Final.. Dun, Dun, Dun.. Flashcards
The Mount Royal Area is an example of which form of urban planning?
The Garden Suburb
The regulation of land use over an area, such as a municipality, region, or province is termed
Land Use Planning
The government with most authority to plan, regulate and subdivide land in Alberta is?
Municipal Governments
In Alberta, municipalities have control over?
The design of pathways and sidewalks, the density of residential developments, and the location of residential, industrial, and commercial land.
A study from the US found that the area of large metropolitan cities such as Pittsburgh and Detroit has what over the past 60 years?
Increased size while population declined.
The original street development plan brought to Western Canada and Calgary was the?
Grid Pattern.
The development pattern focused on re-populating the inner city and the creation of mixed use, walkable developments is termed?
Smart Growth.
The neighborhood unit was used to replace the grid system because of what?
It isolates communities from fast moving vehicles thereby increasing safety.
According to the walkability study discussed in class the benefit from walking decreases dramatically when the distance is greater then?
800 meters.
Benefits to TODs (Transit Oriented Developments) include?
People take half the number of automobile trips, households contain half as many cars, and transit use is 2 to 5 times higher than in other areas.
According to Newman’s study of the relationship between urban density and energy used for personal transportation, in general Canadian cities are what?
Canadian cities are more dense than US cities and consume less energy for personal automobile use.
The neighborhood unit design pattern has been criticized for being unsustainable because?
Its design creates artificial barriers, promoting driving in place of walking/cycling. Its design lacks multiple land uses, promoting driving. Its design requires more development land than other land use designs.
About how much oil is consumed globally per day?
86 million barrels.
In Alberta, Conventional oil production reached its maximum when?
in the early 1970’s.
Define Traffic Calming
The term used to describe the combination of mainly physical measures to reduce the negative effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behavior, and improve conditions for non-motorized street users.
Why are speed humps preferred over speed bumps
They require less acceleration/ deceleration between humps. They allow traffic to travel at a more constant rate of speed.
Name an example of a measure taken to improve the conditions for non-motorized street users but proved unsuccessful.
Textured Crosswalk, rumble strips, and obstructions such as signage.
Name some examples of measures taken to improve the conditions for non-motorized street users,
Curb extensions, on street parking, and corner radius reduction.
A study of street width and accident rates found that accident rates increased exponentially when the width of the road is greater that what?
7 meters (24’)
Define Walkability
The term used to describe the extent to which land use and the built environment promote walking for leisure, exercise, recreation, access to services, and travel to work.
In Canada, bikes are used for approximately how many more trips then they are used for in the US?
2 times.
In comparison to Northern Europe, bikes in Canada are used..?
Many times fewer trips then those in Northern Europe.
In general, in Southern Europe where the climate is generally warmer and drier than that of Northern Europe, are bikes used more or less?
Much lower in Southern Europe.
What is the percentage of people in Calgary that have no interest in cycling?
What did the Calgary Cycling Strategy identify as the biggest concern for cyclists?
Urban lawns causing pesticide pollution to be released to the Bow River are examples of what kind of source?
Non-point source.
Which contaminant has the highest volume released from storm water in Calgary?
Total Suspended Solids.
Eutrophication in freshwater ecosystems such as rivers and lakes is caused by what?
Excessive Phosphorous.
In Calgary approximately what percentage of wetlands have been removed for urban development?
Define wetland.
An area occupying a transition zone between land and water and which may be dry for long periods of time.
What is at the base of the Calgary wetland conservation plan?
The no net loss policy.
Constructed wetlands in Calgary can remove up to 70% of phosphorous with a retention time of what?
45 hours.
The water in the Bow River has already been fully allocated, true or false?
When do Calgary’s peak water demands tend to occur at what temperature?
When the outside ambient temperatures increase above 10 degrees.
In dry months of dry years the annual discharge into the Bow river from glaciers can reach up to what percent?
Water used for drinking water is an example of what kind of withdrawal?
A non-consumptive withdrawal.
The largest consumptive user of water from the Bow River system is what?
Agricultural users?
In a typical Calgary home, most of the water is used for what?
flushing the toilet.
compared to the 1930’s and 40’s what is Calgary’s per capita water use today?
About half of what it was on the 1930’s and 40’s.
Based on population projection for 2060, Calgary’s per capita water demand must do what?
Decrease to about half of what it is now as the population by 2060 is expected to be double.
How many Watts are required to power a 2 amp light with a voltage of 120?
240 watts.
How many amps are required for a 48 watt light with a voltage of 12?
4 amps.
What happens to the voltage when a light switch is turned off?
The voltage decreases to zero as the circuit is now broken.
A 100 watt rooftop solar panel in Calgary is likely to produce 100W of electricity per hour for how many hours per day?
0 hours per day.
What is a thermal mass used for?
Store heat.
Name an appliance which is a main energy consumer in most residences.
Phantom load is a term used to describe what?
Electricity used by devices that consume electricity even though they are off.
Free passive solar power can be used to create hot water during which months in Calgary?
During all months in Calgary, even when the temperatures are below 0.
A technology that uses a fuel source (e.g. natural gas) to create electricity and uses the waste heat for hot water and to warm buildings is termed what?
What is the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)?
A rating system for homes, schools, community development, and home renovations that indicates the degree to which the building has been designed using sustainable design practices.
Describe the grid system design and its benefits.
