ system of truth (2 Tim 3:16; 2 Pet 1:20-21).
Scripture ___ contradicts Scripture. Find a solution or admit we’re insufficiently informed.
Allegorism is of necessity extremely subjective, & results in a Bible that can mean ___ things to many people.
What is the problem with a traditionalistic interpretation of Scripture?
Man’s institutions and traditions over scripture.
What is the problem with a rationalistic interpretation of Scripture?
Reason over scripture
What is the idea beyond existentialist theology?
The Bible needs demythologizing
What is the problem with a subjectivist interpretation of Scripture?
Places the reader over scripture.
What is one example of an overuse of English when interpreting Scripture?
“The Bible says ‘thou shalt not kill’ so I cannot engage in armed conflict.”
Remember the saying, “A little Greek is a ___ thing.”
What is the problem with finding multiple meanings in Scripture?
Authors of scripture = one message
When facing a so called “contradiction” in Scripture, what should we do?
Christ’s temptations in Matthew and Luke are out of order.
Not chronological
The account of Theudas and Judas in Acts 5 is historically backwards when compared to the writings of Josephus
Gamaliel was referencing a different Theduas than Josephus
The book of Jonah is not a historical account, but a parable.
Jonah is quoted in record of the kings and by Jesus as a real prophet
In Mark and Luke, Jesus says different things - in one account, they should take a staff, and in the other account, they should not.
In Luke, Jesus says “don’t take extra.”
“You don’t really believe all that, do you?”
Go back to reasoned arguments and evidence
In what century do we have manuscripts of the NT that are the closest to the original
1st century AD
How many total manuscripts do we have of the NT?
The largest stack of writings from antiquity measures about four feet tall. How tall would a stack of copies of Scripture measure?
Over a mile high
From then on, possession of the English Bible was considered evidence of heresy. The punishment for heresy was death by __________.
As important today as it was then, the freedom secured by this edict is the culmination of centuries of religious conflict - conflict generated by the simple desire of believers to read and interpret the Bible for ____________________.
So it’s clear that the big question in this investigation needs to be this: Did Moses have the ability to write the book of Exodus as an ___ account?
(Man being interviewed) - “You take atheism; it’s humans figuring it all out. You take Buddhism; it’s humans figuring it all out. And the great difference in the Scriptures: it’s not the ascent of humans through their thinking to God (if there is a God); it’s the descent, the revelation, the ___ of God to us. And that’s what’s unique about Sinai and the Jewish and
Christian Scriptures.”
His name was Sir Alan Gardiner, and he was one of the world’s pre-eminent experts in ancient languages. He determined that not only was this script made by Semitic people; it was made up of individual letters that formed the world’s ___ known alphabet.
If it was established that the world’s oldest alphabet was Hebrew, and that Moses did in fact use it to write the Torah, that would change how the world views the Exodus, the Bible, and ___ ___. But to do so would require a major paradigm shift.
world history
Before the alphabet, only the elite had this gift of knowledge. But then, all that changed. Now, everyone had the ability to read with this simple alphabet, and this technology hasn’t been replaced in nearly 4,000 years. So I continue to wonder - was the alphabet’s arrival at this time in history just a coincidence, or was it the gift necessary to retain the ___ of God?
Explain the “manuscript conspiracy” many use to discount the authority of the New Testament text. Be sure to address these points: a) What is the overarching claim? b) How did this happen according to theorists? c) Does it take more faith to believe in this conspiracy or that God actually inspired and preserved the text?
A. Overzealous monks changed the original text to match their views
B. Got ahold of all Greek manuscripts and the copies, and changed them all without getting caught (even the ECF)
C.This is an untenable position to hold
Many secularist scholars today believe that Moses could not have written the Torah because he did not have the resource necessary in the form of an __(1)__. But patterns of evidence show that the world’s 2) __ alphabet was in existence, not only at the time of Moses, but also at the time of __(3)__. Even though these scholars claim that __(4)__ is a derivative of the Phoenician alphabet, patterns of evidence also confirm that this __(5)__ script is actually the oldest known form of Hebrew. This evidence also matches the __(6)__ of the Israelites, and can be found in both the regions of __(7)__ and __(8)__. Evidence also confirms that the Phoenicians __(9)__ the alphabet from the Israelites. Regardless of how this oldest known alphabet was given, it is clear that it was the tool used by God to __(10)__ Himself to the world.
- alphabet
- Oldest
- Joseph
- Hebrew
- proto-sinaitic
- history
- Egypt
- Canaan
- borrowed
- reveal