Final Flashcards
chest discomfort precipitated by movement or exercise suggests what
mechanical lesion
which leads view the heart in the frontal plane
limb leads
what are the bipolar leads
standard limb leads 1 2 3
what happens when cardiac cells are stimulated
35% of anginas are
unstable anginas
what is it called when pain is not revocable
referred pain
type of pain that onset at night even when sleeping and wakes you up at night
unstable angina
common condition where there is increase pressure built up in the chest
retrosternal pain
if it is not cardiac or GI related the then what is causing chest pain
chest dysfunction
isolated systolic HTN most common in patient over 50 years of age with systolic blood pressure greater than 140 mmHG diastolic blood pressure is what
increase sympathetic activity predisposes one to blood pressure to increase due to
NA retention
high renin HTN results from
renal ischemia
dry cough is side affect of what
ACE inhibitors
degradation of elastin and collagen fibers alters the arotas ability to accomodate to pulsatile stretch resulting in reduction in what
tensile strength
three seconds on the EKG is represented by what on the EKG
fifteen large boxes each containing five small boxes
the portion between QRS complex and T wave
ST segment
period in the cardiac cycle when cells depolarize by stronger than normal stimulus
relative refractory period
elevation of ST segment in the front leads of more than __ is abnormal
1 mm
abnormal P waves are taller than
ability of cardiac cellls to respond to outside stimulus is known as
inherent rate of pacemaking for the atria
60-80 bpm
increase sodium retention predisposes one to blood pressure increase due to
increase sympathetic activity
ABI of .8 should be considered consistent
mild PAD
dull achy pain comes on after a calf injury - there is pressure in the calf, pain on diorsiflexion, and ankle edema
25% of patients experiencing anterior infarcts commonly show signs of excessive
sympathetic activity
leads that view the heart in the horizontal plane
chest leads
essential hyertension is most common type of HBP in patients and is classified by systolic pressure > 140 and diastolic pressure of __
> 90
what is significant symptom of advanced PAD in lower extremity
what are the reciporcal leads of inferior infarct
1 and AVL
left sided heart failure is when the LV is overloaded or weakened resulting to what
pulmonary congestion
what type of rhythm is associated with inferior infarct
a patient that requires pillows to prop them up to breathe easier are said
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is characterized by what type of thickening septum in relation to the walls
what type of cardiomyopathy causes about 1 in 3 cases of heart failure and may be reversible in pregnancy
what is the most common cause of hemoptysis in the US
bronchogenic CA and bronchitis
excessive bronchoconstrictor response to multiple inhaled triggers that would have no effect on normal airways
airway hyperresponisiveness
digital clubbing is a feature of
lung cancer
pink puffers
if failing heart has to work harder than usual over a long period of time there will be increased levels of what in the blood
BNP - brain naturietic peptide
what type of heart block is characterized by progressive lengthening of the PR interval resulting in an impulse not being conducted is called
what type of heart block is characterized by increase in PR interval but is consistent
first degree HB
what type of heart block is characterized by looking normal but then drops with no progressive lengthening
mobitz 2
when there is no relationship between the P waves and the QRS complex and T waves
3rd degree heart block
first degree block is slowing at the __ resulting in prolongation of the PR interval
AV node
if the QT interval is prolonged, this increases the duration of the ___ thereby increasing the potential for life threatening arrhythmias
relative refractory peroid
the ventricles will respond to chronic hemodynamic overload with development of what
the term refractory HF describes __ response to usual treatments
which of the following surface of the heart are not directly viewed when using a standard 12 EKG
R ventricle and posterior surface of LV