Final Flashcards
Kickstart Configuration: %packages
Specifies the software to be installed on the target system.
Kickstart Configuration: %post scripts
Configures the system after all of the software has been installed.
Kickstart Configuration: %pre script
Configures the system after all of the software has been installed. Executed before any disk partitioning is done.
Installation commands: url
Specifies the location for the installation media.
Installation commands: repo
Tells Anaconda where to find the packages for installation. This option must point to a valid yum repository.
Installation commands: text
Forces text mode install.
Installation commands: vnc
Allows the graphical installation to be viewed remotely via VNC.
Installation commands: askmethod
Do not automatically use the CD-ROM as the source of packages when installation media is detected in the CD-ROM drive.
Partitioning commands: clearpart
Clears the specified partitions before installation.
Partitioning commands: part
Specifies the size, format, and name of a partition.
Partitioning commands: ignoredisk
Ignores the specified disks when installing.
Partitioning commands: bootloader
Defines where to install the bootloader.
Partitioning commands: volgroup, logvol
Creates LVM volume groups and logical volumes.
Partitioning commands: zerombr
Disks whose formatting is unrecognized are initialized.
Configuration commands: lang
Sets the language to use during installation and the default language of the installed system. (Required)
Configuration commands: keyboard
Sets the system keyboard type. (Required)
Configuration commands: timezone
Defines timezone, NTP servers, and whether the hardware clock uses UTC.
Ex. timezone –utc – Europe/Amsterdam
Configuration commands: auth
Sets up the authentication options for the system. (Required)
Configuration commands: rootpw
Defines the initial root password.
Configuration commands: selinux
Sets the state of SELinux on the installed system.
Configuration commands: services
Modifies the default set of services that will run under the default systemd target.
Configuration commands: group, user
Create a local group or user on the system.
What are two ways to create a Kickstart configuration file?
Use the system-config-kickstart utility or use a text editor
Contains the Kickstart directives that can be used to generate the freshly installed system.
A utility that checks for syntax errors in a Kickstart configuration file. It will ensure keywords and options are properly used, but it will not validate URL paths, individual packages, or groups, nor any part of %post or %pre scripts.
Steps to install RHEL server using Kickstart
- Use system-config-kickstart to create a Kickstart configuration file.
- Use a text editor to add logical volume management commands to the Kickstart
configuration file. - Check the configuration file for syntax errors with ksvalidator.
- Publish the Kickstart configuration file via HTTP, FTP, or NFS.
- Boot Anaconda from installation media.
- Specify the ks= option to point the installer to the Kickstart configuration file.
Line Anchors
Control the location of where the regular expression looks for a match. ^, a beginning of line anchor, or $, an end of line anchor.