Final COPY Flashcards
What is the stochastic error term?
A term added to the regression equation to account for any variation in Y that is not explained by X
What does TSS equal?
What is the SE?
Sq.Rt. of RSS/{(n-k-1) ∑(Xi-Xbar)2}
What are the four assumptions of the error term?
- The variation does not change as X changes 2. Its distribution is normal 3. Conditional mean=0 4. Independent for any two observations (i,j)
What can cause stochastic error?
- OVB 2. Measurement error 3. A misspecified function 4. Random occurrences
When are dummy variables useful?
When we want to quantify something that is inherently qualitative (race, gender, etc.)
What is Ŷ?
An estimated value of Y calculated from the regression at the i-th observation
What is a residual?
The difference between the estimated and actual values of the dependent variable
What changes between observations?
The values of Y, Xs, and error terms (but not the coefficients)
While adding a variable may not change TSS…
It will likely reduce SSR and, thus likely increase R-squared
OLS seeks to minimize….
The sum of squared residuals (or SSE)
K = ?
The # of independent variables
Why is a high degree of freedom desired?
It is likely that the errors will balance out
Yi - Ŷ is….
The residual (prediction mistake)
What are the three properties of estimators?
- Unbiasedness: The estimator is correct (on avg.) 2. Consistency: As observations increase, so does the probability that the estimator is close to the pop. parameter Efficiency: Estimator has smaller relative variance (converges to the pop. parameter more quickly)
How do we adjust for degrees of freedom?
Divide by (n-1)
What does ß0 equal? (Univariate)
Ybar - ß1(Xbar)
What does ß1 equal? (Univariate)
What is the formula for sample variance?
1/(n-1) ∑(Xi-Xbar)2
What is the formula for sample covariance?
1/(n-1) ∑(Xi-Xbar)(Yi-Ybar)
What are the 7 OLS assumptions?
- The population regression function (DGP) is linear in parameters 2. Observations are randomly drawn from the population and i.i.d 3. X[vector] is fixed in repeated samples (no measurement error) 4. The error term has a conditional mean of 0 5. Homoskedasticity 6. Errors are independent (for every i, j) 7. Outliers are unlikely
If you specify a dummy variable for each possible outcome…..
You will induce perfect multicollinearity (nothing to compare dummy to)
If the omitted variable is correlated with a regressor and it has an effect on the dependent variable….
We have OVB