Final Flashcards
- *Name**: Riace Warrior A
- *Period**: Early Classical
- *Date**: c. 460-450 BC
- *Original** Location: Riace
- *Name**: Riace Warrior B
- *Period**: Early Classical
- *Date**: c. 460-450 BC
- *Original Location**: Riace
- *Name**: Ludovisi Throne. Birth of Aphrodite
- *Period**: Early Classical
- *Date**: c. 460-early 5th C. BC
- *Original Location**: Croton or Locri, Italy
- *Name**: Ludovisi Throne. Right side:Veiled woman
- *Period**: Early Classical
- *Date**: c. 460-early 5th C. BC
- *Original Location**: Croton or Locri, Italy
- *Name**: Ludovisi Throne. Left side: Flute player
- *Period**: Early Classical
- *Date**: c. 460-early 5th C. BC
- *Original Location**: Croton or Locri, Italy
- *Name**: Temple of Zeus, entrance from south
- *Period**: Early Classical
- *Date**: c. 470-456 BC
- *Architect**: Libon of Elis Original
- *Location**: Olympia
- Zeus olympios = the far seeing zeus
- supervises & judges the propriety & acts of humankind
- cult was established @ olympia 10th c BC
- popularity of the temple was b/c of its quadrennial (every 4 years) games = Olympics
- plan had ramp to possibly lead sacrificial animal to the temple
- columns were done in classical proportions (long side was short side times two plus one)
- proportions of columns were slimmer, less pronounced entasis, & capitals were less cushioned
- greeks vowed to never rebuild the temples destroyed by the barbarism of the Persians as a reminder of what happened (battle of marathon, thermopylae, salamis, platea)
doric temple
- *Name**: Temple of Zeus. East pediment diagram
- *Period**: Early Classical
- *Date**: c. 470-456 BC
- *Architect**: Libon of Elis
- *Original Location**: Olympia
east pediment = front of temple
pedimental sculptural narrative = story of Pelops & Oenomaus
faced the stadium (old placement of stadium)
believed that it’s specifically the sacrifice to Zeus before the doomed race
the vow of fair play to him as overseer of law & morals
Greeks chose the moment of greater psychological intensity = moment before what’s to come
zeus in the middle, seer on the right
sides are antithetical = mirror eaach other, but w/slight differences to remove rigidity (on either side of zeus or apollo)
- *Name**: Temple of Zeus. E. pediment, center: Zeus
- *Period**: Early Classical
- *Date**: c. 470-456 BC
- *Original Location:** Olympia
in the middle, fills the highest point of the pediment
biggest = god status, imposes dike upon the people
dike (die-key) = right order of things
- *Name**: Temple of Zeus. E. pediment, right side. Det: Seer
- *Period**: Early Classical
- *Date**: c. 470-456 BC
- *Original Location**: Olympia
right side of east facade
old man sees the future = death of Oenomaus & curse of Pelops & family
can’t do anything about it = fate
shows emotional foreshadowing of things to come & contemplation & hopelessness to change it
also shows age - balding head & sagging musculature
face is very emotional - no more archaic smile
- *Name**: Temple of Zeus. West pediment diagram
- *Period**: Early Classical
- *Date**: c. 470-456 BC
- *Architect**: Libon of Elis
- *Original Location**: Olympia
West pediment = rear of temple
pedimental sculpture narrative = battle between Lapiths & centaurs
- Lapith King Pirithous invites the centaurs to his wedding/banquet to Hippodameia (not pelops’ wife) aka Deidamia
- centaurs drink wine for first time (or really strong wine depending on what story you read) & get all crazy & tried to carry the Lapith women off
- including Pirithous’ bride, Deidamia
- Lapiths fight & are able to overcome the half human, half animal creatures
- superiority of civilized society over the bestial instincts
- always present in the nature of human kind
- base instincts are “adike” (a-die-key) = wrong order
- adike is overcome by Apollo = overseer of wrong order
- son of zeus & restorer of civilized order
allegory for the Greeks defeating the Persians
conflict between Greeks & barbarians
composition is symmetrical
connection of sculptures & struggle make for chaos & static
contrast of dike, order of east pediment supervised by zeus (god of justice) & adike, absence of order of west pediment, just about to be corrected by apollo god of the civilization
