final Flashcards
What can be seen in a Physical exam and physical test that can be performed to r/o appendicitis?
1) periumbilical pain which then localizes to RLQ
2) psoas sign
3) obturator test can be performed
4) Blumberg sign (rebound tenderness)
An infant comes in per mom crying nonstop, vomiting is the only symptom noted what are the possible dx ?
colic, intussusception, incarcerated hernia, testicular torsion, malrotation, pyloric stenosis
Preschool child comes in with mom she states • Crampy pain with N/V he has a bowel movement that looks weird she brought the diaper in currant jelly stool noted what is the possible dx and where do you refer ?
A) refer to gi , encourage fluids for dx dehydration
b) refer to GI , avoid dairy dx gi bleed
c) refer to ED , dx intussusception
d) refer to surgeon next weel possible colostomy
c) ED intussuscetion
6 yr old male comes in c/o fo abd pain says the last time he pooped was 3 days ago he is also having pain radiating to his left testicles ?
1) Give to possible dx
2) where would you refer to ?
3) What test can you do quickly in office to r/o an emergency ?
1) DX : constipation and testicular torsion
2) refer to ED
3) Check cremasteric reflex and or jumping in place
4-year-old mom says he is constipated for the last 4 days? whats the treatment?
Miralax 2 tsp in 4 oz
Pt is a 10 year old female guarding as she walks into exam room, positive psoas sign, positive obturator sign what labwork do you expect to be abnormal?
crp, wbc
Mom states 6 week old girl infant is fussy at 6 pm and does not stop crying until 9 pm every night at least 3 times a week . You are thinking this pt maybe colicky what differential diagnosis should you r/o ?
- Anal fissure: bright red blood in stool
- Incarcerated hernia: sudden onset of swelling of groin
- Poor feeding practices: over or underfeeding
- Milk protein allergy or intolerance
- Constipation: hard or dry stools regardless of frequency
- GERd
- Family tension
- Poor coping ability
What is the cause of labial adhesions?
a) increased testosterone increased inflammation
b) no cleaning child from front to back on diaper change
c) decreased progesterone/ inflamation
d) lack of estrogen/ inflammation
d) lack of estrogen/ increased inflammation
Mom brings in 15 month old male she says his scrotum is swollen or enlarged. The size of the scrotum can vary throughout the day. If the baby lies down or sleeps, the swelling often goes down.No pain .. whats the most probable dx and tx ?
a) Testicular torsion to ED
b) Communicating hydrocele/ urology referral
c) non-comunicating hydrocele / no referral
c) testicular torsion send to urology soon
b) Communicating hydrocele/ urology ref
What is the cause of undescended testicles?
a) Mechanical
b) Chromosomal
c) Hormonal
d) all of the above
d) all
What complications can occur with undescended testicles?
a) Deterioration of undescended testes
b) Risk of developing a testicular malignancy
c) Testicular torsion
d) all of the above
d) all
whats the tx for undescended testicles?
a) Orchiopexy or open surgery
b) Hormone administration
c) testicular transplant
d) A&B
e) all of the above
d) a&b
15-year-old pt c/o of right testicle looks like a bag of blue worms?
whats the probable diagnosis ? and does it require referral ?
Varicocele / yes refer to urology
15 day old female comes to the office with fever, hypothermia, jaundice, poor feeding, irritability, vomiting, what would be probable diagnosis and pick one test to run? Then refer to ________?
UTI / UA refer to ED
6 yo female coming in for vomiting and often trips to the bathroom and her right side hurts mom is worried this might be a stomach bug most probable diagnosis?
a) gastroeneteritis
b) acute appendicitis
c) viral enteritis
d) urinary tract infection
d) UTI