Final Flashcards
Normal heart rate of a newborn
True or false, an L/S ratio of less than 2 indicates lung maturity
What is the main purpose of the placenta?
To deliver nutrients and oxygen to the fetus and to carry CO2 and other wastes from the fetus
Which way does fetal hemoglobin (HbF) shift the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve?
Which type of fetal heart monitoring pattern is usually no cause for alarm and is not usually treated?
Early decelerations
Prolongation of labor
Fetal macrosomia
Weight more that 4000 g
Small mouth
Too little amniotic fluid
Hypertension, proteinuria, and generalized edema
What may happen following Caesarean section and is a hazard of lung fluid retention?
Transient tachypnea of the newborn TTNB
True or false, approximately 80% of the total alveoli present at adulthood were developed before birth
What is defined as the volume at which surface tensions are so great that the structure alveolus collapses?
Critical volume
What are treatments for late decelerations?
Maternal oxygen therapy, IV hydration for the mother, digital elevation of the fetal head out of the maternal pelvis.
The significance of this stage of lung development is that the development of the remaining conducting airways occurs at this phase?
Pseudoglandular stage
What is surface tension?
The tendency of a liquid surface to contract
Immature surfactant appears during which stage of lung development?
Canalicular stage
Normal breathing rate range for the newborn?
The minute volume requirements for a newborn infant are greater than those of an adult. Yet their tidal volumes adjusted for body weight are about the same. How do infants meet this greater ventilatory demand?
Increasing the frequency of breathing.
Infants weighing less than 1500 g are considered
Very low birth weight
Generally, life is usually thought to be possible initially during which stage of lung development?
Canalicular stage
Normal WBC count for infants
13,000-38,000 per mm
Type 3 (variable) decelerations are most commonly caused by which of the following?
Umbilical cord compression
The lung bud developed at 26 days gestation, during which stage of development does this occur?
Embryonic stage
Factors of maternal history that places the fetus at high risk?
Older than 35 Obesity HIV/aids Young age Alcohol use Drugs/Tobacco use
What is the best score that can be obtained using the Silverman index?
Fetal breathing movements begin in the fetus at about
12 weeks gestational age
The significance of this period of lung development is that the vascular and framework of the acinus is done. What fetal lung period is this?
Canalicular stage
What drug or groups of drugs would you suggest to increase the maturity of a baby’s lungs?
True or false.
Pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) increases allowing blood flow to increase through the lungs after cessation of umbilical blood flow.
False, it decreases and SVR increases
Breathing pattern that represents pauses during breathing for periods ranging for up to twenty seconds, then followed by several rapid shallow breaths. It is considered normal in infants less than one year and is called
Periodic breathing
Which of the following techniques would be best to recommend to assess the state of pulmonary maturity before birth? A. Blood gas analysis B. Amniocentesis C. Ultra sound D. Fetal scalp pH E. Maternal history
B. Amniocentesis
The lecithin/sphingomyelin (L/S) ratio is predictive of which condition?
The likely maturity of the lungs
Immature surfactant appears in the fetus at about
24 weeks gestational age
The ductus venosus shunts blood from
The liver (umbilical vein) and the inferior vena cava
Most common cause of fetal tachycardia?
Maternal fever
Theories of why the newborn takes their first breath
1) The peripheral chemoreceptors stimulate the respiratory center of the brain which signals the muscles of ventilation to work.
2) the fetal thorax is compressed during vaginal delivery and the return of the chest to its original shape may trigger the breath.
3) the change of the baby’s environment from a warm, dark, quiet place to a bright, cold and noisy delivery room.
What are the reasons the ductus arteriosus closes at birth?
Higher PaO2 causes constriction of the ductus.
Removal of maternal prostaglandin sources
Pressures in left heart rises
What is the best indication of fetal lung maturity?
Phosphatidylglycerol (PG)
What are the Ballard and Dubowitz scores used fore
Estimation of gestational age
What are the three naturally occurring shunts in the fetus?
Ductus arteriosus
Ductus venosus
Foramen ovale
Hypoxemia hypoxia
Low oxygen content at altitude
Histotoxic hypoxemia
Poisoning of the tissue enzymes
Anemic hypoxia
Sickle cell anemia
Circulatory hypoxia
A bubble humidifier is best used with what type of oxygen administration device?
Nasal cannula
Following 1 minute of chest compressions on a 1000 g neonate, the heart rate remains below 60 BPM. The decision is made to administer epinephrine. The correct dosage for this patient is :
1:10,000 strength, .1 to .3 ml/kg
Following one minute of PPV using an FiO2 of 1.0, the heart rate is noted as being 18 beats in 10 seconds. What should be done in the resuscitation using this information?
Continue PPV and continue to monitor the heart rate .
Following delivery via c section, a newborn is brought to the assessment area of the delivery room. Following drying, positioning , and suctioning, the initial assessment determines the heart rate to be 85 BPM with no respiratory effort. What is the next step in resuscitation?
PPV with oxygen.
How would you treat the newborn with the apgar score of 2 after the 5 minute mark?
Chest compressions and PPV
Tachypnea in the newborn would be defined as a respiratory rate above what?
The cessation of respiratory effort in the newborn following gasping type respiration’s in which there is no further attempt by the newborn to breathe despite stimulation is called.
Secondary apnea
The earliest clinical manifestations of hypoxemia in the newborn are tachycardia and tachypnea. Worse hypoxemia results in:
Bradycardia, apnea, and decreased ventilation
Main indication for oxygen therapy in newborn
What is defined by hypoxia, hypercapnia, and acidosis?
What size suction catheter would be used for a size 2.5 ETT?
Which drug IV technique would be given for newborns born under the influence of narcotics?
What are indications for intubation of the newborn?
1) bag and mask ventilation ineffective or prolonged
2) when chest compressions are performed
3) when tracheal suctioning for meconium is required
4) when endotracheal administration of medications is desired.
What are concerns of the neonatal airways and lungs and the road of causing respiratory distress?
The tracheo-bronchial tree is more compliant and prone to collapse
Prematurity reduces levels of mature surfactant and promotes instability of alveoli.
Which size endotracheal tube would be appropriate for a 30 week gestational age neonate?