Final Flashcards
Having their feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace they were ready to preach only at regular announced hours.
Peter and 6 Jewish brethren who went to Caesarea were convinced that God had filled Cornelius and his household with the Holy Ghost because they heard them speak with other tongues, just as had the Jews when God poured out the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost.
The physical healing of the lame man was a symbol of the spiritual healing that every spiritually sick and crippled sinner may receive from the Lord.
Only the miraculous power of God can fully restore the diseased in soul and body.
The Lord poured out the Holy Ghost upon Cornelius, his household, relatives, and friends even before Peter had concluded his message.
God, by the means of the new birth of His Spirit, can re-create men into new creatures in righteousness and true holiness.
Peter and John let the crowd believe that they had healed the lame man
In Acts 10:9-16, Peter’s vision was repeated 3 times to impress its importance upon him.
By earnest and effectual prayer, our own minds and attitudes of faith are changed.
Dorcus was a sketchy saint of unworthy character
Peter began his message in Acts 10:34-43 by acknowledging that he had learned that God did not regard all people alike.
After the trial of Peter and John in Acts 4, the rulers threatened them and sentenced them to jail.
Saul of Tarsus honestly believed Jesus to be an imposter and thought that he was fighting on God’s side against heresy.
The Lord never sends one down a blind alley, but success is assured when His voice is fully obeyed
The apostles saw themselves as a continuation of the OT plan or the fulfillment of it.
As demonstrated through Ananias and Sapphira, the desire for the praise of men more than for the praise of God is the seed of Hypocrisy.
The 2nd persecution as found in Acts 5:17-28 was the Release of the apostles.
God opened the prison doors by a miracle and sent the apostles back to the Temple to continue preaching.
After the death of Stephen, Saul persecuted the church with greater fury than ever.
It was the human power of the apostles and disciples that made them bold.
In Acts 7, the religious leaders hated Stephen because their own works were evil and his were righteous.
In Acts 9, the miracle of the raising of Dorcas was a testimony by which many were made to believe in the Lord.
Peter had once denied the Lord in the presence of a servant girl, and he was again weak in the presence of these rulers, according to Acts 5.
A revelation of the presence of God makes mortal men conscious of their own helplessness and sinful, undone condition
When God’s saints are led by His Spirit, they have his protection and need not fear men.
In Acts 5:34-42, God used Gamaliel, the great doctor of the law of Moses, to hold back the murderous intent against the apostles.
In Acts 9:20-25, the natural law that one reaps what he sows runs through every facet of human experience, hence it was inevitable that Saul should reap some of the seeds of persecution
The full redemptive transaction of the Lord Jesus Christ was optional for our salvation
Personal evangelism is not an important part of the Lord’s work.
Because of the apostles’ personal dedication, their ministry triumphed and spread from Jerusalem to Judea, Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the world.
God confirms His word with signs following but His sainted must love and worship Him for Himself and not merely for the benefits or the sensation of His miracles.
Before Saul of Tarsus was converted to Jesus, he was a supporter of the followers of Jesus.
The Apostles was not a new religion, but a continuation of that which the prophets had seen in the spirit.
Philip questioned God why he should leave the revival in Samaria to go into a desert place.
The Doctrine is that which can be changed by an organization
God put His confirmation on the obedient act of faith by pouring out the Holy Ghost on both Philip and the Eunuch
Quote Acts 2:38
Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Name 1 of the first 7 Deacons unanimously chosen in Acts 6
Stephen, Philip, Prochorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas
As discussed in class, what are the 4 Aspects of Church Life?
- Teaching
- Praying
- Fellowship
- Evangelism
Saul was completely conquered when he was struck down in the road by the Lord, He asked 2 questions. List ONE of them
Who art thou, Lord?
The Book of Acts was addressed to a man by the name of ______.
The book of Acts is the History of the _____ church.
According to Acts 1:8, “You shall receive ____ after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you…”
The author of Acts is believed to be ___.
Who became the first martyr?
Jesus’ many appearances to his disciples were ____ proofs that He was indeed alive from the dead
Qualifications for decons, as stated in Acts 6 was Ethical, Spiritual, and __________.
The 2nd coming of Jesus is the greatest ____ of the church, the greatest comfort to Christians and the greatest incentive to consistent Christian living.
The 2nd problem which arose in Acts 6 because of having a common treasury was the neglect of the ____.
When was the book of Acts believed to be written?
65 AD
Peter preached the first gospel ____.
The problem of the Kingdom message is the conflict of the spiritual with the _______.
Who did the apostles choose to fill Judas’ vacancy?
The name “Pentecost” means _____.
Peter and John went to the Temple to pray at the ninth hour. What time of day would that be?
The healing of the ____ man was at Gate Beautiful
The Gospel spread by ________ in Acts 8:4
The miracle of the healing of the lame man was the occasion for _____ second sermon
God’s promises are not mere words alone, but are backed up by the power of the ____ _____
Holy Spirit
The healing of ____ in Acts 9 brought relief, encouragement, and comfort to the disciples in Lydda and brought a stir and revival.
Christianity, the principle proof is the ____, burial, and resurrection.
Saul of Tarsus testified that he had obtained ____ because his persecution of the saints had been in ignorance and unbelief
The 1st persecution came as a result of the 1st _____.
_______ is the basic cause of all troubles within the church.
As soon as Peter and John were released, they joined the saints in a Pentecostal ___ ___
prayer meeting
In Acts 10, the 1st gentiles to be baptized by the Holy Ghost in the NT church of Jesus Christ was _____ and his household.
Stephen’s defense before the Council in Acts 7 proved 3 things: His own knowledge of the law of Moses; His respect for the law; his _______ in Jesus as the fulfillment of all the Messianic prophecies.
In Acts 9, _____ was sent to instruct Saul, to pray for him to receive his sight, and be filled with the Holy Ghost and to baptize him in water
The Confluence of 3 civilizations included ______ Foundation, __________ Culture, and ______ Polity.
Jewish, Greek, Roman
The Greek word pneuma or ___________, is the study of Pneumatology.
breath of God
What is the most important fruit of the Spirit of God?
3 elements that swept the Apostles into their destinies:
1. Compelling personality of ___________
2. The fact of the _________
The ______ of the Holy Ghost
Jesus Christ
Romans 6:4 states, “Therefore we are ____ with him by baptism into death; that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.”