Final Flashcards
Bi-directional view of Evolutionism
Environmental and biological conditions influence each other.
Natural Selection focus
Emphasizes adaptation, reproduction, and survival of the fittest in shaping behavior
Cell nucleus duplicates. Humans have 46 chromosomes arranged in 23 pairs. During mitosis, the cell’s nucleus duplicates itself and the cell divides. The resulting cell is a clone.
Types of Genotype-environment correlations
Passive, evocative, active (niche-picking)
Epigenetic view of development
Bi-directional interchange of heredity/environment
agents causing birth defects. caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, blood types, diseases, diet, stress
Apgar Scale test
heart, breathing, muscle, color, reflex
Brain regions and their general functions
Frontal: movement, thinking, personality, emotion, memory, attention. Occipital: vision. Temporal: hearing, language, memory. Parietal: spatial location, attention, motor control
Define lateralization
Specialization of functions in one hemisphere of cerebral cortex.
What is meant by “blooming & pruning”
Infancy, increased dendrites and synapses. Those that get used strengthen, those that aren’t are “pruned”
Know some of the side effects to poor diet
Obesity: medical, pulmonary, diabetes. self-esteem, depression, exclusion by peers.
Infant reflexes are important because…..
Allows newborns to respond adaptively before they have had a chance to learn.
Define rooting reflex
When cheek is stroked, infant turns to where touched and begins to suck.
Define Gross Motor Skills/Fine Motor Skills
Gross: large muscle activites. Fine: finger dexterity, reaching, grasping. Palmar, pincer grasp.
Define sensation
Information as stimuli processed by sensory receptors
Define Assimilation
Children use existing schemas to incorporate new information. All moving vehicles are cares.
Know Piaget’s cognitive developmental stages
Cog stages: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational
Define Object Permanence
the understanding that objects continue to exist when they cannot be seen, heard or touched
Define egocentricism
The inability to distinguish between one’s own perspective and someone else’s perspective
Define conservation in regards to Piaget’s theory
The awareness that altering an object or a substance’s appearances does not change its basic properties (volume of glass regardless of height)
Vygotsky’s theory focused on & differs from Piaget in what ways
Piaget, little emphasis on sociocultural context, cognitive constructivist, strong stages, language not significant.
Define scaffolding
Changing the level of support over a teaching session to fit the guidance with the child.
Define zone of proximal development
The range of tasks that are too difficult for the child to master alone, but that can be learned with guidance from adults or more skilled peers.
Define postformal thought
Thinking that is reflective, realistic, and contextual, provisional (more skeptical about truth), realistic and influenced by emotions.
Know the process of Information Processing
Stimulus, attention, encoding, memory, thinking, response. Manipulate, monitor, create strategies.
Define meta-cognition
Knowing about knowing.
Define the different kinds of attention (e.g., selective)
selective,divided,sustained, executive