FINAL Flashcards
Postpartum blues
baby blues
Characterized by tearfulness, anxiety, irritation, and restlessness occurring about 3 days after childbirth and usually fading within 1-2 weeks. (Lowdermilk 10 days)
Signs and Symptoms “BABY BLUES”
- General irritability
- Weepiness
- Feeling down
PP depression
Lasting more than the first 14 days following birth, worsening symptoms
To diagnose postpartum depression, the following criteria must be met:
- Symptoms persist for more than 2 weeks
2. Depressed mood or lack of interest in pleasurable activities (must occur much of the day, almost every day)
At least four of the remaining symptoms must be present: (PP Depression)
Depressed mood Agitation Fatigue Lack of interest in pleasurable activities Poor concentration and decision making Poor appetite Insomnia Feelings of failure as a mother Guilt Unusual worry over infant's health Suicidal thoughts
Treatment for PP Depression
Increasing comprehensive coping methods: Sleep Nutrition Exercise Social support system Counseling with a therapist specializing in perinatal mental health
PP Psychosis onset
Onset is very sudden usually occurs in first 4 weeks pp.
Signs & Symptoms of PP Psychosis
- Bizarre behavior
- Disorganization of thought
- Hallucinations - Delusions(strange beliefs)
- Decreased need for sleep/Hyperactive
- Significant mood changes with poor decision making/Irritation
PP hemorrhage
Vaginal: > 500ml
C-section: > 1000ml
*blood loss enough to cause hemodynamic instability
Primary PPH
first 24 hours PP
Secondary PPH
24hrs - 2 wks PP
PostPartumHem: 4 T’s
- Uterine Atony
- Trauma to Birth canal
- Reterntion of fetal placenta
- Thrombin Disorder/Coagulopathy
PPH Risk factors (8)
- prolonged labor
- grandmultipara
- augmented labor
- precipitated labor
- Hx of PPH
- overdistended uterus (macrosomia, twins, polyhydramnios)
- operative delivery
- chorioamnionitis
Other causes PPH (6)
- unrepaired lacerations of BC
- Placental abruption
- placenta previa
- Mag sulfate admin (intrapartum or PP)
- ruptured uterus
- coagualtion disorders
Number 1 cause of Primary PPH?
Uterine Atony
Number 1 cause of Secondary PPH
Sub-involution (tissue/placenta retention)
Retained products of conception of infection
Manage PPH…(5 steps)
- Massage THE FUNDUS
- Admin Pitocin
- Admin Cytotec (Methergine, Hemabate)
- VS Q 5 min
- Empty bladder (foley catheter/bedpan)
When is Methergine counter-indicated?
When Hemabate counter-indicated?
Hx of Asthma
Moms at risk for PP psychosis
People with a hx of Bipolar are more at risk
Psychiatric emergency due to risk of suicide or fetal harm; 5% infanticide/suicide rate with psychosis