Final Flashcards
Lateraling? Character Patient Appearance Duration Associated symptoms
Unilateral, children bilateral Gradual onset, worse with activity Likes dark places 4-72 hours Nausea,vomit,photophobia
Tension headache
Lateraling Character Appearance Duration Associated
Pressure/tightness waxing/waning
Stays active
30min -7 days
No associated symptoms
Lateraling Characteristics Appearance Duration Associated symptoms
Unilateral around eye/temple Quick crescendo, excruciating Stays active 15min-3 hours Eyes, nose, facial deficits/symptoms
Occipital neuralgia
Unilateral generally
Starts in back where neck meets skull
Trauma/pinching nerves/tumors
Massage, NSAID, muscle relaxants
Maneuver to test BPPV
Turn head 45, lay down for 30 mins
Repeat other direction
Loose canaliths in semicircular canal
Common 50-70 years, or trauma
Treat Epley maneuver and Brandt-Doff
No meds, don’t need further testing if all else normal.
Most common vertigo
Vestibular neuritis
2nd most common, possible virus cause
Age 30-50
Objective Rotary vertigo
Horizontal nystagmus opposite side
Falling same side
Medications (anti-emetic, histamine,benzodiazepines) to treat
Meniere disease
Hearing loss, possible tinnitus
Age 20-60
So severe needs bed rest
Vestibular migraine
Episodic vertigo with history migraines
Kids-this is most common vertigo
Adult-more women, 20-50, family history
Stress relief, sleep/exercise,meds to block migraine
Resting tremor
In relaxed body parts
Enhanced by stress, focus on other things
Eliminated with voluntary movement of that limb
Action tremor (3 types)
Postural- tremor when maintaining position against gravity
Isometric tremor- when contracting against stationary target(Making fist)
Kinetic- when voluntarily moving that limb (intention)
Enhanced physiologic tremor
Everyone has one.
May be enhanced by stress, meds, metabolic conditions, coffee, fatigue
Essential tremor
Most common
Common hands, head, feet, voice
Generally bilateral
Caffeine/fatigue increase tremor
Alcohol decreases
Parkinsonism tremor
Generally from meds blocking dopamine
70% Parkinson patients have tremor,
Can remove with intention
Bradykinesia, small steps
Cerebellar tremor
Low frequency postural tremor,
MS related(plaques, stroke, tumor)