Final Flashcards
What is SARA Title III?
Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (1986 under Reagan): This act amended the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), commonly known as Superfund.
A free-standing law, the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act of 1986 (EPCRA) was commonly known as SARA Title III. Its purpose is to encourage and support emergency planning efforts at the state and local levels and to provide the public and local governments with information concerning potential chemical hazards present in their communities.
EPCRA (1986):
To encourage and support emergency planning for responding to chemical accidents.
To provide local governments and the public information about possible chemical hazards in their communities.
CAMEOis computer software primarily used:For chemical emergency planningFor chemical response; and For regulatory compliance (e.g., SARA Title III (EPCRA), OPA, RCRA). CAMEO is a suite and MARPLOT, CAMEO, and ALOHA are included in it.
CAMEO is a system of software applications used to plan for and respond to chemical emergencies. Developed by EPA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to assist front-line chemical emergency planners and responders, CAMEO can access, store, and evaluate information critical for developing emergency plans.
CAMEO Answers These Questions:
What hazards are at this site?Where is the hazard located?What is the chemical?What specific hazard(s) does it present?How can the hazard be mitigated?
ALOHA stands for Areal Locations of Hazardous AtmospheresALOHA is an air dispersion model to evaluate hazardous chemical release scenarios and predict dispersion.
Estimates impact distances from releases of hazardous substancesUsing toxicological and physical properties of released chemicalUsing real-time conditionsPlots the predicted affected area, as well as concentrations at important locationsProvides estimates, not precise answers
Answers these questions: What is the release rate forming the cloud?What is the danger from release of the chemical?What areas downwind may be affected?
MARPLOT® is the mapping program for the CAMEO® software suite, which is used widely to plan for and respond to chemical emergencies.
MARPLOT’s easy-to-use GIS interface allows you to add objects to a map, as well as view and edit data associated with the objects. You can choose between several background basemap images, and you can customize your map further with annotations and online layers from Web Mapping Services. You can also interact with the map in other ways, such as getting population estimates within an area. MARPLOT can be run by itself as a general mapping program. It can also be used interactively with programs in the CAMEO suite to display ALOHA® threat zone estimates on the map or to link map objects to database records in CAMEOfm.
Define Evacuation
To move citizens from a place of relative danger to a place of relative safety, via a route that does not pose significant danger.
What three types of populations cannot evacuate alone and need to be planned for?
1.Movement of residents who do not own or have access to private vehicles
2.Movement of residents with special needs
3.Movement of institutionalized populations
Prisons/jailsHospitals/Assisted living facilities/nursing homesSchools
What are MEF and non-MEF? ARP?
During a COOP, these need to be established. MEF are Mission Essential Functions: Functions that enable an organization to provide vital services, exercise civil authority, maintain safety and well-being of general populace, and sustain industrial and economic base in an emergency.
Non-MEF: Non-Mission Essential Functions, Functions that, although important to the Agency’s mission, can be temporarily postponed or delayed in the interest of efficiency during a crisis situation.
ARP: Alternate Relocation Point, The alternate facility to which the MEF personnel relocate to continue their MEF in the event primary facility(ies) threatened or incapacitated
What is the operational objective of a COOP?
Relocate with or without warning to an alternate relocation point (ARP). Be operational within 12 hours. Be able to sustain operations for up to 30 days
Levels of Emergency for a nuclear powerplant
Notification of Unusual Event:Potential for degraded safety level. No release of radioactive material.
Alert: Actual or potential substantive degradation of safety level. Releases are expected to be limited to small fractions of EPA exposure levels.
Site Area Emergency: Actual or likely major failures of protection functions. Release of radioactive material is not expected to exceed EPA limits except near the site boundary.
General Emergency: Actual or imminent core degradation or melting with potential loss of containment integrity. Radiation release will exceed EPS exposure guidelines offsite, beyond the immediate area.
What is an emergency planning zone (EPZ) and how big are they? How about Ingestion Planning Zone (IPZ)?
EPZ: Extends 10 miles in radius of the NPP. Primary concern is exposure to and inhalation of airborne radioactive contamination.
IPZ: Extends 50 miles in radius around the NPP. Primary concern is the ingestion of food and liquid that is contaminated by radioactivity.
For every $1 spent in mitigation and preparedness, how much is saved in response?
$6, making the overall savings $5.
What is the logistics facility located near but not inside an effected disaster area?
Logistics Staging Area. All Logistics Staging Areas (LSAs) are staffed and coordinated from the SLRC. (Personnel mobilization and demobilization. LSA staff equipment caches. Plans and coordination of LSA activites)
Recovery VS reconstruction
Reconstruction is a phase where damaged and destroyed establishments are built back. Recovery is when people are able to return to normal functions such as people back in jobs and children back in schools.
What is the relationship between cost of recovery options and how long they take?
The more money spent upfront means a shorter recovery time. This can be necessary for business because if they take too long to recover they may never actually recover.