final Flashcards
what are the two types of production improvements

what are the two types of production pumps

what is saturation

what is recovery factor

what is stimulation and the two methods

what are the advantages and disadvantages of ESP pumps

what does reservoir engineering involve

what are reservoir drives and the maxium efficient rate

what is in-situ combustion

what are the range descriptions for porosity

what is wettability

desribe gas lift

what are the advantages and disadvantages to suck rod beam pumps

what is enhanced (tertiary) oil recovery

what is hot fluid injection

what is the purpose of completion

what is injected gas drive

describe the two types of casing

what are the problems with water flooding

desribe multi-zone completion

what is mischible gas drive

describe solution gas or depletion drive

what are the types of EOR

describe pipelines

whats the differference between absolute and relative permeability

what is the eqation for porosity

desribe free-gas cap expansion drive

describe the 4 categories of casing string

give an overview of hydraulic fracturing

what are the different categories of oil recovery mechanisms

what is primary recovery

which is more favorable - water wet or oil wet

what are the 3 phases in a petroleum production system
oil gas water
what are the objectives of completion and design criteria

what are the 4 types of water flood patterns

what is chemical injection

what are the 3 ways to estimate reserves

oil and gas reservoirs are defined by…

what is the purpose and type of production packers

describe the advantages and disadvantes of gas lift

desribe the parts of a wellhead

describe gravity drive

describe the advantages and disadvantages to liner completion

what is the purpose of well completion

describe a suck rod (beam) pump

what is production tubing

what are the 3 main types of bottom hole completion

describe casing

what is secondary recovery

whats the relation between porosity and permeability

give an overview of reservoir engineering

whats the difference between a saturated oil reserovir and an under-saturated one

describe plasma pulse technology

describe compaction drive

what is thermal recovery

what is injected water recovery

what is the equation for volumetric estimation

describe slotted liner completion

what are the advantages and disadvantages of open hole completions

what is microbrial EOR

describe proven and unproven reserves

what are the factors affecting rock porosity

what is material balance

what is the definition of permeability
a measure of a rock’s ability to allow fluids to flow through its pore space
what are some completion design considerations

whats the purpose of a christmas tree

how is permeability measured

describe the different hydraulic fracturing techniques

what is the difference between oil wet and water wet

describe the advantages and disadvantages to perforated hole case completion

describe ESP pumps

describe water drive

what are the 3 types of seperators

describe acidizing

what is production decline analysis

what is connate water saturation

what are the 3 stages of hydraulic fracturing

what are the two types of production compressors

what are the two types of christmas trees

describe the two beam pump types

desribe and name the purpose of well perforation

what is shrinkage factor