Final Exam Flashcards
A physical therapist will have to make SOAP Notes. What does SOAP stand for?
Information gathered from the patient, family, caretakers, or friends and includes the review of systems is written in the (subjective/objective) section
Information gathered through tests PT completes during examination is listed in the (subjective/objective) section
The evaluation, diagnosis, and prognosis are found in the _____ section of SOAP notes
In regards to the subjective section of SOAP notes, what is important to identify the source of information
“patient states. . .”
“patient’s wife state. . .”
The ____ section of SOAP notes is where the results of tests and measures performed and the therapists observations are recorded
(subjective/objective) data are the measurable or observable pieces of information used to formulate the plan of care
In regards to the objective section of SOAP notes, what is important to identify sources of information
When discussing tests and measurements performed or generalized problems affecting multiple parts of the body like ambulation, transfers, ROM, strength, sensation, and balance
What three categories are found under the assessment section of SOAP notes
evaluation, diagnosis, prognosis
Which section of SOAP notes involves the structure of expected outcomes and anticipated goals by using the acronym ABCD
plan of care
In regards to the plan of care section of SOAP notes what is important to identify sources of information
“WILL ambulate modified independently. . . “
Is this an example of subjective, objective, assessment, or plan of care notes?
Pt reports 1/10 pain after treatment this date, primarily over left rhomboid muscle belly
Is this an example of subjective, objective, assessment, or plan of care notes?
Unilateral supraspinatus lifts, bilateral UE, 0#, 1 x 12 reps
Is this an example of subjective, objective, assessment, or plan of care notes?
In hooklying: manual certival spine traction/distraction in ~20 degrees flexion angle with 60 sec holds and 20 sec rest x10 reps
Is this an example of subjective, objective, assessment, or plan of care notes?
Currently reports 3-4/10 pain in left mid-upper back at present at rest. Patient did work a shift at work this morning, coming to clinic immediately following work
Is this an example of subjective, objective, assessment, or plan of care notes?
Will demonstrate normalized cervical spine alignment in sitting and standing within 6 wks to facilitate normalized ostekinematics
Is this an example of subjective, objective, assessment, or plan of care notes?
PT demonstrated and then practiced with patient correct positioning for sleeping at night on back as well as in sidelying with use of small towel roll to promote improved spinal alignment to decrease pain and neuro signs and symptoms into left UE
Is this an example of subjective, objective, assessment, or plan of care notes?
In prone over 1 pillow at pelvis: myofascial release, cross friction massage, and trigger point releases in left upper trapezius, levator scapulae, rhomboids
Is this an example of subjective, objective, assessment, or plan of care notes?
Patient tolerates treatment good with decreased reported pain level and improved spinal alignment after session this date. Good effort demonstrated during treatment with no additional encouragement required for full effort. Does require intermittent redirection to task secondary to patient continuing to be easily distracted by self-initiated conversation.
Is this an example of subjective, objective, assessment, or plan of care notes?
Alignment before intervention: in standing: minimal right lateral shift of C4-6 on C6-7, minimal left lateral shift of T2 and T3
Is this an example of subjective, objective, assessment, or plan of care notes?
States “I don’t have the tingling in my left arm anymore, but I still have the pulling, heavy arm feeling.”
Is this an example of subjective, objective, assessment, or plan of care notes?
Education: Postural re-education/reinforcement as previous, review of correct HEP that patient should be completing
Is this an example of subjective, objective, assessment, or plan of care notes?
Will increase left cervical spine rotation AROM by 40 degrees to facilitate more normalized head movement for completion of functional tasks, such as driving, within 6 weeks
Is this an example of subjective, objective, assessment, or plan of care notes?
Patient continues to progress in slow but steady manner toward goals as currently written. All goals remain appropriate to continue with at this time as written.