final Flashcards
area of exploring the interactions between humans and machines or between humans using the machines
Voice Assistant: Q:
genderless/generneutral voice assistant. The majority of voice assistants were all female
Social Presence Theory:
The ability of communication media in transmitting social cues. Ex) Zoom
Long Tail:
how popular the products are, they do not provide the physical product / they don’t take up physical space (can provide less popular movies)
GPS: Global Positioning System
, use 24 satellites and 3 of those to figure out your personal location
Turing test
: Alan Turing was an AI scientist who made a test that checks whether a specific robot can communicate as a human
AI’s Adaptation:
The idea of a system that monitors environments, machine learning, deep reinforcement learning,
Follow-the-Rabbit Strategy:
using a non-platform demonstration to model success (ex. Netflix, DVD delivery to digital streaming)
Piggyback Strategy:
connecting with an existing user base from a different platform (ex. Facebook messenger on watch or facebook)
Seeding Strategy:
creating values to at least one set of potential users, other sets of users will follow (ex. Dating or used car platforms (fake profiles))
Marquee Strategy:
providing incentives to attract members of a key user set, when a single group of users can make or break the success (ex. Halo has an XBox exclusive)
Single-side Strategy:
creating a business around products or services that benefit a single set of users (ex. Opentable a booking management software for restaurants)
Producer Evangelism Strategy:
designing a platform to attract producers who can induce their customers to become users of the platform (ex. Youtube channels promoting on Facebook)
Big-bang Adoption Strategy:
using traditional push marketing strategies to attract attention, triggers simultaneous onboarding effect (ex. Twitter at the 2007 SXSW)
Micro-market Strategy:
starting by targeting a tiny market that comprises members who are already engaging in interactions (ex. Facebook’s decision to launch in the closed community of Harvard)
Definition of Intelligent Network:
The technology and electronic pathways that make global communication possible for small + large organizations.
Functions of Intelligent Network:
transmission, display, and storgar, then decision support analysis, then artificial intelligence
Filter Bubbles:
Echo chambers, recommendation systems based on our preferences/taste, keeps us from being exposed to diverse content or ideas
Social capital:
benefits that we can expect from our social networks
2 types of social network:
Strong ties: family and close friends
Weak ties: acquaintances, facebook friends that we never meet
2 types of social capital:
Bonding social capital: social capital from STRONG TIES
bridging social capital:social capital from WEAK TIES
Influences of technologies on bonding social capital:
using technologies/social media increases social media on strong ties
Influences of technologies on bridging social capital:
using technologies/social media increases social media on weak ties, managing our relations ???
Definition of social competence:
skills and behaviors, socializing with others to be well likes
2 social media activities enhancing social competence:
Building Relationships- mostly females
Self Expression- mostly males
AI journalism:
using AI systems in journalism industries, they are editing, writing simple articles, and recommending news contents
Causes of crisis in journalism:
using more digital technologies and the industry doesn’t understand these changes.
Applications of IoT:
Transportation Smart agriculture Smart homes Manufacturing, Healthcare Smart cities:
Definition of the Internet of Things: (IoT)
Connecting all things, objects, humans, animals, and share information
Definition of a Smart City:
base for internet of things
The importance of interlocking behaviors, information sharing and use of protocols, (ex. credit card companies, banks, PayPal)
something that is 1) coming in (input), 2) Processed (throughput), and 3) Going out (output)
system process allowing to reach the same final state from differing initial conditions and by a variety of paths. Distributed architecture of the internet. No single player controlling information flow. Open access.
network holism
: a system greater than the sum of its parts. Smart home
Packet switching:
if a digital file is too big you can break it up to send separately and then you can re connect them
Net neutrality:
service connects must treat all internet providers equally
Definition of blockchain:
Bitcoin! Middle man for platforms, we can save and store all of our data in the systems
Purpose of blockchain:
The centralization of power. Sharing the power