final basic & intermediate Flashcards
chemical products that destroy all bacteria, fungi, and viruses (but not spores) on surfaces are
state regulatory agencies include
licensing agencies, boards of cosmetology, health departments
nonpathogenic bacteria are
type of bacteria that rarely show any active mobility is
together the active stage and inactive, or spore forming, stage of bacteria are referred to as the
life cycle of bacteria
a sign of a bacterial infection is the presence of
disease causing microorganisms that are carried by blood or body fluids are called
bloodeborne pathogens
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is the virus that causes
what fungus affects plants or grows on inanimate objects but does not cause human infections in the salon
the most frequently encountered infection of the foot resulting from nail services in
tines pedis
organisms that grow, feed, and find shelter on or in a host are called
what are acceptable ways to clean tools or instruments
ultrasonic unit, cleaning solvents, using soap and water and scrubbing with a clean nail brush
a safe and useful type of disinfectant, commonly called quats, is
quaternary ammonium compounds
single use items that do not have the capacity to be disinfected after each client use must be
if an exposure incident should occur discard all contaminated objects in a
contaminated waste bin
the basic unit of all living things
the chemical processing living organisms whereby cells are nourished and carry out their activities
the tissue that binds together protects and supports parts of the body is
connective tissue
structures composed of specialized tissues designed to perform specific functions in plants and animals
the physical foundation of the body consisting of bones connected by joints
skeletal system
the inner and larger bone of the forearm attached to the wrist and located on the side of the little finger
muscles that are attached to bones and are voluntarily or consciously controlled
striated muscles
the muscle of the neck that lowers and rotates the head
the ring muscle of the eye socket that enables you to close your eyes
orbicularis oculi
extensor muscles that turn the hand inward so the palm faces downward
the largest and most complex nerve tissue of the body
the largest of the cranial nerves
fifth cranial nerve
a lower thick walled chamber of the heart
the main arteries that supply blood to the head neck and face
common carotid arteries
ductless glands that release secretion of hormones directly into the bloodstream are
endocrine glands
spongy tissues composed of microscopic cells in which inhaled air is exchanged for carbon dioxide during one breathing cycle are
the word integument means
natural covering
the hair skin and nails are collectively know as the
the tiny involuntarily muscle fiber in the skin inserted in the base of the hair follicle
arrestor pili
which layer of the hair shaft creates the shine and the silky smooth feel of healthy hair
the medulla the innermost layer of hair is composed of cells that are
hair is composed of protein that grows from cells originating within the
hair follicle
the hair shaft that emerges from the scalp is a nonliving fiber composed of
keratinized protien
the three different type of side bonds are
hydrogen, salt, disulfide