Final Exam Flashcards
Management is the process of using ____ to achieve goals
Place the steps of the management process in the correct order. Be sure to manipulate the tabs even if you believe they are in the correct order, otherwise, you will not get credit for this question.
1) Identify problem, need, want, or goal
2) Clarify values
3)Identify resources
4)Decide, plan, & implement
5)Accomplish goals and evaluate
A step of the Management Process that is continual and included in each of the other steps is
Relationships, belonging, affection
Social Needs
Order, protection, stability
Safety & Security Needs
Status, responsibility, achievement
Esteem Needs
Fulfillment, personal growth, helping others
Air, food, water, shelter
Physiological Needs
Conflict and cohesion
Communication, self-knowledge, goals, attitudes
Value, worth, scarcity
Family and Consumer Sciences was founded in 1908 at that time is was known as
home economics
which of the following innovators is considered of the founder of FCS?
Ellen Richards
Which of the following US Legislative Acts directly impacted the growth of Family and Consumer Sciences?
- The Morrill Acts of 1862 & 1890
- The Smith-Hughes Act of 1917
- The Smith Lever Act of 1914
Established the Cooperative Extension to improve life in rural America
Smith Lever Act of 1914
Established additional Land Grant universities and removed admission restrictions due to race
Morrill Act of 1890
Established funding for training for primary and secondary vocational education teachers, this included home economics
Smith-Hughes Act of 1917
Established Land Grant universities in each state which promoted education in agriculture, industrial, and domestic economy.
Morrill Act of 1862
The study of how living things related to their natural environment
Avoidance of risk
risk aversion
An organized system of assumptions or principles
Principles that guide behavior
Possibility of harm, suffering, danger, or loss
The tendency to maintain balance.
That which is required to sustain life.
Process of obtaining the best result
Human Ecosystems Theory emphasizes the interconnection of the natural, constructed, and behavioral environments.
Ecological Systems theory focuses on the interdependency of individuals and families within and with the environments in which they live. Which of the following describes the mesosystem?
The interaction between two or more micro-systems
There are several environments that directly affect the individual. Which one is defined as the individual’s clothes and adornments?
The portable environment
The “S” in SMART Goals stands for Specific. Which of the following examples would be the most specific goal?
I want to lose 10 pounds.
Which of the following would be the MOST measurable goal?
I want to read two novels this month.
Julian has set a primary goal to graduate from college on schedule in 2 years he lacks 60 hours. Which of the following is a logical secondary goal that will help Julian meet his primary goal?
I want to take 15 hours each fall & spring semesters.
Principles that guide behavior is referred to as
Values that are based on situation or context are considered _________ values.
There are two types of stress, which type of stress is beneficial because it increases performance?
personalities are impatient, controlling, and less able to handle stress.
type a
Categorize the following resources as either tangible or intangible.
Tangible resources:
- Fabric
- Furniture
- Computer
- Soil
- A car
Intangible resources:
- Literacy
- Honesty
- Ability to cook
- Intellect
- Networks
Which of the following is NOT a factor of Social Capital?
Particularistic resources are:
Those we only exchange with select others.
The Foa & Foa Model is an example of the
interdependence of resources
The Foa & Foa Model is an example of the
____ of resources
Which of the following is NOT true of the Foa & Foa Model?
Love, Status, and Information are highly concrete resources.
The sum of readily available resources an individual possesses.
Resource stock
The value, applicability, productiveness, or usefulness of a resource.
The ability to recognize and use resources effectively.
The highest valued alternative that must be sacrificed to satisfy a need or want.
Opportunity cost
When resources are able to be used or obtained.
The sum of resources available within a group.
Resource capacity
Which two concepts associated with our study of resources does the Aesop’s fable “The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg” relate to?
- sustainability
- stewardship
time completely under one’sown control
discretionary time
the action of delaying or postponing a task
20% of time expended produces 80% of results
pareto principle
Daily rhythmic cycles that humans experience and control when they eat and sleep.
circadian rhythm
The job will expand to fill the time available to accomplish the task.
Parkinson’s Law
The time spent on one activity takes away from time available for another activity
time displacement
Which generation of time management tools has an emphasis on prioritizing, clarifying values, and comparing the relative worth of activities?
Third Generation
According to Covey’s Time Management Matrix, which of the following tasks would NOT be in Quadrant II, important yet not urgent?
Watching T.V./Playing video games
Which of the following is NOT a reason for understanding the variety of decision-making styles?
Helps you to persuade others to your own opinion.
What is the third step in the decision-making process?
Consider alternatives
Which of the following is NOT true of the concept of reference groups?
They are the same as an age cohort.
The fear of making decisions is known as ___.
