Final Flashcards
CBG Procedure
- Check medical history and confirm steady state of 20-30 min
- Obtain and assemble necessary equitment
- Select site and warm to 42C for 10 min
- Puncture skin (<2.5 mm) with lancet
- Wipe away 1st drop of blood and do not squeeze
- Fill sample tube (75-100 mcl)
- Place metal flea in tube and mix sample
- Place cotton on site
- Analyze sample within 10-15 min
- Dispose of waste
- Document
How much blood should be obtained with CBG puncture
75-100 mcl
Relative Contraindications to CBG
Peripheral Vasoconstriction
Polycythemia caused by a shorter clotting time
CBG and Arterilization
CBG are only useful when properly warmed, in order to cause dilation of the underlying blood vessels and increase capillary blood flow well above what the tissues needs
Egan’s says warm to 42 Celcius
AHS does not give a proper number needs to be warmed
Blood gas values will be similar to arterial circulation which is why the sample is known as arterialized blood
When should a CBG not be done
Infant <24 hr old (poor peripheral perfusion)
Need for direct analysis oxygenation and arterial blood
CBG should not be performed in the following areas
Posterior curvature on the heel, can puncture bone
Heel of pt who has begun walking
Finger of neonates, can cause nerve damage
Swollen, cyanotic, poorly perfused, and/or infected tissue
Peripheral arteries
Number of CBG Punctures Allowed
Max number of puntures if 2 per heel as long as the heel is in good condition
CBG Order of Collection
- Blood Gas
- Neonatal Screen
- Chemistry
CBG Analysis
Alternative to arterial access in infants and small children
Can help give estimates of arterial pH, PaCO2, but is little help in assessing oxygenation
Better than finger stick values
CB Troubleshooting
Most common error is inadequate warming of the site and squeezing the site. Squeezing the site will result in venous and lympathtic contamination. Both will result in inadequate tests.
The clinican must ensure adequate sample collection while avoiding air contamination and clotting
Advantage of Radial Artery
Collateral Circulation
Easy to palpatate, access, stabilize, and punture
No major nerves in close proximity
Disadvantage of Radial Artery
More likely to go into spasm due to the fact that it is more peripheral
There is a radial vein on either side of artery so may get a venous sample
The Only Absolute Contra-Indication of ABG
Skin Graft at Puncture Site
Plastic Vented Syringe
20-25 gauge
Prefilled with Heparin (1 000 U/ml) and higher Heparin (>10 000 IU/ml) may cause altered pH
Brachioradialis Tendon
Lateral to radial artery and inserts into styoid process of radial bone
Flexor Carpi Radialis Tendon
Medial to radial artery and inserts into second and third metacarpal
Flexor Pollicis Longus Tendon
Medial to radial artery beneath flexor carpi radialis and inserts into phalange of the thumb
Pronataor Quadratus Muscle
Lies posterior to radial artery
Periosteum of the Radius
If patient complains of a sharp pain during ABG puncture and a solid structure is encountered the needle may have made contact with this structure
Decreased platlet count
Relative Contraindications to ABG
*The need for ABG can outwieght any of these contraindications
Bilateral negative Allan Test
ANticoagulant or Thrombolytic Therapy
Coagulation disorder
Severe Hypotension
Deformities at puncture site
Raynaud Disease
Distal to surgical site
Artery Supply to Right Arm
Brachiocephalic artery from arch of aorta to right subclavian artery
Artery Supply to Left Arm
Via left subclavian artery dircetly off aorta
From subclavian artery to hand
The subclavian artery on both hand passes between clavicle and 1st rib to become axillary artery as it enters axilla and the brachial artery as it leave th axilla
The the elbow will become brachial arteryand then divides into ulnar and radial artery
Radial and Ulnar Arteries
Radial and ulnar arteries will meet in the palm of the hand at the superifical and deep palmar arteries
Radial Veins
2 small radial veins on either side of radial artery
Major nerves are seperated from artery by tendons at this optimal site
Lateral Cutaneous Nerve
Continuation of musculocutaneous nerve
Will pass over brachioradialis tendon
Median Nerve
Seperated from radial artery by the flexor carpi radialis tendon and deep to the pollocis longus tendon
Radial Nerve Superifical Branch
From back of the arm and is seperated from the radial artery by the brachioradial tendon and travel along the lateral side of the radius and wrist
Transporting the ABG Sample
If the analysis of the sample will take more than 10 min put it in the ice slurry
Why Advantage does an ABG have over CBG and Venous Sample
Venous samples will vary due to local tissue metabolism
Capillary samples are prone to venous admixture and air contamination
Deficient Sample Return
Slowly withdraw the needle
ABG Pre-Analytical Error
Air in Sample
