Final Flashcards
Sensory motor stage
Pre-operational stage
Concrete operative stage
Formal operative stage
Sensory motor stage characteristics
Infant is egocentric; gradually learns to coordinate sensory and motor activities and develops a beginning sense of objects existing apart from the self.
Pre-operational stage characteristics
Child remains primarily egocentric but discovers rules that can be applied to new incoming information. Child tends to over generalize rules and thus makes cognitive errors.
Concrete operative stage characteristics
Child can solve concrete problems through the application of logical problem solving strategies.
Formal operative stage
Person becomes able to solve real and hypothetical problems using abstract concepts.
Deferred imitation
Child’s ability to view an image and then recall and imitate the image later.
Fine motor skills
Skills based on small muscle movements, hands and eye coordination.
Object permenance
The ability to understand that an object or person still exists even when not seen.
Transitional objects
Comfort objects that help children cope with separations from parents and other stressful situations.
Stranger anxiety
Infant reacts with fear and withdrawal from unfamiliar people.
Brain plasticity
Brain changes throughout life and brain changes in response to what it experiences.
Symbolic representation
Use of images and symbols to manipulate and transform information.
Gross motor skills
Skills based on large muscle group movement, such as running, skipping , hopping.
Internal working model
Early attachment experience becomes the working model for behavior in subsequent relationships.
Separation anxiety
Child remembers previous separations and becomes anxious at signs of impending separations.
Developmental niche
Social setting providing ideas/expectations of parenting and children.
Secure base
To use the security of the attachment figure as a base from which to explore.
Belief of self at the center of existence.
Eriksons 8 stages
1) trust vs mistrust
2) autonomy vs shame
3) initiative vs guilt
4) industry vs inferiority
5) identity vs confusion
6) intimacy va isolation
Trust vs mistrust
0-18 months.
Autonomy vs shame
18 months -3