Final Flashcards
What are the “plurals”?
next generation coming up - “generation Z” or “generation like”
What role does technology play in our lives?
It shapes how we think, act, feel in society.
Define social media:
Technology used to connect us with others
Define “Technological Determinism” and discuss why it matters today?
Def: technology determines society’s structure and values
Marshall McLuhan
What were Mcluhan’s four epochs?
- Tribal era
- Literate era
- Print era
- Electronic era
Why is communication important in the progression of the four epochs?
It causes cultural changes
What is “generation C”?
Consumers build the “Content” to a trending topic; people who are digitally involved regardless of age.
What is your reaction to the statement in Shane Hipps’ Flickering Pixels: “When we fail to perceive that the things we create are extensions Of ourselves, the created things take on god-like characteristics and we become their servants”?
We cannot put technology on a pedestal and make it a god; Be aware that technology is changing the way we think.
What are five elements you should think about when developing a niche?
Blog name/title
Mission of blog
How to introduce myself
Define “perception” and then discuss the implications of digital media upon the concept
Def: quick judgement based on senses
“Brand is everything, and perceptions are 90% of branding”
You are what you share
Why is WOM important?
92% involve WOM recommendations
What is a brand, and then what is a “personal brand”?
Find Voice
Establish look
Show yourself
What is SEO?
Consistent, high quality content
SEO - search engine optimization
Participate in the community
Define “diffusion of innovation”
Theory that explains how new innovations are diffused (or spread ) through society
Give a short definition of the “structure of scientific revolutions” theory:
Thomas Kuhn - said normal bell curve of accumulation of knowledge was wrong. It’s more like a stair-step graph (aka Revolutions Model). Scientific revolutions occur –> knowledge jumps.