Effect on Parameter: Decrease PaCO2, Increased pH
Increased low PaO2
Decreased high PaO2
ABG Pre-Analytical Error
Metabolic Effects
Effect on Parameter: Increased PaCO2, Decreased pH, Decreased PaO@
How to Recongize: Excessive time since collection and inconsistent with pt status
How to Advoid: Analye within 15 min, and place in ice slurry
ABG Pre-Analytical Error
Excess Anticoagulant (Dilution)
Effects: Decreased PaCO2, Increased pH
Increased low PaO2
Decreased high PaO2
Recognization: Visible heparin in syringe
Avoidance: Use samples with pre pared heparin amounts
ABG Pre-Analytical Error
Venous Admixture
Effect: Increased PaCO2, Decreased pH, Greatly lower PaO2
Recognize: Syringe failure to fill with pulsation
Advoidance: Advoid brachial nd femoral sites, do not aspirate sample, use short bevel
Partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood
Severe Hypoxemia: PaO2 < 40 mmHg
Moderate Hypoxemia: PaO2 40-60 mmHg
Mild Hypoxemia: PaO2 >60 mmHg
Concentration of O2 in 100 ml of aerterial blood
Normal: 18-20 ml
What is Mixed Venous Oxygen Saturation
Percentage of oxygen bound to hemoglobin in blood returning to the right side of the heart and reflect the amount of oxygen left over after the tissues remove what they needs
Used to help recognize when the body is extracting more oxygen than normally
An increase in extraction is the bodies way to meet tissue oxygen needs when the amount of oxygen reaching the tissues is less than needed.
How to Obtain a True Mixed Venous Sample
A true mixed venous sample (SvO2) is obtained from the tip of the pulmonary artery catheter and includes all the venous blood returing from Superior vena cava, inferior vena cava, and coronary sinus
By the time the blood reaches the pulmonary artery, all venous blood has “mixed” to reflect the average amount of oxygen remaining after all tissues in the body have removed oxygen from the hemoglobin.
The mixed venous sample also captures the blood before it is re-oxygenated in the pulmonary capillary.
ScvO2 Measurement
ScvO2 = central venous sample.
An ScvO2 measurement is a surrogate for the SvO2.
Because pulmonary artery catheter use has declined dramatically, ScvO2 measurements obtained from internal jugular or subclavian catheters are often used
It may be used to identify changes in a patient’s tissue oxygen extraction. We usually assume (possibly incorrectly at times) that a blood gas sample obtained from the internal jugular or subclavian (which reflects only head and upper extremities) will have the same meaning as an SvO2.
What Does the SvO2 Show
Mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2) can help to determine whether the cardiac output and oxygen delivery is high enough to meet a patient’s needs.
It can be very useful if measured before and after changes are made to cardiac medications or mechanical ventilation, particularly in unstable patients.
Normal SvO2
Normal SvO2 60-80%.
Normal ScvO2 (from an internal jugular or subclavian vein) is > 70%.
Purpose of fenestration in a Trach
Allow the pt to talk and move air
Parts of a Trach Tube
Plastic Connector: Hook bag, ventilate
Radio Opacie Line: Check position
Cuff: Seal airway and allow ventilaiton
Pilot Balloon: Maintain cuff seal
Murphy: Allow breathing when other ports are occluded
TBI Protocol
PaCO2 35-40
Decreased PaCO2 will cause vasoconstriction and decrease cerebral blood flow (decrease ICP)
PaO2 80-120
Decreased Resistance
PIP Decreases
Use Equation for resistance and compliance when in volume control
Vt Increased
Everything will increase with the exception of Ve (I:E will increase)
PPV Increased Deadspace Ventilation
Normal Vd/Vt is 0.25-0.40, but will be increase to 0.4-0.6 when PPV is used
Distribution of PPV will go to the apices and less to the bases when compared to a spontaneous breath
Increased Resitance
Pip Increases
Correct Placement of ETT
Want 3-5 cm above carina as a buffer zone for when the tube moves with the neck
A measure of distensibility of the lung
Normal is 60-100 mL/cmH2O
<25-30 cmH2O in ARDS
Delta Pressures
Resistance Decreases
Ti dyn Decreases
Flow Increases
PEEP Decreases
PIP Decreases
Pplat Decreases
Pmean Decreases
How to tell what changes in compliance and resistance will result in when in volume control
Use the compliance and resistance formulas
Auto PEEP in Volume Control
There is an increase in resistance which can be responsible for auto PEEP
Volume Control Set Controls
Control volume and flow so as lung mechanics change pressure will change
Because we are controlled volume and flow we are controlled minute ventilation
Set: Vt, RR, Flow, PEEP, Ti pause, FiO2
CvO2 Calculation
(Hb x 1.34) x SvO2 + (PvO2 x 0.003)
Shunt Fraction %
<10% Normal Lungs
10-19% Seldom Needs Ventilatory Support
20-29% May need CPAP
>30% Needs Ventilatory Support
Ventilatory Patameters Adult
Tidal Volume
6-8 ml/kg
May be as high as 10ml/kg for neuromuscular and post op pts.
