FINAL Added Info Flashcards
A legal entity that requires no state filing to create it
Sole proprietorship
Simply one person operating a business for profit
Sole proprietorship
Person has unlimited personal liability for the business
Can have employees
Sole proprietorship
Simplest and most basic business structure and appeals to a person who wants to be independent and free from the laws that govern other legal entities
Individual ownership - sole proprietorship
Two or more people who combine their work, money, and talents to achieve a common goal
Many states require a document or registration that serves as notice to the public that the partnership members are doing business together
All partners are bound by
Acts of others
Legal entitiy, created by one or more individuals or other legal entities, to further a common goal and to create ground rules for matters such as ownership, profit distribution, liability, taxes, and control
LLC - limited liability company
Individuals who have an interest in an LLC are usually referred to as
Most states have laws that govern LLC. T/f
Protection from being held personally reliable
Physicians, lawyers, architects, and accountants
Professional limited liability company - PLLC
Limits of liability may only be applied to certain aspects of the business, such as creditors
One of the most desirable features of a corporation is the protection given to
Only the capital of the corporation is available for
The payment of debts
Management responsibility is in th ehands of the corporation’s
Board of directors
Directors answer to
Stockholders, who elect and can terminate them
Officers of a corporation include
President Vice president Treasurer Secretary Any other officers in board of directors appoints
Profits of a corporation are distributed to stockhoolders as
persons holding formal positions of trust in an organization, especially those involved in high levels of management
Those elected and terminated by stockholders to manage a corporation
Those who hold an interest (stock) in a corporation
Units of stock giving the possessor part ownership in a corporation investment expenditure of resources (money, effort, etc) to secure income or profit
Regulations adopted by a corporation or association to govern its internal affairs dividends distributed profits of a corporation
Managed care contracts with
Other health care providers to create provider networks
An in-network physician or health care facility is part of a MCO’s network if there is a preexisting agreement between the MCO and the
Health care provider
The agreement dictates the protocols for patient care and the compensation system
Managed care organizations
A physician or health care facility that does not have an agreement with the MCO
An out-of-network provider
To discourage the use of out-of-network providers, a patients reimbursement for services provided is not compensated at the same level as
An in-network provider
Managed care focuses on varous aspects of health care and can include characteristics such as
Networks of health care providers or facilities
Who have agreed to predetermined protocols and compensation
Coordiante all patient’s health care
Preauthorizaiton for specific tx
Limited reimbursement for out-of-network providers
Claim filing assigned to the provider rather than the patient
And tiered coverage of prescription drugs
Employment law
Pre-employment testing
Civil rights act of 1964q
Employers are not allowed to ask interview questions involving
Whether a woman is pregnant
Employers are allowed to test potential employees as part of the hiring process but such tests must be carefully constructed usually by experts to ensure
That they only measure the skills and abilities necessary to do the job