- *Name**: Temple of Zeus. W. pediment, center. Det: Apollo
- *Period**: Early Classical
- *Date**: c. 470-456 BC
- *Original Location:** Olympia
apollo is the overseer of wrong order = adike
ideal body & expressionless face
“expressionless” face = not void of emotion, but surpressing violent emotion - controlling himself = rationality over irrationality
violent emotion motivates the barbarians
absence of inappropriate expression
- *Name**: Temple of Zeus. W. pediment. Det: Deidameia & Centaur
- *Period**: Early Classical
- *Date**: c. 470-456 BC
- *Original Location:** Olympia
centaur is kidnapping Pirithous’ wife, Deidameia
also like apollo, Deidameia has “expressionless” face - is controlling her emotions in a chaotic moment
- *Name**: Temple of Zeus. W. pediment. Det: Lapith youth, Centaur, & Lapith girl
- *Period**: Early Classical
- *Date**: c. 470-456 BC
- *Original Location:** Olympia
centaur is trying to kidnap a girl, lapith youth is stopping him
- *Name**: Temple of Zeus. W. Frieze Metope: Herakles, Atlas and Athena
- *Period**: Early Classical
- *Date**: c. 470-456 BC
- *Original Location**: Olympia
sculptures of metopes are restricted by the space
easier thann the triangular pediment, but harder b/c of repetitive nature of decorating 12 of them w/o being boring
strong verticality & triangular composition
story is of Herakles’ 12th (and last) labor: stealing the golden apples of the hesperides
atlas is bringing apples back to herakles, who is holding the world in atlas’ absence, & athena is helping him since he can’t do it alone
athena’s peplos is asymmetrically hanging to avoid rigidity
herakles is purposefully off center
- *Name**: Temple of Zeus. Metope: Herakles & Athena
- *Period**: Early Classical
- *Date**: c. 470-456 BC
- *Original Location**: Olympia
story is of 6th labor - stymphalian birds
heracles kills a plague of birds w/bow & arrow after Athena gives him a rattle (made by Hephaestus) to scare the birds into the sky
strong diagonal composition w/athena on a rock
breaks up rigidity by placing her seated
Name: Temple of Zeus. W. Frieze
Metope: Herakles & the Bull of Minos
Period: Early Classical
Date: c. 470-456 BC
Original Location: Olympia
story is of 7th labor= cretan bull
strong composition & strong diagonal, but off set
austerity of designn - contributes to gravity of content
labors are exemplars of personal strength in adversity, simplicity of living, & public spiritedness
makes herakles a model for philosophers
several of the labors were seen as triumphs over death
related to his eventual deification
severity gives nobility
- *Name**: Parthenon. East frieze, right: Poseidon, Apollo & Artemis
- *Period**: Classical
- *Date**: 438-432 BC
- *Artist**: Supervised by Phidias
- *Original Location**: Athens
- *Name**: Propylaea. Plan
- *Period**: Classical
- *Date**: 437-432 BC
- *Artist**: Mnesicles
- *Original Location**: Athens
- *Name**: Propylaea
- *Period**: Classical
- *Date**: 437-432 BC
- *Artist**: Mnesicles
- *Original Location**: Athens
- *Name**: Propylaea. Inner porch & back wall of north wing
- *Period**: Classical
- *Date**: 437-432 BC
- *Artist**: Mnesicles
- *Original Location**: Athens
- *Name**: Athena Parthenos
- *Period**: Classical
- *Date**: 447-439 BC
- *Artist**: Phidias
- *Original Location**: Athens
- *Name**: Athena Promachos
- *Period**: Classical
- *Date**: c.438 BC
- *Artist**: Phidias
- *Original Location**: Athens
- *Name**: Copy of Maenad
- *Period**: Late fifth-century Classical
- *Date**: c.420-410 BC
- *Artist**: Kallimachos?
- *Original Location:** Unknown
- *Name**: Sanctuary of Asklepios. Tholos
- *Period**: Late Classical
- *Date**: c.360 BC
- *Artist**: Polykleitos the Younger
- *Original Location**: Epidauros
- *Name**: Sanctuary of Asklepios. Tholos. Plan.
- *Period**: Late Classical
- *Date**: c. 360 BC
- *Artist**: Polykleitos the Younger
- *Original Location:** Epidauros
- *Name**: Sanctuary of Asklepios. Tholos. Interior corridors. Fountain.
- *Period**: Late Classical
- *Date**: c.360 BC
- *Artist**: Polykleitos the Younger
- *Original Location**: Epidauros