The streets are laid out in right angles increasing walkability, and the ease of navigation, accessibility and travel.
What are the negatives of using the grid system design?
This design allows for lots of traffic which makes it unsafe for non-motorized street users and increases the noise in those areas.
Describe the Neighborhood unit and list it’s benefits.
A design with looping cul-de-sacs, roads winding through a community, including residence, schools and parks, built adjacent to a large transportation corridor. This design increases safety and decreases noise.
List the negatives of the Neighborhood design.
Single use, roads are windy and difficult to navigate, limited access to main traffic corridors.
What is a Garden City?
A city outside the limits of a main city. e.g. Cochrane or Chestermere.
What are the benefits to a Garden Suburb?
Its quiet with lots of space, slower traffic and it’s kid friendly.
What are the negatives of a Garden Suburb?
It’s expensive with less interaction with your neighbors. It’s a single use community (residential only) that contributes to urban sprawl.
Walk are the two main factors of walkability?
Proximity and Connectivity.
What are the main components of a TOD?
It must be a mixed use community with high density housing (condos, apartments, etc.) within a 600 meter walking distance to a transit stop and core commercial areas. It must exist on existing or a planned bus of train route.
What is the criteria for secondary areas for transit oriented developments?
It must be beyond 600 m but within 1.6 km. It must have multiple direct street and bike connections to transit. It can contain lower density housing, public schools, parks, and park and rides.
A study done in Calgary (Shawnesee - Evergreen) found that most drivers drive how fast instead of the posted 50 km/h?
70 km/h.
What are the two categories of physical measures that can be taken when dealing with traffic calming?
Vertical Deflection Measures and Horizontal Deflection Measures.
What are some vertical deflection measures that can be taken to increase traffic calming?
Speed humps, speed cushions, and raised crosswalks.
What are some horizontal deflection measures that can be taken to increase traffic calming?
Curb extensions, traffic circles, corner radius reduction, on street parking.
What do studies find to be the safest street width?
7 meters.
What are the benefits of traffic calming?
Fewer accidents, reduced air pollution, reduced noise pollution, reduced fuel consumption, creates more economic activity due to increased foot traffic.
Explain why traffic calming reduces fuel consumption.
It is estimated that 50% of fuel consumption is from stops and starts rather than travel.
What are the primary mechanisms for containment removal in wetlands?
Bacterial metabolism, filtration sediments, soil chemical processes, volatilization, plant uptake.
What are some of the factors that effect cycling?
Climate, Topography, Size and density of the city, Cost of cars, Safety, Cycle infrastructure, Income, Attitude.
What are the benefits of cycling?
Health, Lower infrastructure costs, lower impact of the environment.
How do urban developments impact water?
Increased run-off due to hard surfaces, decreased infiltration, dark areas increase evaporation, decreased transportation by removing plants, increased pollution.
What mitigation efforts can be made to deal with drain pollution?
Wetlands, Educate individuals on the use of fertilizers and pesticides, Increased laws, Catchment around storm drains, Green roofs, Rainwater storage, Rain gardens.
The Wetland Conservation Plan includes what?
The development of approval policies which will include conducting Environmental Significance Assessment and in the case where developments are approved Wetland Priorities must be followed.
What are the three parts to wetland priorities?
Avoidance, if possible, then Minimization, then finally Mitigation which can be achieved through the construction another wetland.
What is the Daily withdraw limit for Calgary’s water supply? and where does it come from?
1000 ML/day. 60% from the Bow River and 40% from the Elbow.
How do building designs change from colder climates to warm climates?
In colder climates the goal is to allow entry and storage of free solar energy and minimize heat loss. In warmer climates the goal is to release and restrict the entry of unwanted head.
List some technologies designed to reduce energy demand.
Low emissivity windows, Thermal mass, Placement of buildings to take advantage of passive solar energy, Green roofs, High efficiency lighting, Passive solar evacuated tubing for solar hot water.
What are some alternative energy sources?
Passive solar energy, Active solar energy (photo-voltaics), Bio fuels, Micro-hydro, Combined heat and power (cogeneration), and Wind.
What are some criteria LEED looks at to award points?
Selecting a sustainable site, Water efficient technology, Materials and resources, Energy and atmosphere, Indoor air quality.
What is Built Green?
A voluntary standard developed by Canadian Home Builders Association (CHBA) to promote and recognize environmentally responsible development.
What items does Built Green assess?
Energy efficient materials, Indoor air quality, Waste management, Ventilation, Water management.
List some challenges for sustainability.
Limited resources in time and money. Long term vs. short term planning. A mechanism to determine progress toward achieving goals. Metrics or indicators for measuring progress.
What are metrics for sustainability?
Indicators used to represent and measure against to determine the state or condition of sustainability.
What is the goal of sustainability?
To meet the needs of the current generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
What are the 3 building energy schemes? describe them.
Zero Energy Building (ZEB), is a building where the grid energy consumption over a year is equal to zero. Off the Grid Buildings, Buildings that use zero energy from grid and are completely self sufficient. Net Metering, a building that produces its own energy and releases excess energy into the grid for a fee.
Name a technique used to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions?
Carbon Capture and Sequestration.
List the four main types of wetlands in Calgary.
Temporary ponds, Seasonal ponds and lakes, Semi-permanent ponds and lakes, and Permanent ponds and lakes.
List four main problems historically related to urban development?
Disease and sanitation, Density, Lack of green space, and Automobile accidents.