Final Flashcards
Judging other cultures by one’s own standards, not accepting other groups and considering other cultures inferior
Experiental learning
hands on learning
Where does experiential learning happen?
in authentic situations
Which experiential learning methods are to benefit the community?
Community service
As a teaching and learning method what does service learning put an emphasis on?
collaborative planning and implementation of projects
A teaching and learning method that stresses collaborative planning between the studnet
Why is orientation an important step in service learning
it minimizes disruptions to the service learning program.
What are the steps in order of service learning
collaboration orientation preparation reflection evaluation
Reflection step in service learning
to deliberately draw meaning from the experience
Evaluation step in service learning
evaluation of the service learning project is a continuous process that can be divided into two phases (formulate evaluation and summative evaluation)
Formulative evaulation
involves examining the service learning project whiles its ongoing or in the process
Summartive evaluation
involves a formal endproduct review of the service learning project
What are common goals for health professionals to provide the best care?
To provide the best oral care to all patients, which involves identifying ways to prevent and control oral diseases and conditions for members of all cultural groups.
What is cultural diversity?
Concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique and recognizing our individual differences.
What is culture?
An integrated pattern of human behavior that includes thoughts, communications, languages, practices, beliefs, values, customs, courtesies, rituals, manners of interacting, roles, relationships, and expected behaviors of a racial, ethnic, religious, or social group, as well as the ability to transmit these to succeeding generations.