FINAL Flashcards
Seven Signs
Water to Wine Healing of Royal Official's Son Healing of Bethesda Cripple Feeding of 5,000 Walking on Water Healing of Blind Man Resurrection of Lazarus
Water to Wine
2: 1-11
Tells us that Jesus has power over chemistry
Healing of Royal Official’s son
Tells us that Jesus has power over space and time
Healing of Bethesda Cripple
Tells us that Jesus has power over the body
Feeding of 5,000
Tells us that Jesus has power over matter
Walking on the water
Tells us that Jesus has power over nature
Healing of the Man Blind from birth
Tells us that Jesus has power over tragedy
Resurrection of Lazarus
Tell us that Jesus has power over death
Also, that he cares and is able, is present in suffer, loves sacrificially and worths everything out for the good
Seven I AM statements
I am the bread of life I am the light of the world I am the door I am the good shepherd I am the resurrection and the life I am the way, the truth, and the life I am the vine
I am the bread of life
I am the light of the world
I am the door
I am the good shepherd
I am the resurrection and the life
I am the way, the truth, and the life
I am the vine
Three identifying signs of a true disciples
Holding on to Jesus’ teachings (8:31-32)
Loving one another (13:34-36)
Bearing fruit (15:8)
John 20:30-31 (MEMORIZE)
Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name
What does John use for the word miracle?
How is John different from other gospels?
No parables
Long dialogues
Greek term for sign
Greek term for counselor
Greek word for word
Greek work for olive press
2 translations for anothen
born again or born from above
Jesus’ favorite word for laying down his life?
When was John written?
<100 maybe <70 AD
Which events are found in all four Gospels?
Baptism of John Anointed by Mary Clearing of the temple Feeding 5,000 Death of Jesus (trial, crucifixion, burial, resurrection)
spirit, soul, wind, breath
scattering, dispersion
I am
Give salvation/victory now
Save, rescue, savior
one who is called to the other side
What gift is offered in 1:12?
Right to become children of God
What is the meaning of “you shall see the angel of God ascending/descending”?
Recalling Jacob at Bethel
Jesus on the cross will himself be the ladder for hte communication of God to men
Why drive the merchants out of the temple
They perverted the house of God and destroyed the worship atmosphere
They made religion a matter of convenience
They made it difficult for gentiles to pray
They were corrupt and cheating the people
How many times does Nicodemus appear in John? Where?
3 times
1) At night to discuss his teacings (john 3)
2) Reminding the Sanhedrin that a person must be heard before being judged (John 7)
3) After the crucifixion (john 19)
What did the Samaritans believe?
Worship on a mountain
Who are the witnesses mentioned in John 5?
God John the Baptist His works The Scriptures Moses
Why did they want to make Jesus king by force?
They saw the signs Jesus was doing
Thought Jesus needed an army
When is Jesus glorified
at the cross
What was the sin of the lame man in ch 5?
A chronic complainer immersed in self pity
What things did Jesus say to the lame man?
Do you want to get well?
Stop sinning or something worse may happen to you
Pick up your mat and walk
How was Jesus the bread or mana?
-In contrast to the mana in the desert that spoiled if they tried to conserve it
The difference between Moses’ mana and the bread that comes down from heaven is that it is from the wilderness
Unless you eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you have no life in you
7:17 secret to understanding Jesus
Decision to do God’s will
Jesus’ style with those who had a critical heart
He refuses to empower their weakness
He cuts to the heart of their problem
They don’t know God
Why is it significant that Jesus slips through the hands of the temple guards?
It shows that no one takes his life from him but he lays it down willingly. His death wasn’t an accident
What invitation does Jesus offer in the Temple during the feast of tabernacles?
If you are thirsty, come and drink (the holy spirit)
Adulteress woman in the story -authentic?
Why is JOhn11 a microcism of the problem of pain and suffering?
We will have pain and suffering in our lives but Jesus is present to work everything out for the good
In triumphal entry, how is Jesus different from other kings?
