Final Flashcards
BUN= 7-18 mg/dL (waste product of protein metabolism)
GRF=125-200 ml/min
Proteinuria= 150 mg/day
Serum Creatinine=0.7-1.4 mg/dL
Anuria=less than 50ml/ day
ADH= vasopressin
Amblyopia= lazy eye (decrease vision acuity)
Astigmatism= blurred vision caused by irregularity of the cornea
Arthereotomy=remove plaque from artery
Aphakia= absence of lens after cataract surgery
Advera= nutritional supplement that has been developed specifically for people with HIV and AIDS
Blindness= 20/400 to no light perception
Belching= burp
Borborygmi= stomach growling soun
CLABSI= central line associated bloodstream infection
Commissure=where the heart leaflet meet
Detumescence= subsiding of erection
EIA= enzyme immunoassay
Enuresis=urinary incontinence at night
Ectropion= your eyelid turns outward. This leaves the inner eyelid surface exposed and prone to irritation. generally effecting only the lower eyelid
Entropion= your lower eyelid is turned inward so that your eyelashes rub against your eyeball, causing discomfort
Epitaxis= nose bleed
Epididymitis= secondary to prostatitis, UTI, gonorrhea
Emmetropia= normal vision
Flatulence= fart
Fulminant= severe or sudden onset
Gonad= reproductive organ
GFR= Perfusion pressure in the glomerular capillaries
Hyperopia= farsighted
Hydrocele= Collection of fluid in the tunica vaginalis of the testes
Intermittent=irregular interval, not continuos. Stopping and beginning again, sporadic
Legal blindness= vision acuity doesn’t exceed 20/200 or whose widest vision field diameter is 20 degrees or less
Low vision= a person who needs a device to perform a visual task
Myopia= nearsighted
Myosis= pupil contraction (small pupil)
Mydriasis= pupil dilation
Middle age adult= 40-65 (auditory acuity decrease especially for high frequency sounds. so use low pitch voice when speaking)
Nystagmus=involuntary oscillation of the eyeball. (neuro issue)
Oliguria=less than 0.5ml/kg/hr
Oscillation =movement back and forth
OS= left eye
OD= right eye
Overactive bladder=constant urge to pee
Ptosis= drooping eyelid
Papilledema= swelling of the optic disc from increased IOP
Prolapse= Stretching of AV valve into the atrium during systole
Specific gravaity= ability or kidney to concentrate salute in urine
Strangury= slow and painful discharge of urine
Strabismus= crossed eye (yelena) condition in which there is deviation from perfect ocular alignment.
Scotomas= blind spot
Smegma= thicken secretion (phimosis)
Scaphoid= sunken or hallow
Trichiasis= Eyelashes grow inwards toward the eye
Tympani= Sound results from presence of air in the stomach or small intestine
Vision impairment= 20/40 or worse vision acuity
Viral set point= amount of HIV in the body after the initial immune response subside (equilibrium between HIV level and the immune response)
Varicocele= abnormal dilation of the pampiniform venous plexus and the internal spermatic vein in the scrotum
Warp= bent or twisted
function of kidney
-Regulate acid base balance by regulating hydrogen ion excretion.
Too much hydrogen ion cause acidity, two little cause alkalosis [hydrogen ion is acidic]
-water reabsorption
-secrete enzyme renin and activate vitamin d
Risk factor
- diabetes
- gout
- neurological disorders
- obstructed urinary flow caused by congenital abnormalities, urethral stricture’s, bladder tumor, kidney stone, compression of ureter
- reflux/backward flow when coughing, sneezing, or straining
urinary frequency, urgency, nocturia, dysuria, incontinence, supra public or pelvic pain, hematuria, back pain
- avoid spicy food, sugary food
- lactobacillus helps
Phenazopyridine (Pyridium)
Urinary Tract Analgesic
give with meal. can cause gi upset
think uric acid stone think
TB can be the cause
assess temp every 4 hour
Chronic Pyelonephritis s/s: symptomless or poor appetite
can lead to chronic kidney disease
iatrogenic incontinenece: what medication
alpha adrenergic agent and steroid
urinary incontinence
risk factor
1. behavioral treatment (kegal, voiding diary, biofeedback, PT)
2. medication tricyclic antidepressant (amitriptyline/ elavil) Pseudoephedrine sulfate (Sudafed)
avoid bladder irritant such as aspartame/ nutrasweet
urinary retention
int: Apply heat to lower abdomen pour warm water sits bath crede's maneuver (apply pressure to the bladder)
fexofenadine (antihistamine) can cause urinary retention
about suprapubic bladder drainage
- a tracer cannula is used to puncture the abdominal and bladder wall. The catheter is then threaded through it
- when the patient’s ability to urinate on their own is being tested, the catheter will be clamp for four hours. After the patient void, the catheter is unclamped to measure the residual. If residual is less than 100 ML on 2 occasion suprapubic bladder drainage can be discontinue. Sterile dressing is hen placed over the site
neurogenic bladder cause
Spinal cord injury spinal tumor herniated vertebral disc multiple sclerosis congenital disorder (spina bifida or myelomeningocele) infection diabetes
about urinary catheter
- wash perineal area twice daily
- clean perineum before removing Foley
- always check for latex, Teflon, and iodine allergies before performing catheterization
- position of female catheterization: dorsal recumbent (feet flat on bed 2 feet apart)
3 factor that favor the formation of kidney stone
infection, urinary stasis, immobility
cause of calcium phosphate stone
Renal tubular acidosis cancer [leukemia, multiple myeloma) granulomatous (sarcoidosis, TB) increase vitamin D intake excessive protein intake
tx for calcium phosphate stone: give thiazide if
cause is hyperparathyroism
example of acidic food
Grains, cereal, prunes, plum
uric acid kidney stones
-myeloproliferative disorders
- avoid shellfish, anchovies, asparagus, mushroom, organ meat
- medication: allopurinol (zyloprim)
two type of stone that tx include increase acidic food
calcium phosphate and struvite
tx of cystine stone
base forming food and low protein diet