Final!! Flashcards
The primary emphasis in effective classroom management is
Preventing student problem behavior in the first place
According to Knoster (2008), the description “teacher self-management of instructional practice in group settings” is a more accurate way to describe
Classroom Management
The three primary principles of prevention in the classroom management emphasized in your reading include:
Rapport, clear expectations, and reinforcement of expected behavior
In terms of establishing rapport, it is important to first
Acknowledge student as a human being first, and teacher second, you will be inclined to have favorite students
Your students will likely ___ if they understand that you have genuine interest in them on a personal level
become increasingly motivated to learn
Negative Reinforcement is:
The removal of an undesired stimulus based on performance of a desired behavior
Fundamental aspects of establishing clear expectations include:
Identifying, defining, posting, teaching, and reinforcing expected behavior
A procedure in which access to a desired stimulus (e.g. dessert at dinner) is made contingent on the appropriate use of less desired stimulus (e.g. eating vegetables at dinner) is referred to as:
The Premack Principle
Fairness in terms of your delivery of positive reinforcement with your students really means:
Each student gets what s/he needs understanding that needs may be different from student to student and needs can change over time
Providing a conducive classroom environment (climate) has been associated with:
Higher levels of student academic and behavioral achievement
In terms of the 4 to 1 ratio emphasized in your reading:
Each student should minimally have access to the 4 to 1 ratio, but what will differ between students may be the time interval within which you have achieve the 4 to 1 ratio
An effective behavior contract has most to do with:
Reinforcement procedures for occurrence of expected behavior
According to Knoster (2008), the key to understanding or decoding student problem behavior lies first and foremost in understanding:
Your own actions and the nature of your own behavior
Which of the following best reflects the relationship between nature and nurture as it pertains to behavior?
Nature and nurture both affect behavior and the affect may change over time and across situations
Which of the following are common examples of slow triggers (setting events) commonly associated with problem behaviors?
Feeling ill, poor night’s sleep and/or feeling hungry
When conducting a Functional Behavior Assessment asking the questions “when is Jimmy’s problem behavior most likely to occur?” is most likely useful to:
Identify features of the context for Jimmy’s problem behavior
Designing a student-centered behavior support plan would be logical
As a next step if a behavior contract did not yield sufficient results
Beyond basic mechanics of building rapport emphasized in your reading, it is also important to
Think about situations that lend themselves to rapport building
Planned ignoring and stop-redirect procedures are examples of what level of student-centered interventions in your classroom according to Knoster (2008)?
Level 1
Establishing a behavior contract with a particular student:
All of the above (should occur only when necessary and for a limited time frame, should occur after exhausting your preventative classroom management approaches, represents an initial stage of student-centered approaches)
The primary students who should receive targeted interventions and supports are:
Any student who does not sufficiently respond to universal prevention
Targeted interventions and supports are best understood as which of the following?
Targeted supports are layered on top of, not in place of, universal approaches
Which of the following best describes the hallmarks of targeted interventions and supports?
Increased progress monitoring, re-teaching expectations, and increased positive reinforcement for meeting expectations
Beyond the use of discipline referrals, what other forms of data should prove useful to identify students in need of targeted supports?
Attendance & tardiness, visits to school nurse, and class grades
Check and Connect intervention typically involves which of the following?
Connecting the student with a school-based monitor to improve student engagement, decrease absences and ultimately prevent school dropout
Similar to Check and Connect, the Behavior Education Program is structured around a scheduled check in system, however, unlike Check and Connect, the behavior Education Program is designed to have students check in on what time frame/basis?
Targeted social skills training usually involves which of the following?
Re-teaching activities associated with school-wide and classroom expectations
The primary goal of a behavior contract is best described as which of the following?
To see sufficient improvement in behavior so that you can wean the student off the contract within a reasonable amount of time
Which of the following best describes the essence of an effective behavior contract?
Systematic re-defining, teaching, and reinforcing behavioral expectations
Internalizing behavior has been described as the over control of feelings (or emotions) and can be thought to fall in to which of the following descriptive categories?
Anxiety, depression, social withdrawal and somatic complaints
Behavioral screener provide educators with information to do which of the following?
Early identification of students who may require targeted intervention and supports
When using behavioral screener with students at school it is important to carefully look for students with what types of conditions?
Internalizing as well as externalizing behaviors conditions
Which of the following is considered to be one of the most difficult (trickiest) aspects of designing an effective behavior contract?
Determining how frequently you will evaluate and measure student performance
A bonus clause in a behavior contract provides which two benefits to you as the classroom teacher?
Further incentivizes meeting expectations and provides you with a target for when to re-negotiate the contract
The primary instructional benefit of representing data graphically (visually) is which of the following?
It helps everyone to see patterns when interpreting the information
The primary factor that makes data meaningful (or functional) is which of the following?
The use of the data
The three primary aspects (things) to analyze when interpreting graphic displays of student performance data include which of the following?
Trend, level, and variability (consistency, predictability)
What is essential in order to design and implement effective, individual - intensive supports in the event that a student does not sufficiently respond to targeted interventions and supports?
A collaborative team approach
Which of the following is required in order for you as a teacher to share or obtain information about a given student in your classroom with staff from another child serving agency?
All of the above (approval from the school psychologist, verbal consent from the part or legal guardian, signed release of information)
Which of the following is recommended when collaborating with staff from other child serving systems in delivering services and supports in your classroom/school?
All of the above ( clarifying roles and functions among staff, identifying shared goals and objectives, providing clear and timely communications)