He rides in on donkey (symbol of peace)
No cries for violence, but brings to mind “don’t be afraid oh daughter of zion”
What allowed Jesus to wash his apostles’ feet?
Timing-he knew the time had come to leave the world
Positioning- He knew the Father had put all things in his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God
In John 14 we show that we love Jesus if we…
Obey his commands
What is the secret to bearing fruit? What does that mean?
Being connected with Christ
Remain in me, and I will remain in you
It means that you become Christlike and are developing his qualities
Why take heart?
Jesus has overcome the world
What is Jesus’ definition of eternal life in 17:3?
Knowing God, the true God
Why do arresting soldiers fall to the ground?
They are afraid
How did Jesus care for his disciples in the garden?
He made sure he was the only one taken
What injustices were committed against Jesus during trial and crucifixion?
Informal trial by Sanhedrin before dawn He was bound Beaten Unlawfully questioned Struck in the face Kept up all night with no sleep Flogged Crown of thorns Purple robe, false worship Belittled
What did Pilate think of Jesus?
King of the Jews, but understood that Jesus may not be any king he has ever known
He found him innocent
Who are the people John wants us to identify with
What was Jesus’ secret to enduring unfair treatment he received in his trials and crucifixion
Entrusting himself to God because he judges justly
What did Jesus mean when he said “it is finished”
God’s plan is complete
Why does John tell us that both water and blood came from Jesus’ side
Scripture was fulfilled
To show that Jesus really was dead
What do we know about Nicodemus from John
Believed but didn’t claim it publicly
Member of the Sanhedrin
What did Peter mean by I am going back to fish
He needed to do something useful
Worried about his family
What did Jesus mean by feed my sheep
Go into ministry
Don’t worry about yourself, look after others
Care for the souls that need to be fed with the bread of life
“We’ve found the messiah”
“I am not hte Christ”
John the Baptist
“Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?”
“They have no more wine”
Jesus’ mother
“He must increase but I must decrease”
John the Baptist
“I can see that you are a prophet”
Adulterous woman at the well
“Show us the father”
“our law does not jduge a man, unless it first hears from him”
“You only have the words of eternal life”
“Never shall you wash my feet”
“We have no king but Caesar”
Chief priests
“What is truth”
“Unless I see in his hands the imprint of the nails”
John 1
John the Baptist
John 1
First disciples
John 1
Wedding at Cana
John 2
Clearing the temple
John 2
John 3
Jesus and John refuse to compete
John 3
Samaritan woman
John 4
Royal officials son
John 4
Healing at Bethesda pool
John 5
Feeding of 5000
John 6
Bread of Life discourse
John 6
Walking on water
John 6
Jesus ridiculed by brothers
John 7
Going to feast of tabernacles
John 7
John 8
I AM said 3x
John 8
Man born blind
John 9
Good shepherd
John 10
Death and resurrection of Lazarus
John 11
Mary anoints jesus
John 12
Triumphal entry
John 12
Jesus washes feet
John 13
New commandment of love one anotehr
John 13
Promise of Holy Spirit
John 14
Vine and branches
John 15
Work of the Holy Spirit
John 16
Jesus prays for self, disciples and coming disciples
John 17
Jesus arrested
John 18
Annas, Caiaphas and Pilate
John 18
Jesus sentenced, crucified and buried
John 19
Jesus resurrected
John 20
Jesus appears to disciples
John 20
Jesus appears to Thomas
John 20
153 fish caught
John 21
“Peter do you love me”
John 21
“What charges are you bringing against this man?”
“Am I a Jew?”
“you are a king, then!”
“Hail, king of the jews”
Roman soldiers
“They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him!”
Mary Magdalene
Mary Magdalene
“My Lord and my God!”
“it is the Lord!”
John 18
Jesus is arrested
Peter’s denial
Jesus is questioned by high priests
Jesus comes before Pilate for the first time
John 19
Jesus is flogged
Jesus is sentenced by pilate
John 20
Empty tomb Jesus appears to Mary Jesus appears to disciples Jesus appears to Thomas Purpose of John's gospel
John 21
Miraculous catch of fish
Jesus and Peter