Lung protective 4-6 ml/kg.
Ventilatory Patameters Adult
12-16 bpm
Higher rates run the risk of air-trapping
Ventilatory Patameters Adult
Insp Time
0.8-1.2 s
I:E of 1:2 or lower
Try not to inverse unless you really need to affect MAP
Ventilatory Patameters Adult
5 cmH2O
Typical start is 5 cmH2O
Aim for optimal PEEP
Increases typically made in increments of 2-3 cmH2O
Watch for CV compromise
Ventilatory Patameters Adult
Minute Volume
~ 100 mL/kg to start!
Also used: ♂- 4 x BSA
♀-3.5 X BSA
Febrile pt’s require higher MV
Adjusted based on PaCO2
Vt and Pplat
Plat < 25 cm H20 Vt should be 6-10 ml/kg
Pplat25-30 Vt should be ≤ 8 ml/kg,
Ppat≥ 30 Vt should be ≤ 6 ml/kg
Contraindications to PEEP
Increased ICP, untreated pneumo, hypotension
Weaning with SIMV
Weaning by SIMV with pressure support is better (reducing oxygen dependency) than SIMV alone.
Meta-analysis of volume-targeted ventilation demonstrated significant reductions in the duration of ventilation and pneumothorax, but the trials were small and of different designs.
Volume guarantee may provide more consistent blood gas control.
Ventilatory Parameters Neonate <32 Weeks
If Leak > 40% may change to A/C PCV
if Neonate Ventilation there is a leak > 40% consider
larger ETT, extubationto NIPPVS, or A/C PC ventilation
Ventilatory Parameters Neonate <32 Weeks
4 mL/kg
What about deadspace?
- eg. Flow transducers, ETCO2
Ventilatory Parameters Neonate <32 Weeks
40 to 50 bpm
Ventilatory Parameters Neonate <32 Weeks
Insp Time
0.30 sec
Adjust to reach equilibrium
Ventilatory Parameters Neonate <32 Weeks
6 cmH2O
Increases typically made in increments of 1-2 cmH2O. PEEP may be 8 before alternative modes trialled.
Ventilatory Parameters Neonate <32 Weeks
MV, VTe, VTi: +- 20%
RR total 90 bpm
HiP 35cmH2O, readjust to PIP +10 (G5 in APV will have the 10 buffer so you get an alarm when you are within 10 of high pressure alarm )
PEEP +- 2 cmH2O
Flow Trigg: 0.5 Lpm– 2 Lpm, assess for auto trigg
Apnea time; 5 – 10 sec
Apnea FiO2 (Match set on vent)
Neonatal VLBW ABG Goals
28-40 weeks GA
pH >7.25
PaCO2 45-55
PaO2 50-70
HCO3 18-20
SpO2 85-92
Neonatal ELBW ABG Goals
< 28 weeks GA
pH >7.25
PaCO2 45-55
PaO2 45-65
HCO3 15-18
SpO2 85-92
Modern Ventilators and Ventilating Different Pt Groups
- Most modern ventilators have the capabilities to ventilate all patient groups
- May require special equipment (eg. flow transducer)
- Consider the recommended weight ranges specified by the manufacturer!
- The patient ventilator circuit also varies with the patient type! Consider:
- Deadspace
- Compressible volume
- Humidity requirements
Main differences between a neonatal/pediatric and adult ventilator are the precision and ranges of:
Trigger sensitivity
Response time
Ranges of the settings
and…the modes available!
Cascade of Lung Injury
- FiO2and PPV start the cascade of lung injury (VILI) that leads to lung remodeling and chronic lung disease
- Lung disease is NOT homogeneous = PPV can cause over distension, and shear forces
- Prevents surfactant deficient alveoli from collapsing
- Promotes alveoli recruitment, increases FRC
Least Traumatic Flow in P/V Curve
Least traumatic flow occurs in the middle of the P/V curve
When are lung most vulnerable to injury
during bagging, recruitment, and high pressure ventilation