Final Flashcards
What is a Prototype?
Can be a small-scale model in other fields. But it HCI, screen sketched, storyboard, slide simulation, video simulation cardboard mockup. software with limited functionality.
The goal is NOT the artifact, but the feedback.
Why prototype?
- Evaluation and feedback
- Users can see/interact with prototype
- Helps team communication
- Encourages reflection and design
- Prototypes answer questions, and help make choices
What to prototype?
- Screen layouts and information display
- Work flow, task design
- Difficult, controversial, critical areas
- Technical issues. (graphics fast enough)
-Do iterations of a prototype
Types of prototype fidelity
Low fidelity: Prototype doesn’t look much like final product, operation of the prototype may be simulated and slower
High fidelity: Prototype looks and operates like the real product.
Low Fideltiy Prototype
Uses medium different form the final medium. i.e. paper, cardboard
Purpose is to brainstorm competing representations and elicit user reacions / suggestions.
Paper prototypes
- All about user tasks, not interface
- Like comic stip
- Converys setting: people environment tasks
- Show sequence/steps involved
- Satisfacton: What motivates people to use this system.
Paper prototypes
Done after storyboarding
- Best for figuring out the user interface
- Doesn’t have to look exact of nice.
Benefits of paper prototyping
Leverage common design skills: Everyone can sketch and cut paper.
- Allow early testing: testing prototypes early lets product teams find big-picture probleams
- Support rapid experimentation:Different UI can easily be cut, copied and moved around to create a new UI.
- Facilitate adjustments: easy to make changes druing the testing session.
Paper prototypeing limitation
- An additional person is required to conduct the test session
- Not suitable for complex or highly interactive interfaces.
Give an outline of structure and layout of the page.
-Conveys the overall direction and description f the user interface
low to medium quality.
Low-Fidelity Prototyping Pros and cons
Limited interactivity, can’t be too complex
-Misleading: users will judge it worse simply because it is less finished.
-Clients may be confused by lack of programming.
What you can’t learn from a paper prototype
Look: color font etch
Feel: efficieny issues, i.e. buttons that are too small
response time: no idea how ling taks will take
Small changes easily noticable
When to use High Fidelity prototypes
Testing the details of UI elements and color schemes
Testing the transition animation and effects of them on user behaviour
When you want to know how your target users feel about your design.
What is High-Fidelity prototype
Prototyping with a computer:
- Interactive representation of the product.
- Closest resemblance to the final design in terms of details and functionality.
- Simulate some but not all features of system.
What can you learn form high fidelity prototypes
Everything you can learn form a paper prototype, plus:
- Screen layout
- Colors, fonts, icons, etc.
- Interactive feedback
- Efficiency issues.