Final Flashcards
earth’s magnetic field is generated by the
flow of the liquid outer core
in Wegener’s evidence for continental drift, continents were proposed to fit together, such as the east coast of south america with the ______ and upper west coast of africa with the ______
lower west coast of africa; east coast of north america
common volcanic gasses include
water vapor, carbon dioxide, adn sulfer dioxide
if a body of igneous rock (source) is subjected to partial melting, the magma that is produced is expected to be
more felsic than the source rock
a sill is a
sheet like intrusion that lies parallel to surrounding layers of sedimentary rock
compaction and cementation of grains occurs during
rhyolitic lavas
do not flow as far from the vent as basaltic lavas do
chemical weathering takes place most rapidly in environments that are _____ and _______
warm; wet
under the theory of plate tectonics, the plates themselves are
deiscrete pieces of lithosphere at the surfacr of the solid earth that move with respect to one anothr
minerals are all naturally occuring solid substances with definable chemical composition. they must also possess
a fixed crystalline structure
why do geologists classify rocks?
because rocks are the key to determining geologic hisory
which is a hard mineral?
the formation of magma within earth is cause by
decompression, addition of volatiles, transfer of heat from adjacent magma or very hot rocks
the silicate tetrahedron that forms the backbone of all the silicate minerals is composed of silicon and what other element?
atoms that are heavier than iron are generally produced by
explosion of supernova
the greatest hazard to human life associated with volcanoes is
pyroclastic flows
why do continents have a different polar wander path?
wegener was right, continents move
cleavage minerals refer to
a tendency to break along planes of weakness
Mt fuji is an example of
of the three primary forms of subacrial volcanoes, ________ have the most gently sloing sides, due to the low viscosity of the balastic lavas that form them
shield volcanoes
strong evidence that the universe is expanding comes from the fact that the light emmited from distant galaxies appears to be
red shifted
a majority of the melts in the earth form through the partial meltin gof ultramafic mantle rock. these newly formed magmas are
coarse grained granite is most similar in mineral compostion to fine grained
natural glass is not considered a mineral because it
does not have an organized crystalline structure