When a consumer seeks some reinforcement for the purchase decision to reduce doubt or anxiety, this is referred to as ___
postpurchase dissonance
Spouses share equally in making most decisions
All members of the family are involved in the decision and ultimately agree on the course of action.
The family accepts the point of view of the dominant person
There is a lack of dissent rather than active assent on the decision
De facto
Which of the following steps in the planning process was accomplished through the September Tracking Assignment?
Information gathering, sorting, & prioritizing
Takining iniative, anticipating actions that will be needed
Proactive Planning
When urgent concerns take priority over important concerns
Gresham’s Law
When planning both causes and alleviates stress
The Paradox of Planning
Margie needs to study of an exam, do laundry, and bake a cake for her brother’s birthday party. She puts her laundry on to wash, mixes up the cake and puts it in the oven, then studies while the cake is baking. Moves the clothes to the dryer, and removes the cake from the oven to cool then returns to studying. Which type of multi-taking is Margie using?
Overlapping activities
Expenses that do not fluctuate with changes in income
Fixed expenses
All income received - before taxes and deductions
Gross income
A journal entry recording a decrease in assets or an expense
Expenses that can be adjusted based on amount of income
variable expenses
A journal entry recording an increase in assets or income
A spending plan
Which of the following terms is a journal entry recording an increase in assets or income?
Which of the following terms means a contractual agreement in which a borrower receives something of value now and agrees to repay the lender at a later date?
Which of the following terms means all income received - before taxes and deductions?
Gross income
Which of the following terms means a journal entry recording a decrease in assets or an expense?
Which of the following is NOT a sound strategy for building a good credit rating?
Charge a large amount on credit and pay the minimum payments while continuing to use the card.
Select ALL of the following that are true statements about making a cash purchase.
- Reduced savings balance
- Ties up cash
- No interest charges
Which of the following is NOT true of dining at home?
Children will always eat what is offered
A technique for bringing new ideas into a stagnant group and described as members suggesting many ideas, no matter how ridiculous or strange. Afterward, each idea is looked at more critically. This technique is called
Internal or external distractions, a barrier to learning and communication
The method by which communication travels from sender to receiver
The process by which the receiver assigns meaning to symbols sent by the sender.
Putting thoughts, ideas, and information into symbolic form
Which of the following is an example of a well-structured “I message”?
I feel hurt when you don’t listen to me because what I have to say matters in our relationship.
Listening to a political campaign speech
critical listening
Listening to a course lecture so you can pass the upcoming test
Informational listening
Listening to a favorite podcast while running
Pleasurable listening
Listening to a friend talk about their break-up
Empathetic listening
Which of the follow are TRUE of an ideal team member?
- Is attentive and focused during group meetings.
- Connects teammates
- Is willing to disagree with the status quo of a group.
Which of the follow is NOT true of an ideal team member?
Is critical of group members contributions.
Which of the following would be an indication that a person was NOT actively listening?
Leans back or slouches in their seat.
What is another characteristic of an active listener?
Reflecting what was said and asking questions on the topic
Which of the following would be a setting for teamwork?
- Student organization related to your major (SNO, FCSA, FMA, HDFSA, 1988)
- Church group
- Class project group
- Community service group
- Fraternity/sorority (social or honor)
- Family
Which group size is described as having a lowered potential for unanimity, less vulnerable to loss or addition, and the optimum size for buzz groups and productivity?
4-person group
Which group size is described as having more formal speech, the possibility of subgrouping, and prevalence of group pressure?
7-10-person group
Which of the following statements about research results related to work and family are true according to the textbook?
- Work values differ across generations
- Problems combining work and family are global
- Women in the U.S. earn less than men in equivalent jobs.
Global, entrepreneurial, progressive, less focused
Gen Z
Flexible, informal, skeptical, independent
Gen X
Optimistic, competitive, workaholic, team-oriented
Baby Boomers
Competitive, civic-&open-minded, achievement-oriented
A set of values centered on the importance of doing work and reflected in a desire to work hard is know as
work ethic
Which of the following is NOT true of vacations and time-off from work?
Workaholics are the most productive workers.
According the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, normalizing relationships in a blended family could take…
5-7 years.
Which of the following would NOT be considered a challenge for most people in poverty?
Eating meals together.
Parents with disabilities do not have as many resources as children with disabilities.
Families with children make up 30% of the homeless population.
According to Mysteries, Inc., what is a benefit for children when living in a single-parent family?
Children experience fewer arguments between parents.
Describe at least three suggestions provided by Group one for maintaining the health of the caregiver when caring for the elderly.
Cost of living
lack of social interaction
Stress on family dynamics
Value, worth, scarcity
The study of how living things related to their natural environment
The study of how living things related to their natural environment
Avoidance of risk
risk aversion