Final Flashcards
What’s the Karlovitz number?
- non-dimensional stretch rate
- measure of the FLAME time in terms of the AERODYNAMIC time
Karlovitz number for laminar flames
Ka = l(T) / s(U)
Karlovitz number for premixed flames
Ka = turbulent strain rate / chemical reaction rate
How does the Karlovitz number change with the stretch rate?
Ka increases with increasing stretch rate
Whats the Lewis number?
Thermal diffusivity / mass diffusivity
Equation for the Lewis number
Le = Lambda / (DichteDc)
Properties of rich propane/air flame
Le <1
S < 0
open tip
dark tip
Properties of lean propane/air flame
Le > 1
S > 0
closed tip
bright tip
Properties of lean methane/air flame
Le <1
S < 0
open tip
dark tip
Properties of rich methane/air flame
Le > 1
S > 0
closed tip
bright tip
What’s the Damköhler number?
- non-dimensional
Equation for Damköhler number
Da = char. Diffusion time / char. collision time
What’s the Mach number?
Measures the SPEED in relation to SOUND VELOCITY
Equation for Mach
Ma = v/c
What’s the Peclet number?
Measures the relative intensities of CONVECTIVE to DIFFUSIVE TRANSPORT
What’s the Reynolds number?
Measures the INERTIAL FORCE in relation to the VISCUOUS FORCE
Equation for Peclet number?
Pe = Re*Pr
Equation for Reynolds number
Re = (DichteuL) / Eta
What’s the Pradtl number
Measures the relative influence of VISCOSITY to THERMAL DIFFUSIVITY
Equation for Prandlt
Pr = v/Alpha = (Eta*c(P)) / Lambda
A mixture is said to be flammable if the resulting flame can propagate all the way to the top of the tube
Concentration limit beyond which flame propagation is not possible
Relations of lean flammability limits & unburned mixture temeprature
Increase of initial temperature = Decrease of lean FL
Flammability limit of hydrogen
Lean = 4% Rich = 75%
Influence of increase of mixture temperature on flammability limit
widens flammability limit (range)
Influence of increase of pressure on flammability limit of hydrogen
narrows lean & rich flammability limit
Influence of increase of pressure on flammability limit of hydrocarbons
narrows lean FL
widens rich FL
How does the flame temeprature change when flammability limit is approached?
It decreases
Advantages of Flammability limits
Useful concept to know what could cause a failure of flame propagation
Disadvatnages of flammability limits
Empirical observation without an established fundamental understanding
Mechanisms contributing to flammability limits
Chemical kinetics
- flammability limit is characterized by THERMAL EXTINCTION +
- CHAIN TERMINATION overwhelming chain branching
What’s extinction?
When leakage and the reduction in flame temperature becomes relatively severe, extinction occurs.
How to achieve extinction?
1 Remove a certain amount of chain-carrying or chain branching RADICALS
- introduce chemical INHIBITANTS
- Remove certain amount of HEAT
- reduce reaction rate (by cooling, decreasing reactant concentration, decreasing system pressure)
Does the disappearance of the flame imply extinction?
When is extinction not possible?
For D(ac) > D(ac,I)
Causes of extinction for premixed flames
- aerodynamic stretch
- insufficient residence time
- influence of mixture nonequidiffusion
Causes of extinction for nonpremixed flames
- reactant leakage : incomplete reaction
General causes for extinction
- thermal cooling
- chemical radical depletion
Difference between flammability & extinction
- extinction is only part of flammability
- flame shape
- flow stretch
- conductive heat loss to the wall
What’s the stretch factor?
Lagrangian time derivative of
- the logarithm of
- an area A with
- its boundary surface moving
- tangentially to
- the surface of
- the fluid velocity
Equation for stretch
k = 1/A * (dA/dT)
Einheit für Stretch
Causes of stretched flames
- flow induced
- flame motion
- flame curvature
Examples of stretched flames
- flow induced: stagnation flames
- flame motion: propagating spherical flame
- flame curvature: axisymmetric bunsen flame
Turbulence generation
- grid
- jet
- fan
Definition of explosion
- Corresponds to rapid heat release
- Does not necessarily require the presence of a waveform
- waveforem
- substained by chemical reaction
- need an explosive gas
Characteristics of DEFLAGRATION
- flame
- waves travel subsonic
- pressure decreases p(b) < p(u)
- velocity increases
- combustion wave
Characteristics of DETONATION
- waves travel supersonic
- pressure increases p(b) > p(u)
- velocity decreases
- shock wave
What’s the laminar flame speed?
Wave propagation speed of a
- 1D
- planar
- absent of heat loss
- steady
- premixed flame
Einheiten von Laminar flame speed
Relation between flame speed and equivalence ration
If the equivalence ratio increases, so does the flame speed
Relation between flame speed and LEWIS
S ~ (1/Le - 1) k
k = stretch factor
Liftoff mechanism main strain
Siehe heft
Liftoff mechanism close to jet exit
- strain rate rises
- > flame extinguished
Liftoff mechanism downstream of jet
- strain rate decreases
- > flame exists
Jet flame types
- momentum controlled
- buoyancy controlled
Steigung log(y)-log(Q) for round jet flames
= 1 both buoyancy & momentum controlled
Steigung log(y)-log(Q) for slot jet flames
= 4/3 for buoyancy
= 1 momentum
Is the flame height for buoyancy controlled slot jet dependent of the slot width
No, it’s not
Siehe heft
Tubulent premixed flames regime
Siehe Aufschriebe
Advantages of bunsen method for measurements
- simple
- top & bottom effect
- radial dependence along surface
Advantages of spherical bomb method for measurements
- simple
- single run to get laminar flame speed
Advantages of counter flow method for measurements
- simple
- well defined boundary conditions
- 1D modelling around center flow
- applicable for (non/partially) premixed flames
Disdvantages of counter flow method for measurements
- high pressure
- hard for weak flames
Disdvantages of spherical bomb method for measurements
- temperature & pressure variations
- variations of flame stretch
- only dry gaes
- flame instability / instability
Disdvantages of bunsen method for measurements
- curvature
- wall effect
- hydrodynamic dependency
Main nitrogen oxides
- NO
- NO2
Main mechanisms for NOx formation
- thermal
- fuel
- prompt
Coal-fired engines
- N2O: Coal fired boiler
- NOx: Coal fired burner
Turbulence combustion modelling - RANS
Widely used for industrial scale modeling
Turbulence combustion modelling - DNS
Limited to small scale and low RE
Types of Turbulence combustion modelling
Turbulence combustion modelling - LES
can be used in scales in meters under rapid development
At 1 atm, near the lean flammability limit, the laminar flame speed of methane/air premixed flame is closest to
1 cm/s
The mechanisms for the flammability limits of a premixed flame are
- raditive heat loss
- chemical kinetics
To premixed flame, if the reaction rate doubles, the laminar flame speed will increase how much?
At 1 atm and room temperature, for methane/air premixed mixture at an equivalence ratio of 1, the laminar flame speed is closes to
40 cm/s
At 1 atm, the flame thickness of methane air flames at equivalence ration = 1 is
0,1 mm
When pressure increases, the thickness of hydrogen/air premixed flames will
At 1 atm the lean flammability limit of methane/air mixture is closes to
Main chain branching reaction
H + O2 = OH + O
Main chain termination
H + O2 + M = HO2 + M
Semonov’s criterion
Heat loss curve is tangent to the heat generation curve