Final Flashcards
A Paradigm is a group of theories or core assumptions
Structural Realism
Realism is one of the oldest and best-known theories.
Structural realism makes the key assumptions that states are #1 actors,
the international system is anarchic,
these nations worry about security first,
power dynamics are key,
states are unitary rational actors.
Offensive Realism
States maximize power
Defensive Realism-
States maximize security. Note, security is very different than power.
Neo-Classical Realism
Systemic pressure filtered downward through domestic institutions. Focus on grand strategy of one country. Neo classical realism is focused on how countries react to these pressures.
Analytical Liberalism
Domestic interest groups organize to lobby the government to pursue foreign policy. Used to explain and understand. Not an ideal. Upward pressure from individuals with common interests forming groups, hence “liberalism”
Class conflict drives foreign policy
Actors are socially constructed therefore norms and ideals shape identities. Those in turn shape interests. Very postmodern.
Bureaucratic Politics-
A state policy choice reflects arguments within the government coming at the bureaucratic level.
Individuals Idiosyncrasies
Policymakers are individuals with unique approaches and experiences. The policymaker is the central actor.
Grand Strategy
Notion of setting long term goals and figuring out the means to achieve those goals over time. Made up of security policy and foreign economic policy.
External Balancing
Find allies, redirect trade among those allies. Balance against potential security threats with those allies. Do stuff externally to respond to issues.
Internal Balancing
Arms races. Internal development (at a cost to others) look internally for responses to threats.
Look at the environment, see a threat, ally with a dominant power, tie yourself to that power economically, follow their policy and hope they protect you. “If you can’t beat them, join them”
Maintain neutrality and hope someone else deals with the problem. Follow your own interests at a cost to others. Basically isolationism.
Concede to threats, long term economic cooperation to create future opportunities.
American Exceptionalism
The idea that America is a unique place that is special and has a duty to protect that “specialness”. Raises multiple questions of how USA should interact with other countries.
Entangling Alliances
A warning from Jefferson’s inaugural address which basically pointed out that if you have alliances with other countries, you need to take their interests into account as well. This is a “pet phrase” for isolationists. This is representative of George Washington’s philosophy but was said by Jefferson.
Jefferson’s Inaugural
Inaugural address where he said the entangling alliances quote.
The Monroe Doctrine
Signed in 1823. Stated that America would NOT accept recolonization. Raised the question of if America should support colonies rebelling against the colonizers, USA would not actively support rebellion. USA did not have the power to enforce this in 1823, but since Britain had trade interests with USA they “appeased” it and didn’t fuck with the colonies.
Factor Based Interests
Owners of common factors (Land, Labor, Capital) will be allied with one another. Owners of land prefer free trade. Labor and Capital owners prefer protectionism. Based on comparative advantage.
Sector Based Interests
Industries that are using the factor inputs will ally together on economic policy. Urban industrial manufacturing was very capital and labor intensive so they were protectionist. Agriculture was made up of all three inputs so agriculture varied.
Idea there is a large distribution of interests in the United states and they were concentrated geographically. Industrial manufacturing was mainly north east. Capital intensive agriculture was mainly central north. Land intensive agriculture was west and Midwest. Labor intensive agriculture in the south.
William McKinley
President from 1897-1901, 25th president, was a Republican. He won a second term in 1900 but was assassinated about six months into his second term. Led nation to victory in Spanish-American war, raised a lot of protective tariffs, and helped with the Sherman Act.
McKinley Tariff 1890
Signed in 1890, put high tariffs on industrial and agricultural goods. Argued for Tariffs as an effective way to protect domestic industries rather than as a way to increase government revenue.
Dingley Tariff 1897
Similar to McKinley Tariff, but re-instituted strong tariffs at even higher rates than McKinley Tariff.
Spanish American War
Fought between the United States and Spain in 1998. Tensions rose after the explosion of the USS Maine in Cuba. The United states went on to intervene in the Cuban war of independence, in addition to America attacking Spain in other locations (like the Philippines). With occupations of various territories the United States reluctantly became an imperial power.
Yellow Journalism
The concept of journalists sensationalizing moral issues. Made Cuba situation with the Spanish-American war into a moral crisis. Printing press increased the amount to which journalists could be sensationalist.
U.S.S. Maine-
Ship that blew up near Cuba, leading to the Spanish American war. Still unclear why it actually blew up.
Teller Amendment
A response to McKinley declaring war, stating that if the US got involved in Cuba they could not “take it over” they could only liberate it and leave it to the people.
Alfred T. Mahan
Naval strategist who helped with the strategy around the Spanish-American war. US navy kicked ass.